39 • Kiss Or Cold

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Aliona's P.O.V

I woke up early and walked downstairs to see Rose in the lounge, she was clutching her shoulder tightly as Damon appeared with a blood bag. A cool breeze washed over me as I glanced at the smashed window.

"That should make it better, that looks...better right Ali?" Damon asked me revealing the red inflamed skin that was bloody and mangled, blisters and bruises running all the way down her back.

My shocked face must have said it all as Damon urged me to say something.

"No, what is that?" I spoke and walked towards her, Damon looked ready to give up.

"A werewolf bite." Rose groaned, of course. Last night was a full moon. Elena came down the stairs and Damon tried the same tactic with her, telling Elena that Rose's bite looked better.

"Um...yeah sure." She frowned, looking freaked out by it.

"Well I'm going out so I'll see you guys later." I smiled before heading out, not wanting to be the one stuck with a dying vampire whilst Klaus was on his way. I needed to speak to Elijah again, needed to find out what was going to happen to my friends and my family. I had so many questions but felt not enough time.

Swiftly I drove away from the centre of town and began to wonder where Elijah could be. I'd been looking for most of the day when finally I heard his voice.

"It's come to my attention that you are looking for me." He spoke from behind me as I turned around and nodded to him, never understanding how he knows everything.

"Yes...I still have some questions." I began as he nodded for me to continue. "First do you know of a cure for a werewolf bite?" I asked, remembering Rose's condition this morning. Worry flashed across Elijah's face and he stepped forwards. 

"Have you been bitten?" He asked as he tried to check me but I shook my head.

"No um...a friend of mine has." I explained as he nodded grimly.

"No I've never heard of a cure for them, I'm truly sorry." He apologised and I sighed.

"It's alright." I shook off the thought of Rose dying.

"Anything else you wanted to ask?" He continued as I thought about all of the questions that constantly buzz around my mind.

"Are my friends and family safe? You remember the vow he made and I haven't fallen in love this time. Will he just kill my friends instead?" I asked hurriedly, shuddering all those years ago when I betrayed Klaus. I didn't think then that 100 years later I'd still be running.

"This whole mess is partly my fault, Niklaus was jealous. I can't promise that he won't kill Elena, but your brothers will be safe as long as they do not interfere." Elijah nodded as I groaned, there was no way either of my brothers would just sit back and let Klaus kill Elena.

"Thanks, it's not your fault though 'Lijah." I shook my head.

"Well whether you think it is or not, I am still sorry." He chuckled and for the first time I realised how close he had gotten to me. "The next thing is something that I just need to say out loud, just once and never again. It's something you have to forget as well." He sighed sadly and I frowned.

"Elijah what are you-" He closed the gap and cut off my words by placing a tender kiss to my lips.

"Aliona there was a time when I loved you, I let my feelings control my actions. I felt angry when I saw you with my brother, I wanted to get revenge and make him feel the way that I did. I made sure he would catch us that night, so yes it is my fault and I'm sorry." He spoke as my eyes widened, oh god this was turning into the Elena problem. "I'm also sorry because I can't let you have any memory of what I just said." He sighed as tears brimmed in my eyes.

"No Elijah I want to remember, please don't." I shook my head as he looked torn.

"Forget about what I just did and said to, you won't be able to remember it until I say so." He compelled me, I blinked slightly and looked around. He had gone.

I felt strange, there were tears in my eyes. I swiftly wiped them away and looked around, there wasn't anybody here so I simply walked to my car and drove home. Confused as to why Elijah left so suddenly after answering my questions.

That's when I remembered; Rose!

I got home as fast as I could, coming through the door and seeing Rose on a bed. She was sweating and extremely pale, she smiled lightly when she saw me.

"I went to see Elijah today, to see if he had a cure." I spoke and sadly shook my head. "I'm sorry." I sighed.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt as much anymore." She sighed and I knew that meant she was close to dying."

"That's good." I nodded with a smile.

"When Klaus gets here, I'm sure you'll be fine. He loved you, he'd never kill you." Rose spoke with a smile as I frowned at her, how did she know?

"I'm sorry but how do you..."

"News travels Aliona, a lot of people know about how you tamed an Original." She laughed before coughing slightly.

Suddenly her face dropped as she began to scream in agony. "Damon!" I yelled as he rushed into the room, both of us trying to stop her from wriggling around like she was.

"Oh my god! Make it stop! Make it stop!" She screamed in agony, Damon climbed onto the bed and cradled her in his arms. Trying his best to soothe her pain.

"Hey shh, it's okay. It's Damon." He spoke softly to her as she whimpered and writhed in his arms. Damon shut his eyes and instantly I knew what he was doing, Rose stiffened before relaxing slightly and shutting her own eyes. He was in her head. Letting her final moments be in a place she loved.

I smiled at him before letting go of Rose's hand and leaving the room, giving her some privacy. A tear escaped my eye as I sat outside the room for a good twenty minutes.

Suddenly the door opened and I rose to my feet, looking at Damon sadly.

"She's dead." Damon nodded as he wiped away a stray tear that had escaped his eyes. Maybe my brother wasn't so cold and heartless after all.


Hey guys thanks for so much support and 11k on this book! That's amazing!!

Please continue to comment on my book because I love reading all of your reactions :)

Stay Weird


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