Chapter 40 Cut Short

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***Yes, that's right, last week a chapter and now this week! How are you doing it Silver? Well let me tell you, it mostly has to do with me procrastinating other things by writing this. So great for you guys but not so great for my school work. I'll try to keep posting as often as possible but honestly it might only be one or two chapters a month. I'll do my best though, and I hope to see you guys soon. Leave a comment or vote if ya want, t'is much appreciated. I love reading your comments. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! (⌒▽⌒)***

"Ohhh dirty boy is awake, lot's of sex time for Captain." Hisato bursts through the door saying his usual nonsense. You would think I'd be unfazed by now but my cheeks still sparked up slightly as I laughed it off a bit. The Captain on the other hand had an expression showing just how much he enjoyed the comment.

"Hisato maybe next time you should come and watch." I knew he was teasing but I still wasn't expecting his cheeky grinning face to say that of all things. He... He was just teasing right?

"Captain, Capitain, you want my skill is ok, ask I will teach." He sounded as if he were a grandparent offering to teach there grandchild how to sow, except in this case that's fare from what he was offering to teach. The Captain cracked up of course though and he even managed to get me to crack a smile. I went to get up but felt my hips go wably just as I flexed my muscles to stand. I figured I'd stay seated on the bed for now. I wasn't planning on falling on the ground again, especially with Hisato in the room. I'd never hear the end of it.

Isum suddenly appeared in the doorway behind Hisato, completely out of breath despite him trying to keep his composure. It looked as if he had only just caught up with Hisato who looked like he had just casually walked here. I wouldn't be surprised if he lived past one hundred and twenty, he's in better shape than anyone on the ship. The Captain raised an eyebrow at Isum, who just gave him a look before glancing at Hisato. The Captain sighed and rolled his eyes. They clearly just had an entire conversation in complete silence that I could never understand.

"Hisato, I don't even care, just fucking tell me, what did you get?" I still wasn't following so I just watched whatever this was about play out.

"What you mean? I get you and crew food so you no die." He answered the captain as if he couldn't have asked him a more stupid question. I'm pretty sure Hisato is the only one that can get away with talking to the captain like that, or maybe the only one with the balls to even try to. The Captain didn't say anything for a moment, just giving him an exasperated expression as he placed one hand on his hip and the other pinched above his brow with his thumb and index finger.

"Hisato, you know what I mean." Hisato spoke dramatically with his noodle arm aiding him in his delivery.

"So I by good things? What problem? Everyone get good food stay healthy stay happy, why you complain?" For a moment the Captain has a vain that i didn't know existed become visible on his forehead. I had never seen it before but somehow  I got the feeling that that vain only made a special appearance for the frustration he feels when hisato pulls this kind of thing. Surprisingly though, it's gone as quick as it had shown up. He sighed and dropped his hand from his brow.

"I guess it's alright to go a bit over budget this time, it's going to be the last time we..." He trailed off. My stomach felt tight and nauseous, a heaviness in my chest. I knew what he was saying, he didn't have to finish for me to know. Isum clearly knew what he meant too, since his face changed also. Hisato had no reaction, which for him was a reaction.

"Oh, also I by gold bracelet with budget because I want it." The heaviness in the air was cut completely when that vein from before came back pulsating hearing what Hisato had just said.

"You did what?!" The Captain was fuming and Hisato just pretended like that wasn't the case.

"Ah thank you Captain, so understanding, good man, bye bye now need to go put food in boat." And just like that he vanished, or rather just bolted with a cheeky smile on his face. He really must have some kind of death wish. Or maybe he's just so old that he doesn't give a damn anymore, who knows.

Isum rolled his eyes but he was definitely trying to hold in a bit of a smile. The captain was frozen for a second, as if he wasn't sure if he should run him down or not. With the fumes that seemed to sizzle down around him though. It looked as if he decided to let it go. He sighed, his tense body relaxing slightly as he exhaled.

"Did he actually by a bracelet with our food money?" Isum was trying not to smile or let out a laugh, though I don't think he was trying very hard seeing his expression.

"No Capitan, he was fucking with you." He said, somehow keeping his expression to just a smile, clearly amused.

"Yeah, figures that little bastard always does this kind of shit." He didn't sound genuinely all that mad though. He sounded like a father that had just been tricked by his kid for the millionth time and can't believe he didn't see it coming.

Suddenly Jacque appears behind Isum in the doorway, holding a serious expression.

"Captain, I know you wanted to leave tomorrow but dah weather is no good tomorrow, we leave tonight otherwise we will be stuck here for many more days." My heart jumped into my throat. I was counting on that extra day, one more night before the countdown would start. However now, it was starting in a few hours instead.

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