8 • BloodLust (edited)

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Aliona's P.O.V

I turned the radio off and drove in complete silence, allowing my thoughts to flow without being interrupted.

How could he have lied to both of us? I hated Damon so much, I could feel my rage building up inside of my chest. Although his words were still playing on my mind, making me hungry, I needed to get to the hospital again to get blood bags.

But that's not where I'd driven, I pulled up by the old cemetery and walked inside. Past the ruined rubble of the church that once stood there, past the spots where my brothers were shot.

Towards our family crypt, I walked inside and sat on the cold stone floor. That's when I let it all out, I sobbed and sobbed just wishing that I could talk to my mother about it. I was craving her embrace as much as I was craving fresh human blood, at this point, I was beyond desperate.

I could see the sun starting to set in the sky and that's when it hit me. Tonight was the night of the comet. My stomach turned as I realized that I was supposed to be helping Elena and Bonnie hand out flyers in the town square. I'd completely forgotten, but it wasn't the biggest problem in my mind.

In fact, it only added to the list of growing problems that all seemed to circle back to the main one. Hunger. I got up and left the self-pity party I'd made on my own in the crypt and walked back to my car.


Trying to find a place to park in town on such a public event was proving to be near impossible, I ended up parking in the staff area behind the grill. If anybody asked I'd just say I was Matt's ride home.

I'd started to get the dehydrated feeling in my body as my lips were becoming dry and slightly parched. The constant flow of people everywhere I looked wasn't helping at all. 

"Night of the comet! Would you like a program?" I could hear Bonnie and Elena's voices loudly, all I could think about was choosing a victim to drink from.

I can control it, I told myself. I can drink from a human but not kill them. I kept repeating the positive words in my head as I scanned the crowds for a victim.

I saw a teenage girl of about 17 or 18 stood on her own by a bench and made my way over to her, knowing I was strong enough to not kill her. I stopped right in front of her as she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Sorry, do I know you?" She asked whilst looking me up and down, her attitude was doing nothing to ease my anger. 

"Come with me." I compelled her and walked back across to where I'd parked my car behind the grill. She followed close behind me and as soon as we were out of sight, I pounced on the girl and pushed her against the wall. "Don't scream."

My sharp fangs punctured the girl's bare neck making her wince and struggle in my strong grip. She didn't scream because of the compulsion but she was still writhing around too much.

"Don't move." I compelled her becoming slightly angrier. The girl halted all movements, this meant that I didn't notice when she'd lost consciousness until I was holding a dead weight. All of a sudden that's all the girl was.


I gulped and picked up the body before opening the nearest dumpster and shoving the body inside. The sick feeling in my gut knowing that I couldn't control my urges made my head hurt. I closed it and looked at my clothes, luckily the only blood on me covered my jacket. I took it off and left it in my car before smoothing down my hair and taking a deep breath.

I emerged from the back of the building whilst cleaning myself up as best as I could, I could see Elena and Bonnie so I headed over to them.

"Hey." I smiled at them both as they returned it warmly.

"Hey Ali, where've you been?" Bonnie asked looking confused.

"Oh I just had some errands to run." I reply brushing off the question and shrugging.

"I got you all candles." Caroline smiled whilst walking over to us. Matt also came over and lit Elena's candle before she lit mine and Bonnie's. She then proceeded to light someone else's, I looked up to who it was. Stefan.

After the talk that we'd had back at the boarding house, I no longer felt the bitterness in my heart towards him. Although a pang of new guilt was settling into my chest, and I was all directed at the dead girl that I had left in the dumpster. Elena, however, looked torn as she glanced between Stefan and Matt. I did feel sorry for Matt, he used to date Elena before the accident with her parents and they've definitely grown apart.

It came on suddenly but my hunger had rapidly returned with an even more powerful vengeance. This confused me as I'd only just fed a few moments ago and now it felt like I hadn't in a week.

Elena went off with Stefan and the others seemed wrapped up in another conversation, so I slipped away into the shadows to try and gain control.

"Come on." I spoke to myself in a hushed tone. "Not now." I could feel the ripper senses in me stirring, I hadn't gone full ripper in 50 years. I definitely get it from Stefan, as he's not so good with human blood either. I knew listening to Damon was a mistake, but I thought I had more control than this.

I stumbled down a long alleyway to get out of the way of people, however, what I found down there was bad. Three teenagers were slumped on the ground laughing and slowly moving around, they were extremely high and I could smell it.

My senses took over me as I lunged for the nearest one, a boy, and ripped open his throat. I could hear the other two crying out but they were too far gone under the influence of the drugs to move very fast.

I felt one of them try to lazily swing a punch at me so I grabbed him by the arm, easily snapping it and listening to his painful cries. I gripped onto his arm and pulled him in to feed on him. Once his body stopped moving, I looked over at the last guy.

He was a bit more muscular than the last guy but looked completely petrified, I could practically smell the fear radiating off of him.

"P-please." He whispered as I stalked towards him, he'd only just managed to get to his feet with the aid of the wall.

Ignoring his pleas, I sunk my teeth into his neck swiftly and put a hand over his mouth to silence his screams.

After drinking his blood until his body went still, I let go of him. He fell to the floor and I stood there shocked at what I'd done.

Why I'd done it.

I felt ashamed of myself as I backed out of the alley and made my way back to my car, I couldn't face the others after what had just happened. I got into the car and began to drive towards the Salvatore boarding house.

Looks like I'll have to wait another 147 years to see the comet.


Haiiiiii! Thanks so much everyone for reading this! I can't wait to get stuck in and hope u guys are enjoying it :D

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Stay Weird


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