Chapter 18 Possessive Mark

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***MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I bet you guys thought I gave up on this story huh? Well fear not! I plan on finishing this book, even if it takes me years ;-; I know that my updates are a little all over the place, and I really wish I could be more consistent for you guys, but life is messy. I can promise however that I'm going to continue writing this book, even if the updates are spotty I guarantee there will be updates. I want to thank all the people that have read my book up to this chapter, and the people who keep commenting, it warms my heart and helps me stay determined to finish this story knowing that there are other people who want it finished too. So please continue commenting, let me know what you think of the story and the characters and leave a vote if you get the chance, I really appreciate it. Now enjoy this Christmas miracle of a chapter! (*^_^*)***

Captain Walker's P.O.V.

I hugged sebastian's smaller body closer. I could hear the breathiness from his struggled silence as he cried into my chest. I could feel the place where his eyes were from the worm dampness of where his tears were soaking into my shirt. My chest was tight in an uncomfortable sort of way. I didn't like seeing him like this, and I had no idea what caused it. Maybe it's him being on this ship? Is it because of one of the crew? Shmeed maybe? Or someone else I don't know about? Or is it what he was telling me about before, about running for his life? Maybe he misses his family? Or maybe he's worried about them? Then again I wouldn't be surprised if it were all those things combined. I guess it a lot for a kid. It makes sense I guess, the sea isn't for everyone, especially someone who grew up in a family with money. I'm kind of surprised though, the kid sure doesn't talk much like he came from money, the only thing that was a dead give away were the clothes he was wearing when we first met. I guess that's not important right now. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head, his fluffy blond hair tickling my nose a bit as I do.

"It's ok Sebastian, you can tell me what it is later." I didn't want him to feel pressured to tell me what it was that was the matter when he was already in this state. I wanted to give him a chance to calm down and maybe just take his mind off things for a bit, though I guess that is what I just did, I didn't exactly do it in the best way. I need to be more patient, tough that's never been something I was very good at,  at least when it comes to physical urges. Actually, now that I think about it, i've never tried to actually control those urges until now... I mean usually I just go for it. But I guess... for some reason Sebastian is different, it's like, I don't want him to hate me I guess.


Uh.. anyway, that's not important, I still need to tell sebastian about the crew. I put my hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him off my chest a bit. As I did so it took him a minute to actually lift his eyes from off the ground to look at me, his crystal blue eyes were puffy and his usually pale cheeks were red from having cried. Seeing him like that made my heart tightened and my stomach churn, I didn't like seeing him like this, and no part of me ever would. ...well I mean... unless we were in bed and he was crying of pleasure...  Anyway, getting off track again. Looking at his face I just couldn't bring myself to tell him something that would just make him more anxious in that moment. I figured I should just let him take a breather and then when he was feeling a bit better I could tell him, after all it's not like I could just not tell him in the first place, though I didn't want to tell him in a time where that was the last thing he needed to hear.

Maybe I should ask Isum to have Sebastian tail him for a little bit, pass it off as him showing what it is the first mate does or something. That way he doesn't really have to do anything other than watch what Isum dose, besides Isum is good with this kind of thing, unlike me. So he would probably do a better job with cheering up the kid, maybe even getting him to tell him what's wrong... huh, that was weird, for some reason I didn't want the kid to tell Isum what was wrong... I kind of wanted him to tell me... why did I think that? Whatever it's not important, besides I already know that the kid probably wouldn't tell me in the first place....  shit, again what the hell? Why do I not like that he wouldn't tell me? It's not like he has to, god there really must be something wrong with me.

Just then I felt a tug at my shirt, the kid was trying to get my attention, clearly having noticed that I got lost in thought. I looked down to see his pale hand holding onto my shirt in a little fist... Oh my god it was really cute... I wanted to jump him right then and there but I knew I couldn't, he would definitely hate me if I did something like that to him now, with him feeling like this. If I stayed around him much longer though I could feel that my self control might slip.

"You know, I've been meaning to get Isum to show you what he does as the first mate. It might take your mind off of whatever it is that's bothering you." He didn't say anything at first, still seeming a bit out of it, eventually he answered though.

"Yea... ok..." He didn't seem to hate the idea so I guess that was a good sign, at the very least it wasn't a bad one anyway. I put my hands on the side of his shoulders and rubbed up and down a bit, hoping to get him back from wherever his mind was.

"You know, I'll let you off early tonight, i'll tell Isum to give you a break from trying to bulk you up for a few days."

"No, please don't, please don't treat me differently from the rest of the crew." Those words surprised me. I mean I knew I was treating him differently from the rest of the crew, because he is different from the rest of the crew. I mean he's... he's Sebastian, that's all, he's just different because he's him. I can't not treat him differently, it would feel... wrong, I guess. I wasn't about to tell him that thought, no way in hell, he might get the wrong idea. Ah... that's weird, why do I almost feel like... no, nevermind, that's not important.

"I'm not, I take care of my crew members when they're injured or having a hard time, it's my job as the Captain." Sebastian's ocean blue crystals looked at me in that moment in a way that made my heart do something strange. It was as if he saw me as a valiant king of sorts. It's hard to explain but, it was the best feeling in the world and all I wanted to do was kiss him and never let go. So I did. A little abruptly I slid my hand onto the back of his neck, my other hand sliding around the small of his back, pulling his body up to me as I leaned down and kissed him hard. God I was so hungry for him. My lips trailed down and I made sure to make very visible marks on his neck and down to his collarbone. He was mine, and I wanted every goddamn person on the planet to know that and stay the hell away. No matter how much I tried to lie to myself about how I felt about the kid, moments like these always betrayed my fasad. This possessive monster that I had chained up inside was unleashed on him and had no plans on letting go.

I held him tight and I heard him panting and struggled sounds escape his lips. I was getting hard again when I really shouldn't have been. I let go of him and pecked his lips before directing him to the door. "Anyway, um, go find Isum and let him know you want to do a tour of how to be the first mate." I say, trying to hide how incredibly horny I was in that moment. When I saw his face it didn't help either. He looked like he was in a bit of a feel good kind of daze because of what I had just done to him and his face all red like that was adorable. I just wanted to bring him to bed and ram him until he could no longer cum. Shit I got harder again thinking about that. This boy better get out of here soon because holy hell was I ever using all my strength here.

Sebastian just stood there looking at me for a moment, seeming a bit surprised before eventually starting to walk towards the door.

"Uh... r-right... ok... i'll um... i'll just... go do that now..." Seeing him walk out the door my eyes were on his perfect little ass and I couldn't help but say my next words.

"Oh and, tonight, come to my quarters." I said, smirking a little. He hesitated and paused in his walking, and even though he didn't turn around I could tell his face was completely red due to the change in colour of his ears to an adorable shade of pink. Holy hell he was fun to tease. He didn't say anything and just started walking faster after that pause he took. I mean it wasn't a no so I was holding out hope. For now though I had to go take care of my problem that had arisen between my legs before I went back to getting shit done.

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