Chapter 30 Stand Until You Fall

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***That's right I'm not dead ( ̄▽ ̄;) This collage boy may be drowning in assignments but he still has time to procrastinate and suddenly have a burst of inspiration for the next chapter. So I hope you enjoy (⌒▽⌒) leave a comment and vote if you get the chance and hopefully I'll see you guys again soon ( ' ' ) ***

You could hear men screaming as they fell into the water, Isum cutting down there ropes while they were in mid swing. I could also see Hisato holding two blades and flipping them around  seamlessly. It was really incredible, this was the first time I had ever really seen him fight. The way that he used his swords was something I had never seen before, his techniques were truly impressive though. The sounds of swords clashing and men yelling mixed to make a roar in the background.

With the sun setting on the water's horizon the sky was filled with fiery reds and yellows splashed across the clear blue background. The wind was just enough to tousle your hair. My breathing was the loudest thing to me though, my heartbeat along with it. My hand held the handle of the sword firmly. You'd think i would be scared, which I was but, there was something else, something driving me. This much larger man standing in front of me, despite his stature and his radiating anger, he was my prey. My hard eyes bore into his, letting him know where I stood. However, I wasn't just going to end it here, there is no honor in cutting down an unarmed man. I know that I'm on a pirate ship and that kind of thing doesn't matter here, however I still am who I am and this is how I choose to fight. I've changed a lot being here. However the core of who I am has still remained.

Just then, as if on cue, one of the people that were fighting with the crew fell after being impaled by someone. Though I didn't see who, it didn't matter as there sword clamored to the ground next to my foot. Without even needing to look down I kicked the blade over to him, never wavering. There was a small tremor in my hand but it was something that only I would be able to notice. It may have been from fear or nerves, more than likely though it was from my heart pumping faster than normal. He looked at me for a moment, seming surprised but wasted no more time than that in taking the sword to arm himself with. The roaring in the background faded as I focused on him, reading his body language as his grip on the sword tightened. Everything seemed to tune out and all I could focus on was this. He seemed nervous, trying to figure out what move to make. I think the fact that I seemed so calm put him off too.

Finally he made a move, his sword making an audible sound as it cut through the air unevenly, cleary from hesitation. However my own sword stopped it quiqly. The sound of our swords clashing against each other made the metal resonate. After that I focused on my footwork and keeping my breathing as even as possible. I took steps forward, my sword continuously clashing with his in the process. He didn't notice yet, but he was reaching near the edge of the boat. I continued to be the one doing the majority of the advancing until he finally took a step back and realized that half his foot was hovering over the ocean below. His entire face tensed up along with his body. He knew he was trapped.

"Sebastian, y-you don't have to do this buddy you're not this kind of person." His voice was shaky, the strong willed uncaring man had finally cracked. "L-look we can talk about this alright? I'll put the sword down." He said, offering his sword to me pleadingly. He could tell that this still hadn't phased me. I then saw something change in his expression, as if he suddenly knew something that might save him. "I'll tell you about your mother." At that I lost all composure and grabbed him by the collar of his neck, practically lifting him. Only his toes just barely touching the edge of the boat. My heart was pumping quickly and my eyes were filled with rage.

"What the fuck do you know about my mother?" My words were like daggers in and of themselves. However despite that he just chuckled.

"You truly are the idiot prince." Before I could realize what had happened my limbs suddenly felt weak and my grip on him started to loosen without my consent. I felt something worm dripping down my abdomen. His smug face blurred as I started to realize what had transpired. I looked directly into his eyes and sliced into his abdomen with my blade until it had gone all the way though. His eyes widened, as if surprised that I had really done it. I let go of my grip on him, unsure if it was just my body losing strength or if I had done it purposefully. The loud splash of his body hitting the water was heard as I felt my own body falling back onto the deck. My head hit the ground but luckily only after my back did so.

"Sebastian!" The sound of someone's desperate blood curdling scream of my name was heard, as if it were in the distance. I was barely conscious now but my head was in someone's lap. It was warm. I could hear my name being repeatedly called desperately. As if they thought there words could heal me. I could only see blurry shapes and colors as I found myself barely even having enough energy to keep my eyes open. I could feel someone's large warm hands on my face, trying to get my attention. Everything got darker, my already blurred vision starting to fade out. This might really be the end for me.

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