1 • Salvatore (edited)

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Mystic Falls, Present day
Aliona's P.O.V

My alarm clock blared in my ears, causing me to groan and roll over, I don't sleep that often so when I do, I try and make it count.

I slowly rolled out of bed and proceeded to get ready for the day by showering, dressing and applying light makeup. After I thought I looked as normal as possible, I descended the stairs of the small house.

I lived with Matt Donovan and his sister Vicki, it was better than some strangers or even a park bench. He'd offered a few years ago when I returned to Mystic Falls and decided to try out high school. I'd been friends with Matt since I'd arrived here and I really loved that we were so close. Although it was so infuriating that I'd always had to keep the biggest secret of all from him. From everyone.

It had been bad in the 19th century, but it's even worse these days, the concept of modern day high school was a place where you would either barely survive or thrive. Trust me, there was no in-between. 

Today marked the start of a new school year, the day I had been dreading since the last school year ended. It would be filled with drama, gossip and catching up with friends who were lucky enough to get away from this small town for a while. Of course, I knew that I could leave any time I wanted, I could compel my way into any sort of situation, and out of it just as quick. But the guilt had always been too much, and I never had anyone to share any of my experiences with. So settling down had seemed like the best option. 

I walked into the kitchen and my nose was greeted with the smell of coffee and burnt toast. I rolled my eyes when I saw that Matt had successfully managed to cremate the bread in the toaster.

"How do you have a house yet you can't even make toast?" I asked whilst sitting down at the table.

"Well someone's got the Monday blues." Matt chuckled and placed a cup of coffee and a slice of the black 'toast' in front of me.

"Thanks but I think I'll pass on the toast." I pushed the plate away slightly and laughed as Matt pretended to be offended, despite the fact that he didn't eat his either.

"I'll get something on the way to school." He smiled before getting together his books and placing them all in a backpack.

"Where's Vick?" I asked looking around, although I could have a pretty accurate guess at where she was.

"Probably with Jeremy and already stoned." He replied looking at the floor, he always hated the fact that the two of them did drugs.

"Hey I'm sure she's fine, we'll figure it out," I reassured him by putting a hand on top of his and squeezing it lightly.

"Thanks Ali." He smiled at me as I stood up with my coffee in hand.

"I'm going to get my bag then I'm leaving," I shouted as I was already by the stairs, Matt frowned slightly.

"Why? We still have a while before school starts." He seemed confused and I knew I'd have to come up with a lie.

"Yeah- well I left some stuff in my locker last year and I need to get it out and hand it in a.s.a.p." I couldn't say that I was convinced by my own lie, it was a terrible one, but thankfully Matt had pressed the subject.

"Okay whatever, I'll see you later." He spoke before going up the stairs and into his room.

"Bye!" I shouted as I put my bag on my shoulder, grabbed my keys and walked out of the door. I got into my car and breathed out deeply, I hated lying and especially to Matt. I turned the keys and started the car up before pulling out of the drive and onto the quiet road.

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