Chapter 45 Rope

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***So uh, I kind of meant to post this yesterday and may or may not have forgotten. But if it makes you guys feel any better, for the Friday coming up I'll have another chapter to post. I know, you're shocked, so am I. But these four years I've put into this story are not going to go to waste, I'm going to finish this goddamn novel if it's the last thing I do. Enjoy and I'll see you guys next week! 😘***

My eyes watered from the feeling of his hands around my neck. He didn't tighten any more but it was hard to breath. Was he always this strong?

"Look what I found here, a rat, or should I say, a prince? I guess there's no real difference though is there?" You could hear it in his voice, and see it in his wide eyes and even wider grin, he was enjoying this. I was scared, but I couldn't let him win, I couldn't let him kill me. It took me a second to remember I had my sword still in it's holster by my side, my eyes watered as I blindly reached for it. I missed the first time and his grip around my neck tightened. "Oh? What's that you're trying to do little prince?" His voice... fuck this guy's voice. Before I was gasping for air but now nothing was coming through at all. I heard him chuckle, I really wanted to cut that tongue of his out of his mouth. "It's so fun to watch you struggle, I wonder how long you'll last?"

My vision was going in and out of focus. Grab it, fucking grab it. My hand isn't listening to me. FUCKING GRAB IT. My hand finally reached my sword and I swung it up to press it against his side, slicing past his clothing and into his skin. He let go finally and I was reaching for a breath, coughing as I gasped. My legs felt weak but I couldn't afford to let myself fall. I was still holding the sword up towards him as I tried to get my bearings. I could hear him laugh. "That hurt you know, I was just playing around a little." He held up his hands innocently, he was mocking me still, even with blood seeping into his clothes.

"Fuck, you." I managed to get out between breaths, my eyes looking to him with daggers. I stood up straighter as soon as I could, this guy was the same as when I last saw him. The creaking of the boat got a bit louder, it seemed there were some bigger waves coming in. We needed to leave as soon as possible otherwise that storm was going to hit us before we could dodge it. "Now I'm going to leave, and by the time I get back to the captain you're going to be gone from this island if you want to leave with your life." I wasn't messing around anymore, my words were as sharp as my eyes. He let out a hum, seeming unbothered by my words.

"You really have changed haven't you princy? How interesting." There was a small smirk that pulled his mouth to one side. The strips of silver light from the cracks above making it seem more ominus that it already was. However I had no intention of letting myself be intimidated. My neck was still throbbing but I paid no mind to it. I kept the sword against him lightly as I slowly and carefully moved towards the steps that lead up to the deck. I paused though, just as I reached the stairs. If I left now I would never know about the contract, what it was for, how he got it, if he knew anything about.... My mother.

"Get on your knees." I demanded with a commanding voice, lifting the blade to his neck. He seemed slightly surprised, that was the first time I think I had ever seen such an expression on him. It didn't last long though.

"What? You want me to suck you off little Princy?" My expression didn't change and I took a step closer, pressing the blade just a little bit harder onto the delicate skin on his neck.

"On your knees, this is the last time I ask." He rolled his eyes but did as I asked anyway. "Hands behind your back." He looked up at me with a cocked eyebrow. "Now." I demanded, the blade cutting slightly into his skin. He did it but wore his displeasure of the situation on his sleeve, not that I cared in the least though. I kept the blade against his neck as I glanced around the cargo hold. I needed rope. Luckily just like every ship, that's something that's generally kept on board in abundance. There was some rope coiled on one of the barrels nearby. The only problem was I wasn't sure if I could reach it while keeping my sword on his neck. I would have to try though, I needed my questions answered and I didn't want them to be interrupted by an escape attempt. His glance followed my gaze and he let out a chuckle. My head snapped back to look in his direction.

"Go on, grab it." He knew what I was trying to do, and he also knew that my chances of grabbing it without giving him an opening to escape were slim. No, fuck this. I took off my shirt, switching the blade from one hand to the other as needed while I took off the shirt. I shoved it underneath my arm and walked behind him, keeping the blade against his neck. I then put the blade between my teeth as I used both hands to tie his hands behind his back with my shirt. I did it as quickly as possible, tightening enough to hear him wince. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy hearing him in at least a little bit of pain.

I put the blade back into my hand when I was done and then went to grab the rope. I tied his hands behind his back and his feet together. Now this bastard wasn't going anywhere. I stood in front of him, and crouched down, tracing the blade slowly and threateningly around the planked floor near his legs. "Now, you're going to answer my questions honestly, or I'm going to kill you. Understand?" He scoffed. I plunged the blade into the wood right between his legs. "You think I won't do it? Don't pretend you cant see the scar on my abdomen right now, don't you want to know what happened to the guy who did this to me?" I was leaning close to him now, the kind of close he liked to get to people that made them uneasy. But I was in charge of this situation, and if he didn't realize it yet he sure as hell was going to soon.

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