33 • Run

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Aliona's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up to a load of texts and miscalls from Stefan, I got dressed and rushed over to the Salvatore house as fast as I could. The messages were saying that Anna had taken Elena, so of course we would have to go and rescue her.

"Hey I'm here." I spoke and walked inside, seeing Damon sat in a chair reading through the grimoire.

"Anna's got her." Stefan explained as Damon scoffed.

"Yeah I got that from your 600 voicemails." Damon spoke sarcastically as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Damon all night long I've been searching the streets to try and find her. What if your blood hasn't passed out of your system yet?" Stefan questioned worriedly.

"Well at least you'll know that you'll see her again." Damon shrugged as I scoffed.

"Please, you went to see Anna so you must know where she's living. Just tell me so I can go find her." Stefan pleaded and sat down, I remained stood up and crossed my arms.

"Nope." Damon replied as I narrowed my eyes at his ignorance. "You can go now." He smiled bitterly, I sped forwards and pushed him over the chair in the blink of an eye. The sudden move sent him sprawling across the floor but I didn't hesitate, I continued to grab him and push him up against the wall.

"Tell him." I snarled as Damon raised an eyebrow.

"Why should I?" He questioned as Stefan stood up and walked over to us.

"You know all I remember is hating you." Stefan spoke as I frowned, what was he doing? "There might have been a time when that was different, but your choices have erased anything good about you." He continued as Damon appeared to be getting more angry. "But you see I know that you have just as much reason to hate me." Stefan added. "This all began because of me; Katherine got taken away from you because of me. And I'm sorry."

Stefan words were meaningful and truthful, I could tell me meant it so I released Damon away from the wall and stood between the two of them.

"Apology accepted." Damon nodded, the words seeming foreign to him.

"So please, tell me what you know." Stefan spoke as Damon walked back over to the grimoire that was laying on the floor. "It's Elena Damon if you know something then tell me."

"I mean this sincerely." Damon spoke as he turned to face us both. "I hope. Elena. Dies." He spoke bluntly before walking past us and out of sight.

"I'll go look around town one more time." I spoke to Stefan as he nodded, clearly still hung up on Damon's words.

I walked out into the fresh air of the cool morning and headed into town to look around, walking through the streets and scanning every face to see if I could see Elena or Anna.

I'd been looking for nearly an hour when I stopped, sat on a bench was Damon and...Anna? She looked so different, so much more grown up.

"Well look who it is." She spoke with a smirk as I neared the two of them.

"Anna, what a blast from the past. How's life...or death?" I spoke bitterly towards her with a glare as she only continued to smirk.

"Oh it's great actually, just discussing with your brother here about how to open a tomb full of vampires." Anna spoke smugly as I glared at Damon, he really was not helping anything.

"Is Pearl in there by any chance?" I questioned as Anna's cocky look faltered, the question completely catching her off guard. "So I was right all those years ago, wow you're a good little actress. But I knew you weren't helping Damon for Katherine's sake, did she tell you that she was?" I turned to Damon who looked beyond angry at me. "Well no little Anna only cares about poor mommy who's been locked in the tomb." I spoke in a mockingly childish voice.

"It...doesn't matter, just up to your old harsh tricks like you used to." Anna snapped as I raised an eyebrow. "Anyway there's party tonight at the old cemetery, how nice of them to deliver a whole bunch of warm bodies for the hungry vampires in the tomb." Anna smirked as she spoke to Damon.

"Sorry I work alone." Damon shrugged.

"Well I'm missing a spell book and you're missing a witch, so what do you say?" She asked him as Damon thought for a second.

"Stefan will come after you." Damon referred to the fact that she had Elena hostage.

"Not if I kill Elena." Anna spoke as I scoffed.

"Fine when do you want to do it." Damon spoke whilst grimacing.

"Wow it really is like 1864 all over again." Anna smiled deviously.

"Tell me about it." I muttered and rolled my eyes. "It's basically the whole Katherine story all over again except this time Elena's the human and my brother's are the vampires." I spoke and Anna nodded in agreement.

"Talk about history repeating itself." She laughed and I nodded, I did miss our friendship.

"Oh Anna, I have missed you. We were such good friends before 1864, it's a shame you're going to die soon." I spoke with a smile, she raised an eyebrow.

"Did you not listen on the phone? You're going to be the one to die, but I'm not the one to kill you. She will." She smirked again as a shiver ran down my spine. "Tonight, we take the church." She gestured to Damon who groaned, before she walked off and down the road.

"What the hell Damon?" I sighed as he shrugged, I didn't want to talk anymore so I headed home in need of a break from it all.


As soon as I got home I had a nap, I was so tired of the whole Katherine drama and just wished that I could sleep it all away. I woke up a few hours later to see that the sun was already slipping down the sky as night fell.

Suddenly I remembered about the party tonight near the cemetery and decided to go, that's when my phone buzzed.

'Get to the church, we're opening the tomb. Elena and Bonnie are safe.' Stefan texted me as my breath hitched, I didn't want to be around for when they opened it. But I knew I had to. I didn't want these threats to come true and I certainly don't want to die by Katherine's hand.

So that's when I decided what I was going to do.

I packed a small bag of my sentimental belongings, just a few photos from the old days and some clothes. I didn't want to stay here, I didn't care if Damon was planning on leaving with Katherine I didn't want her to know where I was.

It felt like I was running from him all over again, leaving behind most of my things and vowing to return in a few years to get them. However I was glad that it was only Katherine, I hadn't seen her since I was 15 but if she didn't like me then I can't imagine what she'd feel for me now that I'm a vampire.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I looked around the small bedroom that Matt had kindly offered to me. I sighed before getting up and walking towards the door, heading out in the direction of the forest.


Written so many chapters, things are about to get interesting guys :)

Stay Weird


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