Chapter 25 Navy Blue

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***So I know its been a while since I've been on here but alot has happened. I don't want to burden you guys with the details but it was pretty bad.(~_~;) But hey we're moving on from that and I was finally able to add another chapter! Extra long too! (^-^)I really hope you guys enjoy it because things are about to get a bit crazy. Leave a like and a comment if you guys have the time, I really appreciate it and I read them all even if my anxious ass doesn't always reply. Enjoy the chapter!(⌒▽⌒)***

Everything around me seemed to have vanished when those words reached my ears. I wasn't even really sure if I had heard him right, in fact why would he say that here and now of all places? I didn't know it but my face was completely red. As he pulled away I felt like I was in a haze. I didn't have time to think about it anymore though when a sudden bombing voice came from the lookout on to of the mast.

"The Navy!"

Everyone's heads turned to the horizon, they were far but you could definitely see the small dots of the ship coming towards us. The captain's face quickly turned from the soft expression he had been showing to a more serious one as he quickly got up, helping me up in the process. His eyes were glued to the Horizon for a moment, a frown of worry on his face. "We have to go." Is all he said to me as he took my hand and we walked across the plank that was connecting our two boats, going back onto the captain's boat. It was a place that weirdly enough had started to feel like my home. I followed him without a struggle, knowing that I couldn't distract him from whatever it was that was going through his head. I have been on this boat through thunder and lightning before but I the Navy was a completely different kind of storm. It had me worried, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. As we walked onto the boat I squeezed his hand a little, biting my lips slightly as I thought.

"Are we... are we going to be ok...?" I asked, trying not to sound worried but probably failing anyway. He stopped and turned around at my question, now facing me. His hard emerald green eyes becoming soft as they met my own. He took both my hands and held them together in his own two large hands, closing his eyes as he kissed them both. My pale cheeks were dusted red as I watched him do something so kind and gentle. He opened his eyes, looking right into mine again as he continue to hold my hands close to his lips.

"Sebastian, even if you don't agree to be my partner, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, not that I think you need it with the way you just knoked me on my as but you're part of my crew now after all." I didn't know it was possible but my face got even redder in that moment. I noticed it though, the way he said it this time was different. Last time he said he wanted me to be his, speaking of me as if I were a possession. But this time, he said partner, as in equals. His words snaked their way into my heart, and I realized in that moment that if he hadn't already  stolen my heart, he now had it.

Realizing that, I wanted to give him a response. I wanted to say it, but when I open my mouth, nothing came out.  I think he saw me struggling because he gave me a warm smile and just leaned down and kissed me. "Its ok, you don't have to give me a response right now, just when you're ready." I don't know when he became this sentimental person, but it was hard for me to figure out how to react to it. Then again, I think he's probably always been like this, he's just better at expressing it now.

"Sebastian my boy, look at you, strong as ever." Isums voice came from behind, I didn't even have to look to know that he was wearing that big smile of his. I never knew how he could stay so positive all the time, it really was a talent that only he had. I knew that he was talking about the fact that I beat the captain and I couldn't help but smile a little, scratching the back of my neck slightly.

"All thanks to you and your training." I said, my smile audible through my words. Isum chuled and pat my shoulder with his strong hands, practically engulfing my shoulder with their size. I don't think he really knew his own strength with my stil scrawny body practically being tipped over with his force.

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