41 • Andie Who?

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Aliona's P.O.V

The night was a complete blur as we had deep chats and caught up with everything that had been going on, that left only one person left that I hadn't seen. Matt.

My phone rung in the morning as I groaned and rolled over to answer it.

"What?" I asked when I saw Damon calling me.

"I need you to get back home, have some questions about the Originals." Damon spoke as I sighed.

"Damon it's too early." I groaned but the tone in his voice sounded urgent. "Fine I'll be over soon."

I swiftly got up and dressed, apologising to the girls that I had to go. 'Family stuff' was my poor excuse, but I didn't want to worry Elena about the Originals anymore than necessary.

As I neared the Salvatore house, I frowned when the door opened and out walked a woman. She swiftly kissed Damon before getting into her car and driving past me.


"Andie Starr, my new girlfriend. She's on Action News." Damon exaggerated as I looked at him in confusion. He had a girlfriend now?

"It's not called action news." Alaric groaned as he also walked up to the door, nodding to me. I felt guilty when I saw him, it had been months since I went to class. I don't know why I try with this whole high school cover anyway.

"I know but I just like saying it." Damon sighed as we both walked inside and followed him over to a table.

"John Gilbert gave me this dagger and said if I dip it in the ashes of this tree that dates back to the originals then it'll kill Elijah." Damon explained as my eyes widened.

"Do you believe him?" Alaric asked, I hadn't met John yet. Apparently he was Elena's biological father, which I found weird. Really weird.

"Dunno, the guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put it past him." Damon shrugged. "What are you both up today?"

"I was gunna say hi to Matt and Jeremy-"

"Borning." Damon cut me off and pointed to Rick.

"Jenna and I got roped in to helping with this historical society thing at the Lockwood's." Rick sighed, he sounded like he really didn't want to go.

"Where Elijah's the special guest." Damon smirked as my stomach dropped slightly.

"Tell me you're not gunna kill him at the tea party." Rick groaned.

"No, that would be stupid." But neither of us were buying it. "I wanna know his endgame before I kill him." Damon shrugged. "But I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met." Damon added, he'd forgotten that I already knew him. Oh boy. "Ali, Stefan and Elena have gone to her family lake house for a while, just to keep her away from danger."

"Does this mean I'm coming with you to the Lockwood's thing?" I asked but already knew the answer, Damon nodded as I groaned.

Boy oh boy.


"Damon, Ali, what a surprise." Carol Lockwood smiled as we walked through the grand house, Elijah stood to her side as she briefly stopped their conversation to say hi to us.

"Elijah, I want you to meet Ali Forster and Damon Salvatore." She smiled at him as he glanced at me briefly, raising an eyebrow at my surname.

"It's nice to meet you." I nodded to him, trying to stifle my smile. I couldn't let Damon kill him.

"His family is one of Mystic Falls founding families." Carol explained as I raised my eyebrows in mock surprise.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Damon spoke through gritted teeth, trying to be intimidating at the same time.

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