Chapter 30

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"Follow me."


"What did the Supreme leader have to say?" Ismae asked when they had returned to the camp. "Will he allow us to side with him?"

Nyx nodded. "Kylo and I are to report to him in a fortnight. The attack will take place in one moon."

"I shall the others," Ora said. "Come Ismae, Asmae, and Shira."

Nyx turned to Kylo and her Amber eyes glowed mysteriously. "Well, Kylo, shall we begin?"

"Begin with what?"

A rumble sounded in her throat. "Your Murvanian training of course."


She taught him-she taught him all she knew—climbing, fighting, language, cooking, riding Hydriths, agility, balance, patience (something he was in dire need of), flexibility, hunting, shooting a plasma bow, stealth, and the ability to use all five of his senses.

The days went by and Kylo improved. Except for his attempt at trying to learn the language.

"Avi," she said slowly, pointing to her eyes.

"Avi," he repeated back with is brows furrowed in concentration.

"Tasei," She said, this time pointing at her ears. She had chosen a quiet spot in the woods so they could practice in silence.


"Tasei," she tried to correct him, pointing to her ears again.


She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "You're hopeless."

And so the training continued, as did their relationship. Both of them could feel the attraction and affection growing between them and they new that they could not stop it.

The days rolled by and Kylo could feel himself growing stronger with every passing day. But he knew that he could never become a real Murvanian.


"You are ready," she said softly as he sat together on a thick branch of tree, high up in the air. The breeze was comfortably warm but not cold. And the air smelled of fresh soil and something slightly sweet.

"For what?" Kylo asked curiously as Nyx stood from her seat.

"You shall see soon enough." Then she took a step back and leaped off the branch and plummeted towards the group below. He watched as she maneuvered her body and grabbed hold of a strong branch before swing around it and landing safely below.


"You cannot be serious," Kylo said in disbelief as Nyx stood in front of him holding a silvery black dragon by the reins. It's eyes were silver with  obsidian black pupils and it had a silver stomach, silver wings, and a silver crest of spikes at the base of its head.

"I am very serious. It has nearly been three weeks Kylo and you have improved Greatly. I think it is time you learned to fly."

"I hardly know how-"

"And I will teach you." She cut him off and gave him a stern look. "Take the reins."

"He isn't going to bite me?"

Nyx scoffed and rolled her eyes before grabbing his arm and shoving the reins into his hands. "Don't be such a Taun Taun. And Nafiti is a female, not a male dragon, Kylo. The males are bigger and have more coloring on their bodies than females."

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