Chapter 20

422 19 3

Character drawing by KcHaley


"Home is where the heart is."


"How...?" Was all her sister managed to whisper. "I thought you were killed."

A warm wind caused the loose strands of her hair to flutter around her face. And she fought back the lump in her throat. "So did I."

Nyx wrapped her arms around her sister and buried her face in her sister's cloak. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she breathed in the familiar scent of her own blood.

"You are a Sith," Ora commented breaking apart the embrace and holding her away at arm's length so she could have a good look at her. "Father would be proud."

The dark haired woman touched a strand of her sister's white hair. It looked almost whiter than it had been years ago. And her face had lost its slight roundness, replacing it with sharp cheekbones and an elegant nose. She had changed greatly.

"Indeed he would," Nyx agreed holding Ora's pale hands but her smile soon turned into a frown and she looked seriously at her sister. "Ora...I'm not the sister you used to know. I'm a old name is no longer used."

Ora's eyes narrowed. "But you are my sister...Surely I can call you Kaeta."

Nyx winced as if she had stepped on something sharp. "I go by Nyx now Ora."

Just as her sister was about to reply there came a rustling in the bushes. Nyx quickly pulled her hood and mask back on right as Kylo burst from the trees.

In unison, all the riders notched an aimed their arrows at him.

"Dera!" Nyx commanded holding up her hand before they could fire. "Heri ne Sith." (Stop! He is a Sith.)

"What is the meaning of this?" He panted. "Are these people on our side?"

Ora stepped forward with her head held high. "We have served the Sith for many a year. And I serve whatever side my sister serves." She nodded at Nyx.

Kylo looked very confused and looked between the two of them with a baffled look on her face. "I thought you said—"

"It seems I was wrong," she interrupted him. "The Murvanians are very much alive."

"Come sister. I will take you to Baechnar." Ora gestured for Nyx to follow her. "You are welcome to join us," she added to Kylo.

For a second a simply stood there with a look of puzzlement on his face then he shook his head. "I believe that would be a wiser choice than spending the night in an unknown environment."

Ora gave both of them an extra equine creature that Nyx later learned was called a Hydrith. It's coat was glossy, and it had two long horns that slanted backward protruding from it's head. 

"How did our people survive?" Nyx asked taking hold of the reins and squeezing the Hydrith's sides, forcing the creature into a steady trot.

Ora steered her mount so that she was riding alongside her. "The Twi'Leks came with ships to aid us. There was not enough time or room for everyone. Only about ten thousand of us survived."

Her mother had often told her about the Alliance with the Murvanians and the Twi'Leks. But she never knew that they could be that kind. Especially since the relationship between the two civilizations had Been rough years ago.

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