12 • Dinner Dates & Uninvited Mates (edited)

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Aliona's P.O.V

Neither of us dared to say a word until Damon was long gone, he had definitely got more annoying over the past century.

"Don't let him get to you, just pretend he doesn't exist or something," I spoke trying to calm Stefan down as he stood still but tense, he laughed slightly at my words.

"Yeah no offense or anything Ali, but I'm not going to take advice about how to deal with Damon from somebody who's now not in control of their blood lust because of him. Maybe you should try listening to your own advice though." He chuckled making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever, anyway what are we going to do about this whole thing?" I asked whilst racking my brain for a solution.

"I've done it before but it wasn't easy, I had a friend to help me through it though. Luckily for you, you have the nice brother to help you through it." He joked and I hit his chest playfully.

"Stop it! This is a serious matter." I folded my arms across my chest and tried to keep a straight face without laughing. "Who helped you?" I asked curiously but Stefan shook his head.

"I-it doesn't matter, just a friend." He spoke a bit quieter and I just nodded, not wanting to press the matter any further. "Anyway, you need to stop feeding off humans." Stefan tried to speak sternly but ended up smiling slightly.

"No way, thanks for the new information there Sherlock. Also, that's a lot easier said than done." I replied as he nodded in agreement.

"True, I know Damon mocked this before but you're going to have to go on the whole animal diet with me." He shrugged and I groaned loudly in response.

"No!! Stefan please there's got to be another way, maybe I can just feed but not kill people. I'll learn, I promise I will. I just can't eat Bambi or thumper." I begged, causing him laugh slightly.

"It's too late for that Ali, we can't put any more lives at risk." He reasoned making me nod, he was right.

"Okay fine, but can we start this whole diet thing tomorrow because I have to get home and get ready for dinner at Elena's tonight." I grabbed my bag from the floor and he looked slightly surprised.

"You're coming too! That means I can keep an eye on you." He spoke as in an overprotective tone, making me roll my eyes.

"You know you don't have to do that, I've been fine for over a hundred years. One night at my friends' house isn't exactly going to put me in a life and death situation." I spoke quite sarcastically and I saw his face drop slightly at the mention of not seeing me for over one hundred years. "I'm sorry Stefan, I didn't mean it to sound that mean. God, I sounded like Damon." I joked whilst trying to lighten the mood.

"It's okay, I'll see you tonight." He spoke whilst wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Okay bye." I smiled at him as he let me go and I walked out of his room and down the stairs.


After getting changed quickly I headed over to Elena's house with a smile on my face. I rang the doorbell and when it opened I was greeted with both Elena and Bonnie looking happy to see me.

I returned both their hugs and followed them into the kitchen where Elena was starting to pour the strange-looking food into nice bowls.

"Just because you're putting it in a nice bowl isn't fooling anybody." I joked making them both laugh as we had nearly finished preparing the food, Bonnie was still going on about the whole witch thing.

"I keep seeing three numbers all day; 8, 14 and 22." She spoke with wide eyes as if she's starting to believe the whole witch thing herself.

"You know what that means, we should play the lottery." Elena mocked causing me to laugh but Bonnie only rolled her eyes.

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