54 • Werewolf Bite

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Aliona's P.O.V

"What's your best drink?" I asked as I heard the door open to the boarding house, Damon walked in and smirked slightly.

"Bourbon, pour me a glass while you're at it." He spoke as I nodded, grabbing two glasses. After pouring a fair amount into both, I passed one to him.

"Let's see the bite." I spoke as he took a large swig from the glass before rolling up his sleeve. It had gotten worse, a day had passed since the funeral and now there were tinges of green that complimented the dark purple veins.

"If you ask me I think it's looking slightly better." Damon shrugged as I raised an eyebrow at him, both of us knew what would happen in the end.

"Damon we'll find a way." I spoke placing down my drink, he walked off behind me to another part of the room. "Even up until the last minute, we'll keep on looking okay?" I asked, when there was no answer I turned around and gasped. "Damon!"

He was stood in the sunlight with no ring on, his skin sizzling from the heat and his teeth gritted together to try and alleviate the pain. I sped at him and grabbed him with my full force, pulling him out of the light and up against the wall.

"That wasn't smart." I growled at him as he rolled his eyes. Stefan walked in and frowned. "Damon thought it would be better to burn himself alive by taking off his daylight ring than find a cure for the bite." I addressed Stefan whose face darkened with anger.

"You know what happened to Rose." Damon defended.

"I don't care." Stefan spoke before taking Damon out my hands and speeding with him down into the cellar, I followed behind and watched as he threw him into the cell. "You're not dying today."

"Well then what's the plan superman?" Damon asked as Stefan closed and locked the door.

"I'll find a way out of this." Stefan reassured him.

"Good luck with that." Damon replied from the floor.

"I've got Bonnie looking for something, anything." Stefan spoke confidently.

"Always the hero Stefan." Damon rolled his eyes.

"Damon you sound like you don't wanna be saved, I know the chances aren't high, but if there was even a possibility of you walking away from this wouldn't you take it?" I asked him as he paused for a moment.

"Just tell me good-bye and get it over with." He spoke eventually before coughing slightly, blood trickling out of his mouth.

"Lie still. Conserve your strength." Stefan spoke as Damon groaned.

"So now what?" I asked Stefan as we walked back upstairs.

"I'm gunna call Rick, he might know something." Stefan shrugged.

"Stef listen, it's a very big chance that we even learn of a cure, let alone even have the time to find and use it." I sighed, as he nodded.

"I know." He breathed out.

"I just don't want you to get your hopes up too high, we still have to prepare for the fact that Damon might die soon." I spoke, trying not to be too blunt. It broke my heart to think of Damon's state, yet I also had to realise that we had to be strong. Especially for two vampires with ripper tendencies that come and go.

"I know Ali, thank you." He smiled and pulled me into a strong hug, I hugged back and sighed, glad to be at home with my brothers once more.

Stefan pulled out his phone and called Rick before calling Bonnie and asking if she's found something, his face seemed to change as she spoke. He hung up and looked at me.

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