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"Give yourself in to the dark side."


She watched him from the trees. Who was he? Why was he here? And how did he find this place?

With the front of her body pressed against the thick tree branch, she observed him closely: He wore all black and a black metal helmet covered his face. What was he doing here?

Ever so slowly she sat up into sitting position and cocked her hooded head to the side. It was obvious he did not know he was being watched for he made no sign of being quiet. On the contrary, his footsteps were loud and the sound of twigs cracking beneath his black boots could be heard.

Nimbly, she shifted into crouching position and readied her energy bow. Her knees made no sound as she got on her knees and straightened her back. Slowly, she pulled back on the plasma bowstring. But then, right as she was about to release the plasma bow into his back, she felt it—the force—he had it. She stifled a gasp and set her plasma bow down. Another force user? Was he a Jedi? No, the Jedi were gone. Was he with the Resistance? The word left a bitter taste in her mouth. Quietly she got to her feet and followed him from up in the trees. Now why would a Force User be on such a hazardous planet as Ishkar? There were no ruined temples here-Nothing of value that was for certain.

The masked and hooded figure raced after him, unseen in the shadows of the trees and as quiet as a wraith. Now she was interested. Something about him was intriguing. A sudden snarl snapped her out of her thoughts. She was instantly on alert, not for herself, but for the mysterious Force User. There were many dangerous creatures on the planet of Ishkar, and unlike her, he had not spent three years of his life living there. The hooded woman could not afford to have anything happen to the man for he could be her only chance at revenge. Another snarl sounded below her and she crouched in the shadows, watching from above as five canine-like creatures appeared from the trees. Their hides were glossy and their eyes a vibrant yellow. They snapped at the man and snarled viciously but the man simply stood there. Did he not know he was in danger? Gabins were vicious and aggressive creatures and unless you knew how to defend yourself against them like she did, you were doomed. The man stepped into fighting position and ignited a glowing weapon with a loud snarling hiss. Was that what she thought it was? Was that...a lightsaber? It had been so many years since she had last seen one that she almost forgot what it looked like. Awe spread across her hidden features and she watched with curiosity.

At once the Gabins attacked with loud howling noises—they snapped at his feet and raked their claws down his cloak but the man simply swiped them away with his ragged looking lightsaber. But more howls sounded in the distance. It wouldn't be long before he would be completely overwhelmed by their sheer numbers. Deciding to help the mysterious man, she swung down from the trees, bounded onto a large rock, and leaped into the air, firing two plasma bows into the chest of a Gabin as she did. When her feet touched grounds she swung her bow around her head, using two hands, and slammed the sharp part of it into a Gabin's side. A sudden weight hurtled into her chest and she instinctively flipped backward and landed so that she was on top of the Gabin and stabbed it's chest a total of three times. Sensing them surrounding her, she jumped into the air, and then slammed her palm into the ground, sending a powerful force pulse through the ground and making all the Gabins around her fly in all directions. For a second, the canine creatures stared fearfully at her, and then they whimpered and ran in the other direction howling as they went.

"Impressive." She jumped and whirled around. His voice was deep and mechanic. She had forgotten he was there. Now it was time to ask questions.

The metal on his helmet glinted in rays of sunlight filtering down from the trees and the stare he was giving her sent chills down her spine. What was his name? "Who are you?"

His head cocked to the side and she could sense his amusement. "I believe I should ask you the same question." How irritating.

"Let's begin with names shall we?" She asked with a smirk of her hidden lips.

"Very well—my name is Kylo Ren." Was that all? It was extremely rare for a person to be a bounty hunter and have the gift of the force as well. It was especially rare for them to also have a lightsaber. Let alone wield one with deadly precision. And the last name: Ren. Wasn't that the last name given to those in league with the Knights of Ren? The woman narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Cleary this man—this Kylo Ren—wasn't sharing the full truth.

"I believe I asked for your name. I shared mine, now you must share yours. It is the polite thing to do." There was an edge in his deep altered voice that made her want to shiver.

A name—it had been years since she had gone by a name—a true name. Suddenly it came to her, as if someone had whispered it her ear or had simply placed it in her mind. Frowning for a minute, and then smirking slightly, she said, "My name is Nyx."

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