Chapter 23 Realization

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***So hi again.( ) Look at this I'm on time once more. Are you guys impressed? Also I hope the story isn't getting to boring for you guys, if it is I might just have to stir things up again. ()But enough of that, for those of you still reading this book after all this time, I hope you know that its for you guys that I keep writing this. I genuinely do appreciate every vote and comment you guys leave, it touches my heart <3. So if you guys have the time, comment and let me know what's on your mind and vote if you get the chance. Enjoy the chapter and I will see you guys at the same time next week.^ - ^ ***

Captain Walker's P.O.V.

Seeing Sebastian this way, filled me so much of rage and sadness. I had already killed the people who had done this to him but it didn't feel like enough. Isum stopped me from further mutilating their dead bodies, but they deserved it. With what they had done to Sebastian they deserved far worse than just death. I should have kept them alive and tortured them but in my fit of rage I ended up cutting them up too quickly. Their death was more swift than they deserved.

Every night since what had happened I've had to stay with him and calm him down when he wakes up screaming in the middle of the night from the nightmares that he was now getting because of those bastards. Isum had cleaned up their dead bodies from the room I had slaughtered them in so we could go back to the ship now, I would have stayed at the ship if I could but there was too much blood and pieces of dismembered bodies. I couldn't let sebastian wake up to that, not after everything he had been through. The only problem though was that Sebastian's too scared to leave the room. I've tried reassuring him in different ways like telling him that I'll stay with him the entire way or that Isum will be there too to protect him. It doesn't help though, as soon as he starts to get near the door he just starts to shake and cry.

I don't know what to do and every time I see him like that I find myself on the verge of breaking down as well. I haven't felt this way about anything in so long, it reminds me how much pain the human heart can feel. I let him lie down and just process everything, like Isum some told me he would need to. However it's approaching the fourth day and this is Captain McClain's boat. Plus I need to get back to doing my duties and continuing on our Journey to the island. As much as I'd like to stay here as long as possible and give him all the time he needs, our provisions are only going to last so long, especially since we are splitting them with another boat right now.

I hate to do this to Sebastian but I absolutely need to find a way to get him to the other boat. As I think about these things I see Sebastian stirs a bit in his sleep, murmuring a few inaudible words under his breath. As I lay there looking at this beautiful boy I can't help but wish I could go back in time and stop him from ever getting on this boat. He's a tough kid, tougher than anyone I've ever met but this is no life for him. Despite knowing that I was going to drop him off at our next stop I think a part of me kid myself into believing that maybe he would stay. However now seeing this, even if he asks to stay there's no way in hell I'm letting him.

This place, it's not meant for many people, in fact I don't think it's meant for anyone. There are just the people that have gotten so used to this kind of atmosphere that they can survive it, even if just barely. But him, I don't want him getting to that point. I don't want him going through everything that he's gone through and end up ok with this atmosphere. Because the moment that happens, I know it will be my fault. It will be me who has destroyed this amazing kids life over my own selfishness.

I've been trying to deny it and make up excuses why I feel so much for this kid but at this point, I fucking know that I love him. That's why the most important thing to me is to know that he is happy and safe, which are two things that I know he's is not right now. I already know that it probably comes from some upper-class family who are probably scouring the country for him. Once he gets back to that life he can finally live normally, and grow up the way the he was meant to from the beginning.

Sebastian suddenly started to breathe heavily and a second later woke up panicked and hyperventilating.

"Sebastian, Sebastian. You are ok, I'm right here, I'm right here." I say, trying to calm him down. As soon as his eyes lock on me he calms down a little and grabs onto my shirt, burying his face in my chest, his breathing starts to slow down and go back to normal. I start to rub his back a little, trying to help him calm down. "It's ok, it's ok, i'm right here." I repeat a few times, doing my best to make him feel as safe as possible. As I do so I try to think of ways that I might be able to make him feel better, ways that maybe he can face his fear and get back to normal somehow, or I guess as normal as possible considering the circumstances. What does he enjoy? What makes him feel strong? I thought about it for a minute and then I realized it. Sword fighting. it was something that he was extremely good at and with a sword in his hand I honestly can't see him being able to be beat. Maybe if I got him to practice some of that I could remind him of how strong a person he really is.

So later that night when Sebastian had fallen asleep I snuck off for a bit and grabbed a few swords. The next morning when he woke up I had a bit of a smile on my face, for more than one reason. Mostly though because I genuinely thought that this would work. More than that though, it had to work.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked, giving me a bit of a suspicious look, almost on the verge of laughing finding my a random smile a bit strange but funny.

"I have an idea." I say, a little bit too much excitement in my voice. Give me a break though, I'm not exactly the best when it comes to understanding other people's feelings but for the first time I thought that I had a genuinely good idea, even Isum agreed, which was a first.

"...alright... what is it?" He questioned, a bit skeptical. I smiled at his question. I got up and picked up the two swords that I had brought last night that were leaning up against the corner of the room. I held one out to him, waiting for him to take it. He gave me a strange look, hesitating a bit before picking up the sword. "All right, so what am I supposed to do with this exactly?" Skepticism still coating his words.

"Fight me." I said, holding up my own sword and pointing it at him. He gave me this blank stare for a second, as if trying to figure out whether or not I was serious. Not long after that though it was soon followed by him bursting out into laughter, which of course confused me.

"You know you're absolute shit at sword fighting right? You just swing it around and hope for the best." He said, clearly enjoying teasing me about it.

"And yet I still beat you when we first fought." I retort. I saw Sebastian roll his eyes at that.

"Really? You're going to count that even though you technically cheated by using someone else? In a real sword fight with just the two of us you would get severely hurt." Sure he was hurting my ego a little, but I was really happy to see the old Sebastian peeking through. I hadn't completely destroyed this kid yet, and maybe I could still salvage what was left of this beautifully strong boy. I put on a face, one with a smirk and just asking for him to challenge me. I was determined to fill those now dull blue jewels of his with the life and shine I had seen when we first met, when I first fell in love. Though I didn't know that that was what that excited feeling was rising in my gut when I first laid eyes on him back then, its unmistakable now.

"I don't know if I believe that, prove it to me."

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