Chapter 42 Gunpowder

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***HAHA BET YOU KEEP THINKING I'M DONE WITH THIS STORY BUT I NEVER AM MOFO'S! I mean at this point you're all pretty much aware of my instability and I don't feel like I need to go into the quarter life crisis I'm dealing with because in the end it's always something. So I hope you'll just accept this chapter and I'll see you guys next time.***

Sebastian's P.O.V.

As I walked with Isum my thoughts wandered. It was hot but clouds were passing over the sun occasionally to provide some relief, if only momentary. Through this journey my hair had become almost white under the harsh sun's rays. Seems like even my appearance changed. My hand, now more callased than before, went over to where my wound was closing up. There was going to be a scar there. I hadn't noticed but Isum's eyes were on me.

"Does it still hurt Sebastian?" I turned, it took me a moment to register his question.

"No it's, I'm fine, just a bit sore." Which was true, there was also the tightness from where it was closing up. The scab was stiff and being pulled at in an uncomfortable way with every stride. I'd have to be careful not to tear the scab. My mind was somewhere else, the crunching of sandy dirt beneath my feet becoming white noize. I was realizing that once I got back to England, I wouldn't be returning as the same me that was there months ago. Would I even be recognizable? An arm draped itself over my shoulder. Isum didn't say anything for a while and just kept walking. He could tell that I was thinking of something but didn't push me about it. I guess this was just his way of saying he was here for me. I really came to value the friendship that I had gained with Isum. I placed my hand over Isum's wrist briefly. "Thank you, for everything." I could feel the warmth of sincerity in my chest as I looked up at Isum, who was giving me look of warmth back but also sadness.

"You're not gone yet boy, save that for later." he said, his hand going from my shoulder to my hair, ruffling it. "Now, let's go get the cargo, and make sure Hisato isn't spending more money that we don't have on some exotic food we've never heard of." I cracked a smile as he patted me on the back before picking up the pace.

Hisato was on the ship, packing away barrels full of food. I was helping stalk up on gunpowder, which was funny considering last time I was touching one of these barrels, I was inside it. I could hear the sound of seagulls cawing and the creaking of the doc in the background. From someone who had never even been anywhere near a ship a few months ago to now, I've come to like the atmosphere. I was sweating and at this point my shirt had come off. I had managed to bulk up quite a bit at this point which didn't just show in my physic but also how much easier it was for me to move things that used to be to heavy for me.

As I was doing this though I did notice one of the ships that the dauks that I could have sworn wasn't there before. Once I had noticed that there was no flag on it though I got some kind of feeling in my stomach.
"What are you staring at?" I heard Isum's voice come from behind, I didn't realize that I had stopped in the middle of what I was doing and was staring off.

"Nothing just... that ship doesn't have a flag." I say, looking from Isum back to the mast of the boat where the flag should have been.

"Hm, yes that's quite strange." He said, seeming to examine it with hard eyes. He didn't linger to long on it and patted me on the shoulder with his massive hand. "Well we need to get back to packing up the ship." I guess he wasn't to worried about it. He picked up one of the barrels, throwing it over his shoulder and walked over the plank connecting the ship to the dawk. I kept staring for a bit longer though, something about that ship wasn't giving me the best felling. We didn't have much time though so I knew I needed to get back to getting everything on the ship, we were almost done to.

Just as I was turning around though I saw someone get off that flagless ship. A pit formed in my stomach and I froze. What came quicker though was the heat of anger. My fists clenched and my jaw was tight. I didn't think I'd see this bastard ever again, but there he was the fucking snake of a man. I'm not the same person I was when I had first met him, I was vastly different. I'd show him just how much I've changed and just what that means for him. Jamal would have to run into the middle of the ocean if he wanted to escape me this time.

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