Chapter 21

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"You're a monster."



For the longest time Nyx had thought that Iskar was her home, with its tropical environment and viscous carnivores, and then the Knights of Ren came and brought her to Star killer base where she was given a new name and new purpose. But now, she was with her people-and they weren't dead like she had believed. No, they were very much alive. And they were just as vengeful as she was.

She stared into her sister's icy blue eyes and embraced her warm arms. "I'm home sister."

Ora nuzzled her sister lovingly and a purr rumbled in her throat. "I know, Kaeta, I know."


"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Kylo yelled as Nyx stormed away from him with her hood drawn over her face again. "Don't you trust me? Why Nyx? Or should I say Kaeta." Nyx froze in her tracks. "That's your real name-Kaeta." For the past thirty minutes, Kylo had been telling at her about how she had lied to him and she was trying her best to ignore him. But this time, this time he had gone too far and Nyx had had enough.

With a scream-like roar, Nyx whirled around and sent him flying into a hard rock wall. "Don't you dare say that name Kylo—or should I say, Ben?" She dropped the invisible hold on him, which was a mistake because in an instant, she felt Kylo's body collide with hers and they both went tumbling down the hill. When they came to a stop, Kylo aimed a punch at her face but she moved out of the way in time so that his fist smashed into the dirt and kicked up with her right leg, hitting his jaw and kicking him backwards onto his back. But Kylo, to her surprise, blasted her with tendrils of force lightening. Nyx screamed in agony and writhed on the ground, using enough of her strength to shoot him backwards with another force push. Gasping, she got to her feet, walked over to him with her clothes still smoking and kicked him in the stomach. He grunted and grabbed her leg the next time she tried to kick him. Nyx fell onto her back, kicked him with her other leg and got to her feet.

"You're a liar Nyx!" Kylo snarled from the ground. "You're a lying, murderous, cold hearted monster. And that's all you'll ever be!" He spat with malice and the hidden grin behind her mask faded. "You're a monster." Nyx flinched as if she had been slapped and the coldness seemed to drain from Kylo's dark eyes. "Nyx..."

"You're right," she whispered. "I was born a killer...perhaps that's all I'm meant to be." Then she disappeared into the forest.


"Sister? Is something wrong? Are you ailing?" Nyx opened her eyes to see Ora looking at her with concern and she shook her head.

"No," she lied standing from the tree she had been leaning against. "I'm just tired-that's all. It's been a long day."

Ora raised her brows then grabbed her arm. "Come, there is something you need to see."

"Civanoso?" Nyx complained as she was dragged along with Ora. "Can it not wait?" Although she had a smile on her face, she was hurting on the inside. Kylo's words had stung terribly and they still throbbed like open wounds. She knew that he had been angry and didn't mean them, but that didn't stop the pain it had inflicted upon her. Maybe she was...just...a monster. (Why?)

"What is troubling you sister?" Ora asked stopping and looking her deep in the eyes. Her hand reached up and pulled down her hood. "There, I wish to see your face so we may speak eye to eye."

"Nothing is troubling me Ora," she denied but she avoided her eyes. "I'm fine."

"It's that man that accompanied you here-isn't it?" Ora guessed and Nyx flinched. "Isn't it?"

"Weren't you going to show me something, Ora?" Nyx snapped as she pulled her hood back on and glared at her with annoyance.

Her sister sighed with defeat and nodded. "Very well. Follow me." She led her over to the side of a cliff where a huge metal door stood.

"Ora, if you're showing me the prison-"

"No," her sister laughed. "I assure you, it's much better than that."

Nyx rolled her eyes playfully and followed her sister inside a large dark passageway that was lit with dozens of torches.

"Where are you taking me sister?" Her voice echoed and it became much colder as they got deeper inside the the cliff side.

"You will see," Ora replied mischievously, grabbing a torch from the wall and leading her deeper into the cliff.

The hall suddenly gave out into a gigantic cavern. Huge Stalactites pierced from the ceiling of the cavern like spears and hundreds of torches had been lit casting an eerie glow on the rocks, floor and ceiling. As Nyx looked closer, she could see dozens of large holes, or caves, carved into the walls. Somewhere, the sound of water dripping could be heard.

"What is this place, Ora?" She breathed. And her sister glanced at her-her icy blue eyes glowed blue in the darkness and a grin formed on her pale lips.

"Follow me." Completely ignoring the fact that there was two rock carved pathways on either side of the ledge they were standing on, Ora took a few steps back then leaped from the ledge, tucking her legs in when she was about two hit the ground and gracefully somersaulted when she landed. "Come, Sister."

Nyx snorted and copied her sister perfectly. When she got to her feet and glared at her sister with her arms folded. "You could've used the stairs," she hissed.

Ora shrugged. "I prefer style over safety." Then she leaped up onto another ledge in front of a large cave, also ignoring the stairs.

"Just like father," Nyx muttered under her breath and followed her sister. "I thought I was the one that always took risks."

"That was then, this is now," Ora retorted with a snide smirk. "Now be quiet."

Nyx watched closely as Ora stood still for moment with her eyes closed.


"Shh." A deep growl came from within the darkness of the cave and Nyx stiffened as two blue, reptilian eyes stared from the darkness. Slowly, the eyes drew nearer until a long snout protruded from the blackness. And then a neck, and a long body, and two monstrous wings, and then finally a long tapered tail.

Nyx stared in awe as the creature emerged. It's head was elegant with a long snout that was oddly equine with the exception of the two horns at the back of the head and the small crest of spikes at the base of the skull. Its body was long and lithe that rippled with muscle. it's four legs were strong, and it had huge talons that looked like it could tear apart a human being easily. The wings were huge even when they rested gently against its back and they were leathery for they had no feathers. The tail was so long that it could coil around the beasts feet. What was this magnificent creature?

"What species of reptile is this?" Nyx wondered aloud. "A cousin of the Krayt Dragon perhaps?"

The beast growled and nuzzled it's head against Ora lovingly. "This is a Dragon, sister. Mother of all reptiles and the ruler of all those with scales. Only the finest warriors are allowed one of these magnificent mounts."

"Mother used to tell us stories about these creatures," she breathed. "What is their name?"

"Raiya," Ora answered. "Fearsome." Seeing her sister's awestruck expression, she smiled widely. "All great warriors are given one, and you are one of those warriors."

"Sister, I have hardly been introduced to this planet and now you are giving me the honor of a Dragon? That is something I cannot accept." She shook her head and walked back towards the entrance of the cavern with the pain of Kylo's words still stinging her heart.


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