Chapter 37 Betrayal

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***THATS RIGHT SURPRISE CHAPTER BITCHES YOU'RE WELCOME. For real though I totally forgot that I was planning to post this chapter today, it's a little late but hopefully you guys can forgive me. Enjoy the chapter, comment and vote if you get the chance ^^ ***

I pushed open the door just in time to see the captain throw McCarthy into a chair. This back room was mostly for storage it seemed and from the already blood stained floor, used for some other things as well. 'Don't leave stains huh.'

The captain's attention was all on McCarthy at the moment, granted so was mine. I could just ask him simply if the snake was with him and get out of here, but I also found myself wanting to stay to find out what kind of business the captain had with him.

"Tell me what you did and I might be nice and kill you quickly." Well he was definitely getting straight to the point anyway. McCarthy laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to act casual.

"Look I needed the money and they said they just wanted to bring the kid home so-" He bent down and grabbed McCarthy by the shirt again. If the captain had fire in his eyes before it didn't compare at all the the raging flames happening now. However aside from that, I was starting to realize what McCarthy had done and my stomach flipped into itself.

Somehow, even though I didn't know McCarthy all that well, the sting of betrayal was undeniable. I think I must have been wearing my heart on my sleeve because when McCarthy's eyes landed on me his expression changed to one of regret.

"L-Listen I thought they were really going to take you home- I mean you were a captive on his ship anyway so-" The captain went to interrupt him but I beat him to it.

"You don't and didn't know our situation because you never asked. If I really hated it that much I would have done something about it. Your mistake was underestimating me." I stepped closer. "More than anything though, you should stop pretending you did it for me and admit that you just wanted the money." I was strangely calm but it was definitely obvious that I was angry.

The captain was looking at me in that way again. I didn't know what to make of it. Meanwhile McCarthy was completely speechless. I still needed to ask my question, and now that I knew what I needed to know I could ask it. "Is that s- is Jamal with you?" I had to catch myself, I didn't really use his real name all that often when I thought of him. He still hasn't recovered from what I had said to him before so it took him a minute to process my question.

"Uh- Yea I mean he's on one of the neighbouring islands right now but he's getting back tomorrow." Well that's a pain, I just wanted to deal with him and be done with it. Granted another day would do my wounds some good. I don't know if I'm going to fight him or not, I don't really know what I plan on doing at all actually.

"Hm, alright. Well I'll be going then." I say as I turn around to walk out the door.

"W-wait that's it? You're going to leave me here with him? You know he might kill me right?" McCarthy somehow thought that if I was here I would prevent the captain from doing something like that. In the past that might have been the case, but now?

"I'll be napping in the room, met me when you're done." Was all I said to the captain before exiting the room, completely ignoring McCarthy.

"Sebastian!" Was all I heard from him as the doors closed behind me. The bartender lady had a questioning yet amused expression on her face as she leaned against the counter with her arm crossed.

"You're unexpectedly cold hearted little prince." The last thing she said had my eyes twitch to being slightly wider suddenly. At this point though, her having that information on top of everyone else that seemed to have aquired it now made no difference. I sighed.

"Somehow even though I don't know you, calling me cold hearted seems hypocritical." She seemed surprised by my answer, but not displeased by it.

"How interesting, you're different than I thought you would be." She leaned closer, as if to inspect me better. "The captain usually just sticks to one tipe, yet you don't fit into that."

There was a twinge of pain in my chest. I had never thought of the Capitain being with others... although of course he would have but somehow I just never imagined it. "How fun you certainly do easily show your emotions don't you?" She was enjoying this way to much and it was pissing me off. I just walked off and out of the tavern without saying anything else.

"Come back any time." She called as the doors of the tavern shut behind me. Her voice was such an unsettling mix of joy from watching others suffer.

I went back to the clinic, the doctor wanting me to stay there so that they could make sure I did not worsen my wounds in my sleep even if I was more or less ok to walk around. There was a hot bath waiting for me when I got back and I wasted no time in getting undressed and submerging myself. It had been an incredibly long time since I had properly washed myself like this. The water practically burned but I didn't care.

I didn't want to think about it but my mind brought me there anyway. I started to imagine the captain doing things with other people. It hurt. I knew that it made no sense to think about those kinds of things right now since these were things of the past...

Then again, I don't really know that do I? A lot of the people on the crew have sex with each other just because. What if the Captain did that too? Plus there were those few week where we barely spoke. On top of that we haven't even really gone all the way yet ether. My mind was reeling so much in the midsts of the steaming water that I didn't notice that someone had walked in.

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