Chapter 49 Home

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***It's getting harder to write these chapters, I'm feeling so many things. I mean seriously I've been working on this story since I was 16. I first posted this not expecting much of anyone to see it, and then suddenly when that wasn't the case I felt like I had to finish it. So I made a promise that I would finish it, now I'm 21. It's taking a lot for me to get to this point in the story, and it doesn't represent where my writing can go anymore. However this is also the most I've ever written of any of my stories. It became a challenge for me to prove to myself that I can write an entire book, that I can actually put pen to paper with one of the hundreds of stories floating around in my head. And a couple chapters away from now, I will have proven that to myself. With my other stories now to come, I'm hoping I can apply what I've learned from writing this book to them. I do have a story that I've been working on which I will be posting once this one is finished, and I have a story after that that I haven't written anything yet for but I'm looking forward to working on as well. I hope that those of you that like my writing and who have been with me on this journey until now will like the other things I have to write. But if not then I want to thank you for having stuck with me throughout this story, I really appreciate it. Anyway this was long-winded but I hope you enjoy this chapter, I've already started to work on the next one so hopefully I can get it out soon as well. I'll see you guys next time ♥️***

We left the port, the island run by pirates disappeared into the distance as we headed out into the dark blue waves of the rumbling ocean. The storm caught on our coat tails and for a little while there it was rough. The captain told me to just try and get some sleep while him and the rest of the crew did their best to not be blown off course, or worse. I know he was telling me this because my wound was still there but I felt well enough to help, after all I've been walking around without too much pain for a while now. I understood though that if the wound did reopen by some chance, I was risking death. We managed to get through it though, I didn't sleep that night however. How could I? I was worried about Isum and the captain, as well as Hysato and the others.

I had lost track of the months that I've been on this ship but it feels like a lifetime has passed. Now with us having been en route to England for an additional few months, I knew that it had almost been a year in total since the last time I saw my country, as well as my mother. An entire year of not knowing whether she was dead or alive. I felt guilty to some extent, because everyday was packed with things that needed to get done I went long stretches without thinking of her. I just hope that if she was taken by Joffrey, as Jamal said, my father did all that he could to find her and bring her back. If he didn't though, at least I had an address to provide me with some kind of lead.

The sea wind tousled my hair, my hands folded into my elbows as I leaned against the border of the ship. The smell of the ocean was almost undetectable to me anymore with how long I had spent on the ocean by now, and the heat from the sun bothered me less. On a morning like this where the sunrise was just so vibrant, over taking the entire sky with it's bright shades of purple, blue and orange, you couldn't help but appreciate it. No matter how many times you've seen it, they're always at least a little bit different from the last.

"We are getting close you know." Isum's voice surprised me a bit. He came up beside me and rested his elbows on the splintered wood next to my own. He gazed off at the sunrise before us, seeming content. "Any day now we should be getting to your home." I breathed a bit heavy. My home. I suppose it was, but this boat had come to feel like a home more than the cold stone walls of that castle. I knew I had to go back though.

"Yeah..." Even if I didn't want the responsibility of becoming a king, I knew that from that position I could make things better for people. I still remember what the captain said about his mom the first time we had met, what she thought of me though she had never met me. To some degree, it feels like my responsibility to live up to that expectation. No matter what my dad wants, when I become king it's my choice what I do with that position. I felt Isums large hand land on my shoulder. I think I must have gotten bigger though because it somehow felt smaller than I remembered.

"You will be alright Sebastian, no matter what choice you make for your life, just know we will be there if you need us." He squeezed my shoulder a bit and patting my back before pulling his hand back. He kept his eyes on the sunset as he spoke and I found a smile pulling at the corner of my lip hearing him. He was always very good at saying the right thing at the right time. I felt a swell up of emotions suddenly. I bit my bottom lip for a bit to try and keep my shin from trembling, I could feel my eyes start to blur from the tears that were welling up. I cleared my throat a couple times and coughed, wiping my eyes while pretending I just got something caught in them.

"I um... I really appreciate that." That's all I could manage to say while keeping my voice somewhat steady. Of course I know he probably knew, there was no real point in hiding anything from that man. I saw him smile in understanding. I felt two hands wrap around me from behind, soon followed by a kiss to the side of my jaw. I stopped leaning on one of my elbows and let that hand rest on the captain's hands were clasped around me.

"Watching the sunrise?" He asked. I hummed in confirmation, enjoying the feeling of being enveloped by his warmth. I wanted the moment to last just a little longer.

"Eastward ho! Land ho!" One of the crew called out from the observation post on the middle mast. Everyone on the ship seemed to stop and look towards the east. My stomach twisted and I found myself squeezing the captains hands suddenly. I bring myself to look just yet, I didn't want this moment to be over yet. However reality was, I needed to face it, I needed to face everything. I looked to the east and couldn't see it with my eyes just yet, but I knew not long from now I would. I would have to go home. I took a deep breath and felt the captain squeeze me a bit tighter into a hug. We could both feel it. It was impossible not to. This chapter of my life, it was coming to an end.

The Pirate's Prince (ManXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now