Chapter 8 Black Flags

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<<The Captain's ship>>

***Three chapters in a day?! Why Silver you're on fire! I guess that's what happens when you don't have Internet for a whole day, you actually get things done. Who would have though? ( ̄▽ ̄)***

"Sir did you still plan on-" An englishman says while opening the door and stops as he sees me on the captain's lap, with my shirt off and the captain still gripping my ass. I could feel my face redden like fire as i tried to quickly get off the captain. As I do his arm around my waist tightens. I squirm a bit and at least get his hand off my ass but that hand didn't move either as he squeezed it harder. I jumped and bit my lip again as he dose, holding in the squeal I almost let out.

The englishman looked at us with a straight face as if not surprised.

I put my head in the captain's shoulder, hiding my face on the other side of his neck. I hear the captain laugh and punched him in the side but he didn't even flinch.

"I see that you are busy but you should take care of this paperwork before more comes up, unless you want it to end up like it did the last time." His accent was definitely English but i could tell he was from a different part of england than I was sins it was slightly different. God just let this moment be over, I just want to hid under the covers for ever. I hear the captain take a deep breath, I can feel his eyes on me as he remaines silent for a while.

I don't know what he is expecting but I am not going to look up at him right now.

I hear him sigh as his grip on me losenes.

"Yeah fine, i'll be there in a second." The other man leaves with those words and shuts the doar. It took me a moment to realize that he was letting me go so I jumped off him with a bit too much of a delay. He laughed again.

I go to reach for my shirt that was now on the ground. "Don't where that thing again," he says standing up and walking over to the light brown wardrobe on the other side of the room. He opens it and pulls out two shirts, he throws the beige one my way. I catch it but a part still lands on my face. I regain vision as the sleeve on my face slides off me.

The captain is shirtless. I end up staring. His naturally tanned skin and eight pack abs made me feel the throbbing between my legs again. I watched him as he put the shirt he had just taken off onto the chair. I can see every muscle working as he moves, I can't help but be a bit mesmerised. I hear him laugh and realize he sees me staring.

"Like what you see?" he says with a smirk on his face. My face burns up again and i turn around quickly and put on my shirt that was more like a dress on me. I soon realize that was a mistake though as his big arms now draped in a baggy black long sleeve shirt come around me from behind and his lips are now next to my ear.

"If you're so impatient I might not leave." He whispers into my ear as one of his hands slide down the front of my stomach until it starts to go over my crotch airiya. I realize what he's about to do and start to panic.

"D-don't" I say, I hate how I sound like i'm pleading, but I don't know what else to do at this point. He bites the top of my ear, hard. The moment he breaks skin I suck in air between my clenched teeth so as to not cry out. I feel his tongue lick where he had bit, then surprisingly, he lets go of me.

"As much as i want to continue, I still have to be the Captain. Besides I don't plan on going much further without you being ready for that part." He says while rolling up his sleeves. I feel like asking why the hell he did all that he just did then. i mean if he's so damn keen on me being ready. I think he saw my anger because he responds to it like I just asked something. "You jumped into this one kid, so don't look at me like that. I could have held myself back if you hadn't decided to suddenly latch onto me like your life depended on it." I got angrier, not because I blame him but more because I feel like he might be right. I just walked up and hugged him after knowing his intentions. Damn it! what the hell was i supposed to do though? He looked so damn upset and i int have any other ideas. Then again, why the hell did i try to comfort him anyway? "Don't hurt yourself there kid, you look like you're about to think yourself to death with how much your frowning." he says while putting on his boots that I don't remember him taking off.

"Well it's your fault." I mutter under my breath as I pull the strings criss crossing across the ve in the shirt. I make it as tight as possible to hid all the marks that big bastard made on my collar bone.

"I will find Isum and he can show you around and give you something to help out with while I go take care of some things." He says, as he finishes tying his shoelace. We walk out onto the deck and the cool breeze hits me right away. The water glistened under the sun like cristal. The sound of the waves and the smell of salt water is amazing. I can't help but smile up at the sky where the sun is sending a small warmth through the clear blue sky. I look around to realize I have lost the Captain. I quickly find him though, talking to isum a little ways behind me near the edge of the boat. I hadn't had a chance to get a good look at this thing but it's huge. I continue to take everything in as i walk towards them. I look up at the fore masts and don't even bother to count how many sails. At the top of the tallest one is where i see it though, the thing that lets everyone know just what kind of ship this is. The black flag.

I hear people whistling and yelling crud things my way as I walk along the deck with Isum, I grab my shirt where my biceps are as I start to feel incredibly uncomfortable. I think Isum notices because next thing I know i hear his voice boom at them.

"Ey, shut up, dont you dare all act like you all haven't been fucked and fucking like crazy these past months." They all went quiet and no one said anything, a few people boo but Isum ignored them. We ended up walking around the huge ship for a few hours looking at all the different parts of the ship while Isum explained what they all were for. I also meet with a lot of the crew, most were surprisingly friendly but I feel like they have other movies other than just wanting to befriend me. I had never been in a situation where men would look at me the way these men do.

Our last stop was in the kitchen underneath the deck. There was a man behind the counter filleting a fish. By his features i'd say he comes from a part of asia. He looks up, noticing me and Isum he looked at Isum then quickly turned his attention to me, he stared for a while before he started laughing out of nowhere.

"Dirty dirty boy." He says still laughing a little with a thick accent i did not recognize while waving his finger at me like i had done something wrong. Isum laughs a little, like he understands.

"What is it?" I ask, completely confused. Isume isn't laughing anymore but he still has a big amused grin on his face.

"Don't take offense my boy, he does not mean it in a mean way, he just noticed all the marks the captain has left on you and thought he would tease you." I could feel my face go completely red as I put my hands on my neck to hide it. Not that that does me much good now, I had already walked around the entire boat with this clearly visible. Wheres that blanket, I need to find it and hid forever. I keep feeling like less and less of a man, and it's eating away at me.

"He cook?" the oriental man asked.

"Ah, well Hisato i'm hoping you can teach him." Isum responds. Hisato's face loses all emotion at those words. Then he starts saying a bunch of things in a language i'm not familiar with. He looks frustrated though and that's basically all i'm getting from this. Isum just smiled. "Why thank you, i'm sure once he gets the hang of it he will be a big help." I look up at him confused. There is no way in hell that all that was him agreeing.

"I kill you with poison." Well i definitely understood that anyway. Luckily he was looking at Isum while saying it but I dont think hes a big fan of me at the moment either. Suddenly the hatch not to far from us is flung open and a bunch of crew come running down the stairs. They all head towards the canons and start to prepare them. Isum stops one of them to ask them what's going on.

"There's a ship coming in our direction, it has a black flag."

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