Chapter 24 A Warm Feeling

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***Sorry everyone, I know this chapter is late. It took me longer than I expected to get this chapter to be the way I wanted it to (~_~;). However I'm glad to say that I'm very satisfied with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy. Leave a like and comment when you get the chance, and I will see you all next week ✌︎('ω'✌︎ ).***

Sebastian's P.O.V.

I was completely worn out, and I didn't get out of that bed for another two days. The captain catered to me, trying to get me to eat but I had very little appetite. The captain has slept with me every night, and I don't see that changing in the near future. I feel weak, and I'm not talking just physically but more than anything mentally. The captain has tried to get me to get out of bed, but I'm just scared of everything.

I know that the captain told me he took care of those people that did those things to me but some part of me is still scared that they're out there. Not necessarily those specific people but, people like them. I feel like nothing is in my control, and if I stay in this room and I don't leave at least I know what's in this room. At least I can control that.  I keep having nightmares, remembering everything that happened and waking up crying. The captain then consoling me every time. I feel weak, hopeless, and more than anything, like a burden.

When the captain was suddenly holding that sword out to me though, I wasn't thinking about any of that, none of it. Though, I wasn't sure what to think really. A part of me wanted to prove to him that I could beat him, though from his tone I think he knew that. He was just baiting me, plus with my mental state I wasn't even sure if I would be able to fight anywhere near normally. I felt the sudden chill of cold steel pressed up against the side of my face. The captain had the side of his sword on my cheek.

"Don't think, don't feel, just do." His words were soft but strong. It reminded me of something that my sword fighting teacher used to tell me. He was right, when you have been studying the art of sword fighting for so long everything just becomes second nature, it has to be. After all when you are in the middle of a fight you don't have time in between blows to think of what your next move should be so your body just has to see the move and react accordingly.

I grip the sword in my hand a little tighter, and seamlessly move my wrist in a way so that my sword goes and knocks the captain's blade off of my face. That first movement of the blade, it felt like fire in the best way possible. After that first moment things started to speed up. I'd move my blade swiftly and as per usual the captain tried to use blunt force which doesn't do much good if all that force can be easily deflected. The only problem I was having was that the room we were in wasn't exactly very big. However, this also made me realize something else. If I was having trouble and I was definitely a lot smaller than the captain, that he must be having an even harder time. I could use this to my advantage.

I quickly change tactics, moving from the defensive to the offensive. I wouldn't be able to keep it up for very long in these close quarters but that was fine, because that was all I would need. I quickly changed my stance and deflected his next charge before countering. He lost his footing for a moment, obviously not expecting my sudden switch. He regained his balance but not before his back hit the door.

That was my opening.

I moved forward, holding the grip of my sword with both hands. I swung it with fluid movement, the blade singing as it cut the air. A gust of wind came from my swing, tussling the captain's hair slightly. My blade was only a hair's breadth away from the captains neck. My eyes met his to find that he was wearing a wide smirk. As if he had something up his sleeve. My eyes narrowed, looking to see if I could tell what it was he was planning to do while pined like this.

"Not bad Sebastian, however..." his free hand, the one not holding his blade moved, but by the time I saw it, it was too late. I watched as he fell back as the door opened. Damn it, I should have seen that coming. I moved forward to follow after him. I thought he was going to land on his back and be stuck on the floor long enough for me to pin him again but he instead rolled backwards and landed on his feet. I had to admit, I wasn't expecting the captain to be so flexible. He basically just looks like a giant hunk of muscle after all.

I moved forward, using one of the things that I was known for back at the palace, my speed. However my concentration was broken and I hesitated, suddenly hearing the sounds of people around me. Something I hadn't realized until just then sunk into me. I wasn't in the room anymore. I wasn't safe anymore.

My eyes turned to see the other eyes of the crew members looking back at me. I knew that it wasn't them, I knew that the captain had taking care of people who had done those disgusting thing to me, but... but I...

I started to shake, and my entire body broke out into a cold sweat. . I was starting to panic Then in an instant, as if a strong wind had blown by, taking all my thoughts with it, I felt a sudden stinging pain on my cheek. Which was then followed by the feeling of something wet dripping down my face. I was bleeding. I turned my attention back towards the captain. His blade was being held to the side of my neck. He had cut me.

"What are you doing Sebastian? You know better than to take your eyes off your opponent in a fight." The capitaines words cut deeper than his sword had, leaving a stinging feeling stronger than it too. I wanted to say something, I wanted to tell him to shut the hell up. I wanted to tell him that he didn't understand the kind of hell that I was going through.

I just wanted to scream.

I gripped my sword tighter, my eyes glistening from the unshed tears that I wasn't about to let drop in front of all these people. I let anger be my driving emotion after sadness had been in control for so long.My sword clashed with his own, flinging it away from me. I charged in, my movements erratic but fast. I screamed as I made my movement. There was so much anger and frustration. I felt like I hadn't been in control of what had been happening to me for so damn long. None of this was fair. IT WASN'T FUCKING FAIR!

I swiped the captain's legs with my own, it hurt because he was big and heavy but since Isum had been helping me gain muscle I was actually able to do this. Which I can guarantee I wouldn't have been if I had tried it when I first got on this boat.

He landed on his ass and I left no time to spare as I jumped onto his chest, plunging my sword into the deck beneath him. My sword was touching his face, just barely but it was enough to give him a cut that matched mine. I was out of breath, and still held anger in my expression. I heard someone snicker, and turned to see Jamall, that slimy bastard. No part of me feared him now though, not in that moment. I was going to make him regret ever threatening me.

With my eyes full of rage I looked straight into his eyes. I'm going to fucking kill you, so you better run or back off if you want to live.  For a moment, though only for a brief moment, he was scared. With that one look I had whipped that stupid fucking grin off his face. With that he turned away, disappearing behind the crowd of people that had gathered around me and the captain.

I was panting and still angry but I suddenly felt something on my ass that reminded me of where I was. My entire face turned red as I looked back towards the captain, who seem to be wearing a pleased expression. He smirked, obviously noticing that I had noticed. "What? I can't help it, the little guy loves a fight." I punched him in the chest, wanting him to not be an idiot in front of so many other people.

"Shut up." I said, as I started to get up off him. As I did so though I suddenly felt his hand take my wrist. Before I had time to ask him what he was doing he pulled me back down. The hand that was on my wrist finding itself on the small of my back, his other hand placing itself at the back of my neck. Our faces were only about an inch apart now. I could see those emerald green eyes of his glistening from the reflection of the sun light. That grin of his that seemed to always be teasing, seemed oddly gentle in the moment.

"I love you, Sebastian." My eyes widened and before I had a moment to react to his words, his lips touched mine. They were so gentle. I wasn't expecting it, not just the kiss but the feeling that came with it. My chest became warm, as if suddenly sunlight was able to directly touch my heart. It was the closest way for me to accurately describe the foreign feeling. I couldn't believe it. Had i heard him right? Had he really just said... that?

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