3 • Katherine (edited)

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Aliona's P.O.V

I kept driving until I was in the middle of the town and close to the grill, I didn't have anything else to do so I went in to search for Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie.

I parked my car and quickly walked inside the grill, I was immediately met by the smell of hot food and alcohol from the bar. After walking around for a bit and still not seeing anybody, I was going to give up.

"Ali!" I heard Caroline yell from behind me, I turned to be met by her, Bonnie, Matt and Tyler. I walked over to Bonnie and Matt who were sat at a separate table to the other two.

"Hey, you guys okay?" I asked as Matt looked quite troubled.

"Yeah, I was just telling Matt that if he wants to know how Elena is he should pick up the phone and ask," Bonnie explained whilst giving Matt a look.

"Definitely Matt, but she did have a lot of... stuff going on this summer so just give her time," I spoke as Bonnie looked up, the look of surprise that gripped her expression was enough for me to follow her gaze. I knew that my expression had darkened, but it was a sight that I hated to see, one that took me back to 1864. 

Elena walked into the grill with Stefan, both of them smiling and looking around for us. That's when my suspicions had been confirmed, my brothers didn't really care about me. They came back to see if the 'Katherine look-alike' rumor was true.

"More time huh," Matt spoke monotonously whilst rising from his seat and heading over to Elena and Stefan.

"Yeah, alright Ali?" Bonnie asked whilst staring at me, I hadn't noticed but my hand had clenched in a tight fist.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry I'm... fine." I breathed out slowly whilst glaring daggers at Stefan. His eyes wondered until they landed on mine, only for a slight second before he nervously looked away.

I decided to approach him in front of Elena and mess with him a bit.

"Hey, I'm Ali Forster." I fake smiled at his now confused face.

"Stefan Salvatore." He spoke whilst smiling back, playing along.

"Salvatore sounds Italian. Is that where you're from?" I asked continuing the conversation as we made our way back over to the table.

Matt and Tyler had walked off somewhere, so he took a seat next to Elena and Caroline whilst I sat opposite him.

"So were you born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline asked it was typical her. She had to know everything about everyone.

"Yeah, I moved when I was really young." Stefan nodded whilst looking uncomfortable as all four of us stared at him.

"Parents?" Caroline was so nosy, I knew this would throw Stefan slightly.

"My parents passed away." He spoke the entire time he stared at me, with slight sorrow evident in his voice, making me narrow my eyes at him. An awkward silence settled around the table until he turned his gaze to Elena.

"I'm sorry." She spoke, obviously being able to relate. "Any siblings?"

I nearly burst out laughing at the question but managed to stifle it by sipping my drink, he wouldn't admit that I'm his sister, would he?

"None that I talk to. I live with my uncle." Stefan's answer made me suddenly angry. How dare he say that there was a time when he cared deeply for me. Both of them did and I cared for them probably more than I cared for myself.

However that was obviously in the past, and there was no way that I was going to let him stay in town with Uncle Zach.

"So Stefan, since you're knew here you obviously don't know about the party tomorrow night." Caroline's chirpy voice made me roll my eyes.

"It's a back to school thing at the falls," I spoke up catching his attention and sending him another glare.

"Are you going?" He tilted his head to Elena, I nearly jumped out of my seat and ran out of the door then and there. But thankfully I remained calm.

"Of course she is," Bonnie spoke for Elena as they all smiled, Stefan not taking his eyes off of Elena.

"Well I better get going, I told Matt I'd go home and make sure Vicki's still...breathing," I spoke making a half-hearted joke, Stefan got up too.

"Yeah, I need to go too." He spoke whilst looking at me, Elena honestly looked slightly sad.

"I'll see you all tomorrow, bye." I smiled at the girls and didn't give Stefan another look before turning around and heading out of the grill.

Once outside I swiftly walked over to my car and got in before Stefan could even get to me or say a word. I drove off to nowhere in particular, I wasn't in the mood to head home already so I just drove around the town for a bit listening to music.

Eventually, I got bored and my own thoughts were driving me crazy, I don't know when I decided but before I could rationalize it, I was pulling up to the Salvatore boarding house once more. I walked up to the front door to find it unlocked, without a second thought I stepped inside.

I could hear raised voices coming from upstairs so I decided to follow them, the source was a room at the end of the hall and the door was open slightly.

"Why did you come back? After all this time, why now? Ali's been here for years, but what's so important about now?" Zach's raised desperate voice made my blood boil as I knew who he was talking to.

"I don't have to explain myself," Stefan spoke quite calmly although there was a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"I know you can't change what you are, but you don't belong here anymore." Zach's voice had quietened slightly.

"Then where do I belong?" Stefan's voice had gotten quieter too, but the anger that I felt was only becoming stronger towards my brother.

"I'm not telling you what to do, but coming back here was a mistake," Zach spoke before I could hear footsteps heading for the door, I stepped into the shadows so that Zach wouldn't see me before slipping into Stefan's room.

He stood with his back to me and opened a cabinet filled to the brim with notebooks, diaries. He reached for one of them, it was one of the only ones I recognized. It was his one from 1864 that had disappeared with him that night. He pulled out a picture from it, a picture of Katherine.

I instantly felt sick again, she'd ruined my family.

But even in death, she continues to ruin my brothers.


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