Chapter 6 Bloody Gums

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***Ho ho ho, what's this? An extra long chapter? Why yes indeed I think it is. ( ^ω^ )***

I look up as I see the captain come in the room and close the door behind him.

"I thought Isum was supposed to come back." I say, trying to avoid eye contact. For a second I think I see hurt but it quickly disappears.

"Yea, everybody likes Isum." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, unless of course he doesn't like you, because in that cais, you're fucked." He says, seeming to laugh at an old memory. "Anyway, I told him I'd finish patching you up." He sits next to me after getting the rag off the nightstand and taking another role of wraps out the drawer. "I guess this is the whisky soaked rag he was talking about." He says to no one in particular while looking at the rag in his hand. He then looks up at me and stares at something on my face for a second before reaching his hand out towards me.

"Sorry about the cut, I-" He stops as I flinch away the second his hand touches my skin. His hand stays in the air a moment as he lets out a sigh. He then uses that hand to rub the back of his neck again.

"Look kid, I'm not going to do anything to you. I couldn't help myself before, you're too easy to teas. And especially since you're hurt, I won't do anything, alright?" He says a little apologetically. I relax a bit. "Well, that is unless you want me two." He says, a smirk creeping onto his face as he looks back at me. Then I did something that not even I expected.

"Pffft" I started laughing. For some reason, in that moment, I couldn't take him seriously at all. He looked taken aback but ended up laughing a bit two.

"You're a strange kid, you know that?" he says, patting my head with a big smile on his face. I trie to catch my breath after laughing so hard. "You know, I probably should have asked you this a while ago, but what's your name kid." He says, holding his hand out. Oh yea, I guess we hadn't told each other our names yet.

"Sebastian." The moment the word leaves my lips I realize what a horrible mistake I've made.

"Wow, named after a prince, talk about high expectations huh?" I laugh nervously at his comment.

"Yea... I'm kind of surprised that you know that sins you don't exactly live in england." I say, trying to steer the conversation away from me.

"Yeah well, my mom is English and when she heard about the new prince she couldn't stop talking about how he was going to become a good king because he was raised a commoner.  I always found it funny though because everyone said that without even knowing the prince's character. Just because he's a commoner doesn't it mean  he's a good person." I felt a sting in my chest from his words. The pain i had been feeling in my wrists couldn't compare to the one in my heart. "Buy the way kid, how did you end up stowing area on that ship?" And there it was, the question I was hoping he wouldn't ask.

"Captain! We have a problem." I hear Isum call as he quickly opens the door, his face bearing a serious expression. The Captain quickly got to his feat and his face suddenly boar a frown. "One of the men of the men from the cargo ship, his gums are bleeding." The captain's face bears a moment of horror then anger.
"Damn it!" He yelles while punching the wall. Isum looks at the Captain for a moment, waiting for orders.

I don't really understand what's going on but it's obviously bad.
"Do you want me to take care of it Captain?" Isum asked as the Captain. The Captain, with his head hanging low and his fist still on the wall took a moment before answering.
"No it's alright," he says with a much calmer tone. "I'll take care of it." He says while putting his hand on Isum's shoulder as he walks past him. I get up, not really knowing what to do, the creak of the floorboards beneath my feat and the sound of my boots hitting the floor, letting him know I just stood up. He turned around to give me a serious look.
" You stay here." He says authoritatively.

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