13 • You're Not The Damon I Knew

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Aliona's P.O.V

"I can't believe that Mr Tanner let you on the team." Caroline exclaimed. "Tyler must be seething." She was perched on an armchair next to Damon, Elena and Stefan sat together on the other couch whilst I shared the last armchair with Bonnie. "Good for you though, you go for it."

"That's what I always tell him." Here we go. "You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you, you have to go get it." Damon spoke enthusiastically, Stefan hadn't stopped glaring at him since he'd got here.

"Yeah Elena wasn't so lucky today, it's only because you missed summer camp." I could tell Caroline was digging herself a hole as soon as she brought up last summer. "I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines."

"We'll work with her." Bonnie spoke for the both of us. "She'll get it."

"I guess we could put her in the back." Caroline acted as though she was thinking out loud, it was honestly all very bitchy.

"You don't seem like the cheerleader type Elena." Damon spoke as I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my tea.

"Oh it's just because her parents died." Caroline spoke bluntly causing me to spit it out and stare at her. "She's just totally going through a blah phase, she used to be way more fun." Caroline hesitated for a moment and realised what she'd just said. "And I say that with complete sensitivity."

"I'm sorry to hear that Elena, in fact Stefan and I have watched every single person we care about die." Damon spoke but gave me a look, how could he be so heartless?

"We don't need to go into that right now Damon." Stefan spoke monotonously.

"You know you're right Stefan, last thing I wanted to do was bring her up." Damon laughed lightly and that's when I almost lost it, this was definitely not the right time to speak about Katherine. Everyone sat awkwardly, not saying a word and avoiding eye contact.

However I looked at Damon who was giving me an extremely smug look back, I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at him.

Eventually Elena spoke up to announce she was going to wash up, after a while Damon got up and headed in her direction. Caroline was talking about some boring high school gossip, so I tuned out and listened to what Elena and Damon were saying in the kitchen.

They were discussing Katherine, surprise! Even in death she seems to be the number one conversation starter, she probably would've loved all of this attention.

Caroline had diverted her conversation to Matt, I knew he didn't like Stefan much. Mainly because Stefan and Elena were becoming closer and Matt did date her first.

"Matt tries, but he's just having a really hard time. You have to understand that they were each others firsts, you know like from the sandbox." Caroline addressed Stefan and he politely nodded, although I could tell that he felt slightly awkward. Bonnie got up to go help in the kitchen leaving me alone on the armchair to discuss Stefan and Matt's friendship, great.

"That's a really nice scarf." Stefan pointed out and I frowned at how he had completely switch conversation topic, I knew Caroline wouldn't mind because she loves to talk about herself though.

"Thanks, it's new." She smiled, I looked closer and that's when I felt my throat tighten slightly. Despite the fact I had just eaten a full meal, I was now craving something more.

"Can I see it? Would you mind taking it off?" Stefan asked whilst moving closer to her, I could tell he was suspicious of something.

Now I could slightly smell the scent of dried blood in the air, radiating from Caroline causing me to frown and my blood lust to rise.

"I can't". She replied bluntly as I raised an eyebrow, my breathing had quickened as I tried to suppress my hunger.

"Why not?" I piped in, slightly confused.

"You okay?" Stefan asked her as she herself looked confused.

"Um... All I know is that I can't take it off." Caroline replied whilst blinking a lot, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Stefan for answers.

"What are you kids talking about?" Damon abruptly entered the room and sat next to Caroline.

"We were just talking about Caroline's scarf, right Stefan?" I spoke and he nodded, Damon narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You okay Ali? You look a bit flustered." Damon spoke whilst looking at me and smirking slyly, I was trying hard not to think about ripping open Caroline's throat.

"Y-yeah, just a bit h-hot. That's all." I shrugged it off and coughed nervously.

"Elena and Bonnie are just finishing up the dishes, why don't you go and see them?" Damon spoke to Caroline causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"Does it look like I do dishes?" She spoke and laughed, I smiled back to not look suspicious.

"For me?" Damon replied, I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"Hmm... I don't think so." I smirked at Caroline's response.

"Go see if Elena needs help in the kitchen." Damon compelled her as I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.

"You know what, I'm going to go and see if Elena needs any help in the kitchen." She beamed and got up.

"Great." Damon smiled falsely as Caroline walked past him with her drink in hand and walked into the kitchen.

"They are people Damon, she's not a puppet." Stefan spoke sternly at him. "She doesn't exist for your amusement, for you to feed on whenever you want to." Even hearing the word feed out loud caused my gums to tingle, I couldn't control my hunger for much longer.

"Sure she does. They all do. They're whatever I want them to be, they're mine for the taking." Damon exaggerated.

"Alright you've had your fun; you've got to Ali, you've used Caroline and you've got between me and Elena. Now it's time for you to go." Stefan's voice was strong, but I knew if it came to it then Damon would be much stronger. Mentally or physically.

"That's not a problem, because I've been invited in. So I'll come tomorrow night and the next night, and I'll do with your little cheerleader whatever I want. Because that is what's normal to me." Damon's words sent chills down my spine.

"God why do you have to be so arrogant, stop feeding off of Caroline Damon." I spoke angrily at him, he simply chuckled in response.

"Oh but Ali, isn't feeding off of one human daily but keeping them alive better than going on a ripper spree?" I clenched my fists at his words. "Wow you really have a lack of control going on here, I think it's a family thing." Damon tried to joke whilst gesturing to Stefan.

"Just go." I spoke through gritted teeth as I tried not to think about the burning sensation in my veins.

Damon held his hands up before walking over to the door, he called out a goodbye to the other three before opening it and leaving the house.

It's been over one hundred years, the Damon that I knew back then is long gone.


Boom double update! Haha thanks for over 1k!!! :D

Stay Weird


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