Chapter 43 Contract

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***Hello hello, for those of you that are somehow still reading this story I'd like to congratulate you for making it this far. I don't know how you did it. I truly have to commend the patient's you guys have for my shit. I also want to thank you guys though, because seeing people continue to like and read my story is what motivates me to keep doing it rather than dropping it and starting another one like I used to always do. So enjoy the chapter I'm gonna stop being mushy now.***

He hadn't seen me yet. Which is surprising since that means he somehow didn't feel the holes I was burning into the back of his neck. As much as I wanted to go over there and rip him apart in that moment without a second thought, I knew that I couldn't do that. Being emotional while fighting in a blind rage means you're the one that's in the least control. If I was going to fight him, there was no way in hell I was going to do it and mess up just because I was hasty. But I also couldn't just go back to taking barrels off the dock and compile them in the ship's hull like I hadn't seen him. Shit, what do I do? Isum's hand landed on my shoulder again, he looked at me then tried to follow my gaze. He saw him too.

"Ah that's Jamal isn't it? McCain's right hand boy." Just hearing him say his name made a pit form in my stomach. My gaze and attention never left him as he stood on the dock and spoke to some other probable crew member of that boat. That fucking snake.

"Yeah." I said dryly. Isum had noticed my change in tone. He could read me well, it also didn't help that I wasn't exactly trying that hard to hide how I felt about him in that moment. He looked at me for a second, as if trying to figure out if there was something he was missing.

"What did he do?" He knew, nothing specific but he definitely knew that there was something that had happened. As much as I loved the captain, Isum was definitely a lot sharper when it came to these kinds of details. My sharp gaze and the frown I hadn't realized I was holding still stayed on that scaly bastard. I took a moment before saying anything.

"Something... Something I have to take care of myself." I'm nowhere near the same person I was when I first had contact with him, and he was going to find that out very soon. It was already late in the day when we realized that we had to pack up as soon as possible so with the little time we had left I had decided what I was going to do.

"Hm... alright sebastian, but you know I am here if you need me... for whatever that may be." Isum's eyes were sharp, you could tell just what he meant when he says 'whatever that may be'. He's got a good heart, but like everyone else that was part of this crew, he was still a pirate.

The rest of the packing went smoothly and the captain was just doing some last minute running around to make sure all the crew would be ready and not black out drunk or doing something else completely idiotic. Isum of course was helping him, I would have done the same, but I was going snake hunting.

I walked down the dark docks as quietly as I could with heavy boots on planks of wood, going slow helped. The night was mostly silent except for the sounds of cicadas and the music and chatter coming from the pub that wasn't to far. The sound of the dock creaking had me half holding my breath, my hand on my sword. I had it in it's holster on my hip, for now. I knew that he wasn't on the ship yet, I had been keeping an eye on it all day. Plus from the windows on the ship it was easy to see that there were no candles lit. As far as I knew whoever was part of this crew was currently drinking themselves half to death. I stayed low as I slowly made my way up the ramp that connected the ship to the dock. I felt that familiar pit in my stomach, I was nervous.

I made my way onto the sip, slowly and quietly making it down the steps into the hull. To be honest I wasn't completely sure what I was looking for. Maybe a motive for what he had wanted me to do... I don't know. I checked around in the barrels, wondering if maybe there was anything in them other than gunpowder and food. There was nothing though. I saw the door at the end of the ship, the captain's quarters. I opened the door slowly and quietly, I had seen through the window that there was no candle on but I didn't want to risk being carlesly loud if someone was sleeping there. As I peeked in and looked around, it seemed it was empty after all. The desk was in the middle, not quite as lavish as the captain's desk but still nicer than you would expect on... was this even a pirate ship? It didn't have a black flag after all. This wasn't the time to just stand there thinking though.

I started to look through the bookshelves. They weren't all in english and when it comes to reading foreign languages there's only a few that I've gotten good enough at to read with relative confidence. None of them seemed to be very useful though, they just seemed to ether be stories to read recreationally or general information about various topics. There were so many books to and the longer I stayed on this boat the heavier the pit in my stomach felt. I started to just pick out random books and quickly skim through the pages, at this point just hoping to find something.

I had gotten just a little over half way through the second bookshelf when a paper fluttered out of the book I had just picked up. I picked it up and unfolded it. It was a contract, I could tell by the format before even attempting to read it. It was written in french which I did know how to read but it would still take me time. There was one thing that I was able to read easily though, causing my heart to leap into my throat. My full name... along with my mom's.

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