52 • You Have My Word

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Aliona's P.O.V

"So Elena, you have a choice to make. Who would have thought that by turning one vampire, two more would volunteer in her place." He chuckled as Elena looked at us all in disbelief. "Actually there is no choice."

Klaus pierced the stake into Stefan's side, causing him to groan and Elena to cry out. I winced at the look on his face however I was relieved the stake wasn't aimed at his heart.

"Unfortunately there will be no Salvatore blood spilled tonight." Klaus smirked before snapping Stefan's neck, Elena gasped as my eyes widened. "I have other plans for your boyfriend that require him to be alive, and as for his sister." He grabbed my chin with one hand and made me look up at him, I glared as his smirk only grew. "Well we have unfinished business, don't we love." His head cocked to the side as he chuckled. "Which only leaves one option. Whenever you're ready Greta."

I glanced over at the witch who began to chant louder.

"No." Elena whispered as she cried, Klaus pushed me to the side, stepping on my leg with such force that the bone partly snapped. I cried out at the pain and remained on the floor, hissing in agony at the odd way my leg was now positioned.

"It's okay Elena, I know what I have to do." Jenna reassured her, she sped out of the circle and bit into the witch's neck. Klaus sped after her and shoved the stake into her chest. Both Elena and I shouted out, screaming Jenna's name.

"NO! Jenna!" Elena screamed as Jenna's skin grew grey, the veins becoming more defined as her body lay limp.

Stefan groaned from next to me, I turned and helped him into a sitting position.

"No." He whispered as he saw Jenna's body.

"There was nothing you could have done Stefan." I reassured him, tears running down my cheeks.

"It's time." Klaus spoke as the final ring of fire died down, allowing Elena to follow him. She walked with him up to the alter as I tried to push my leg back into its natural position so it could heal, Stefan was grunting next to me out of frustration. We were both in no position to attempt to rescue Elena.

Klaus put a hand around her neck, guiding her closer to him. We watch helplessly and in pain as he sunk his teeth into her exposed neck.

"No." I whispered as Stefan looked shell shocked.

Elena's breathing was becoming shorter, more laboured. I could feel the veins under my eyes becoming more prominent at the smell of blood, Stefan looked at me horrified but I couldn't help it. He turned back to look at Elena, her eyes were closing at the life was drained from her.

I fed Elena my blood.

Damon's voice from the phone call I'd had earlier rung in my ears, she'd come back. She'll be a vampire.

Klaus dropped her body to the floor with little care, her blood dripping down his chin and his eyes were ablaze.

"I can feel it." He spoke, walking around as the fire went out. "It's happening." The grotesque sound of his bones crunching was heard as the moon was still full, he was transitioning into a werewolf.

Suddenly Klaus was thrown to the ground as Bonnie appeared, chanting and causing the fire to relight. Her arm outstretched and on her face was a concoction of anger and determination. Klaus looked at her in disbelief as Damon appeared and grabbed Elena's body, walking over to us.

He threw Stefan a blood bag and glanced at me and my leg. I shook my head knowing Damon's plan.

"Damon honestly I can fix it myself, you need to-argh!" I cried out in pain as Damon pushed my leg back into place, hissing at the agony.

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