Chapter 27 Out In The Open

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***Thats right! Another chapter and it's on time! *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:* I'm working on the next chapter already so hopefully I will have that done on time too. ()I'll keep you guys up to date on it by posting on my page about my progress. Also stuff is getting pretty crazy irl with some other things I'm dealing with but hey I guess that's just life. I will still be doing my utmost to continue posting on this new Friday schedule. Leave a vote and a comment if you get the chance, reading them always gives me a laugh or a smile.(*''*)╯♡ You guys are amazing. Enjoy the chapter! (^^)***

My vision was hazy and my stomach turned again seeing what I had just spewed onto the ground. I soon found Isum's arm around me, helping me stay standing. How did everything get so messed up so fast. Then again, I guess the moment I got knocked out of that carage everything has been messed up. I was then brought back to my current situation by the sound of someone's voice. I found out that it wasn't Isum who had killed Shmeed.

"Ah sorry sorry, hand slipped. I am old man, eyes no see so well and arms like spaghetti, very hard to controle." Christ, Hisato really was fucking crazy. To be so casual and also be essentially making jokes after having done that to someone, it gave me a mixed set of feelings. Granted I couldn't really tell if that had more to do with the fact that I had just vomited or not. Either way I saw the captain practically roll his eyes at Hisato, looking like he actually cared very little about what had just transpired. Which considering the fact that he looked like he was about two seconds away from killing him himself anyway wasn't all that surprising.

As I stood there I heard a few wet droplets hit the floor. I looked down to see that it was blood, my blood. I almost forgot that my throat was almost slashed approximately two seconds ago. Before I even had a chance to process that, everyone's heads turned towards the Navy ship as a voice came across to ocean towards us.

"We do not negotiate with criminals! Give us the Prince and we will let your ship go without any harm coming to it or your crew!" I could feel it, my body was shaking again. Isum clearly noticed aswell since I soon felt his arm holding me up more firmly.

"It's alright my boy, you're part of this crew now too you know. We protect our own." Isum whispered to me. I felt a mix of gilt form in my now empty stomach. He knew now, about everything, but he wasn't treating me any differently, it was unfair of me to have assumed the worst from him. However the captain still had yet to look at me. Just the thought had a stinging feeling rest in my chest.

"Of course, if you wanted to go with them too, we'd understand." I shook my head 'no' almost immediately hearing him say that. I appreciate it but if I went with them it would more than likely be the end of me. Even if it wasn't though, even if by some miracle they really were only here trying to help, I had a feeling I probably still wouldn't have wanted to go. Not like this at least.

"There are alot of people trying to kill me from high places. Bribing the Navy to make me disappear wouldn't be that hard for most of them." I say, my voice shakier than I would like it to be. I guess that's normal after a near death experience though. You would think after being on a pirate ship for almost three months I would be used to this kind of thing by now, and yet I really wasn't.

"Ah I see, it seems it's not so easy being the prince." He whispers back, chuckling a little. I really had no idea how he stayed so calm in situations like this. I guess after so many years of being a pirate this kind of thing becomes just another day. However that slight comfort that came from Isum's words was all but washed away when the words that I heard from the captain reached me.

"Alright, we'll give him to you." The words pierced my chest like daggers. I couldn't move, and my breathing was irattic. I couldn't control my own body at all or how it responded to the situation. Isum wasn't looking at me but rather at the captain, as if he were trying to understand what he meant by what he had just said. I was still holding onto hope though, i mean he couldn't be serious right... right? Then again though he still hasn't looks at me yet since he found out about my secret. Did he really hate me now after all... had I really managed to lose all his trust and love for me in one fail swope? I guess i deserved it though, it wasn't exactly a small thing to keep hidden.

"Be award though, the moment we see you step out of line we're firing our cannons. Consider this your one and only warning." The captain said, being authoritative as ever. He then turned to Isum, motioning for him to come to the edge of the boat. "Bring Sebastian, make sure he doesn't move, not that he really has anywhere to go anyway but let's just not make this more complicated than it needs to be."

I felt as if I was completely disconnected from my body, as if this was all happening to someone else. It was like all the sudden we went back to three months ago when none of us knew each other at all and I was just a prisoner again. I felt Isum's grip on me tighten, but not before he hesitated. I could tell he didn't really want to do this. However in a battle between the guy who he's known for three months and the captain he's served for years, I lose. As I start to be half dragged over to where the captain was I watch the Navy ship start its approach.

"Captain please, you need to understand they're not going to just bring me back home. They're going to kill me!" I was panicking, I didn't know if I felt anger, sadness or fear but at this point they all just mixed together. I looked mad and could feel the deep-set frown on my face but I could also feel tears collecting on my waterline, threatening to give into gravity.

He still didn't say anything, nor did he look at me. My heart was breaking. "I-I I know I should have told you alright, I know it was a mistake not to mention it earlier. But what the hell was I supposed to do? Just pull you aside and say, 'oh by the way I'm the fucking prince of England'? You would have looked at me as if I were fucking insane!" My voice was strained now and cracking. It was so damn hard to keep myself from crying. He still gave me no response, not even a glance. I could feel Isum's arms tighten right around me but somehow it was in a gentle way, as if he were trying to give a sort of hug to comfort me.

I watched as the Navy boat came up right next to the captain's ship and started to send over a plank to connect the two. I couldn't believe it, this was really happening, he was really going to do this to me. "I know I made a mistake but how could you do this to me? After all you said, all those sweet words, were they all just lies? Was I just some fucking kid you decided to mess with?" I couldn't help it now, tears started to fall down my cheeks and to my lips. They were salty, and oh so bitter. I continue to watch for a reaction, and maybe my eyes had deceived me but I think he really flinched hearing that. "I... I loved you... you know... I really did..." This time I was sure though, he definitely reacted to that. I didn't think that this would be the conditions in which I would admit those feelings for him but, here we were. How did everything become so dishevelled?

The clunk of the plank hitting the deck felt like the sound of a gong going off to indicate someone's imminent execution. Considering the moment that I stepped on to that plank and reached the end of it I was essentially going to be stepping off into my death, it was fitting. No need for a boat at the other end, I might as well just jump into the ocean.

I could see a man step onto the plank, despite clearly having been on the high seas for a long time he was still wearing an immaculate white ensemble. How he managed that I had no clue but his burly build was what worried me more than anything, along with the scars scattered across his face and hands. He had clearly seen battle, a lot of it. For some reason that made me question whether or not he was really even part of the Navy. I was getting a bad feeling, one worse than before.

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