Chapter 2 Splintered

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<< Another Picture of Sebastian >>

I get knocked on my ass with the sudden heart attack I felt like I was having. I start to panic again as the man who was just standing in front of me moments ago was now lying on the floor next to me lifeless.

A piece of wood from the cannonballs carnage pierced his chest, thick red blood made a blanket underneath him. I stared in horror at the carnage around me, I never thought I would end up it up in a situation like this, but now that I'm here, I think this might just be my final resting place.

I scramble to my feet as the blood starts to spread its way to where I sit. As soon as I do someone comes walking through the door that was now in splinters.

The man who came through must have been the tallest man I'd ever seen in my life, but with all the muscles he had it didn't seem out of proportion. He held his sword in his right hand just waiting for someone to fight.

I look for something near me to use and the closest thing I see is a sword who's last owner was still clutching onto it. As much as I didn't want to I didn't seem to have much of a choice.

I grabbed the sword from the lifeless hand to face the man just in time for him to notice me in the corner.

I see his eyes cut into me before his blade does. I start to shake with his eyes still on me. I didn't know I could get any more terrified than I already was.

He then starts to approach quickly and I make sure to stand in a defensive position with my sword in front of me and try to knock his blade out of his hands. I don't succeed but I definitely catch him off guard. I'd probably lose if this were a fight with brute strength but since it's with swords I know I have a chance.

He tries to swing his sword down as hard as he can to knock my sword out of my hand but I deflect it.

Once again he seemd surprised. But rather than getting mad he suddenly had an evil grin on his face as his bright green eyes seemed to glow with anticipation, as if he has been waiting for a good sword fight. This frightens me even more because though there was no doubt my skills as a sword fighter I've never gone up against anyone who was really trying to kill me.

He starts to bombard me with different movements as if he isn't sure of what will work yet. I just deflected them with the flick of my wrist.

I know I can't play as the defensive forever if I want to get out of this alive but I have never killed anyone befor and I'm not sure if I can do it.

Just then I fell the sting across my cheek as I deflected his sword again, but not before it got close enough to cut me.

My luck is starting to run out and I need to make a serious move soon otherwise this really will be the end for me.

But before I do anything the man in front of me dose something very strange. He stops barding me with atakes and instead backs up.

Im confused and unsure of wether I should move forward or not, he then looked at me and did some kind of signal with his hand but I didn't understand, that is of course, until I fell too large hands grab either of my arms from behind and an old sack probably, used to hold potatoes is put over my head. I tried to keep a grip on the sword but that didn't last long. I knew screaming was pointless. We were in the middle of the ocean somewhere and now most of the crew-members we're probably dead. Not that they seemed all that willing to help me but I probably had a better chance with them that I do with these guys.

I've heard the stories, often Pirates will massacre half the crew members and the ones willing to surrender they will take up in there ranks. However I wasn't exactly surrendering when I was fighting with this guy. I get pulled out of my thoughts as my arms get yanked behind me and rope is wrapped around my wrists.

"Ah!"I let out a small cry of pain as the rope is tied tightly chafing and pinching my skin.

"Gently with the boy." I hear a voice say. "I don't want you to break him before I get a chance to" those words sent shivers up my spine and I started to shake even more than I was before. I heard voices around laugh at what the man said.

Oh god, they're going to torture me.

Was the only thing I thought. I didn't think I was crying but I felt water dripping down my face as I didn't make a sound. My whole body had been tenses sins the beginning, but all of the sudden it was like my whole body just stopped working and I collapsed to the ground, not caring when the pain of my knees hitting the ground first shouts up through my body, I just let everything fall.

I was tired of being scared since it wasn't doing anything to help me I guess my body decided to try something different. There was nothing else in my mind I just kept repeating that I was going to die.

When my body hit the floor with a loud thud I heard nothing else. It was like all the people talking and shuffling around me were far away. It was as if I was awake and yet still lost consciousness. I felt someone pick me up, I remained limp in their arms as I was hoisted up ward and started walking me somewhere. I don't know how long they were carrying me for, it could've been a few seconds or for an hour, time seemed to start running at a different speed. Im put down on something and the bag was pulled off of my head. My eyes remained out of focus, I don't even try to look at anything. I just wait for the moment when they start to torture me and then eventually kill me.

Time passes, how long I'm not so sure of but as it dose nothing seems to happen. I felt something cold on my four head, and with that I start to tune back into the world around me. I realize that whatever I was on it was soft. It smelled earthy probably the smell of the potato bag had soaked into my hair. I realized I was in a room and someone was sitting on what I now realize is a bed, fussing with a wet towel on my four head. I don't say anything as I look up at the man who I had fought before. He almost instantaneously notices my eyes on him and looks as if he's about to say something but before he does I had to ask.

"why am I still alive?"

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