Chaper 12 Thunder and Warmth

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***So I'm going to continue this story, for now that's what I'v decided. Once I'm done I might go over everything and rewrite it but for now there will be lots more chapters to come for those who actually read until this chapter XD Drop a vote if you have the time and possibly comment, I want to know your thoughts(@⌒ー⌒@) anyway, enjoy ( ' ' ) ... Psst, I already have three other chapters written so those will be posted soon, promise ;)***

Sebastian's P.O.V.

His head shoots up to look at me directly in the eyes. His two emeralds looking back at me, paralyzing me on the spot. I more or less snap out of it as I go to pull my hand away from his desk so I can leave quickly. Before I get a chance though he grabs my arm.

"Sebastian, wait, I just want to talk. Look kid, I know you still don't get everything and I honestly have no fucking clue why you looked so damn terrified before but I know you enjoyed what we did together." He said probably sounding more desperate than he intended but somehow still managing to sound firm in his words.

"N-no, I did n-not" Shit, why can't I lie better right now. I mean I know that it felt good, like, really good, but he scares me sometimes and I don't know if i'm ok with that. A smirk appears on his face at my answer and my nerves are on high alert. He yanks my arm and I fall forward. He catches me and whispers into my ear as he grabs my ass.

"Are you sure?" His voice is husky and I let out a squeal as he squeezes my ass. He lifts me like I weigh nothing, putting me on his lap so I'm now straddling him. Before i have a chance to try and get off he wraps one arm around the small of my back and pulls me close, his lips crashing against mine as his other hand is now on the back of my neck. He bites my bottom lip and I let out gasp of surprise at the sudden pain. The moment my lips part he darts his tongue deep into my mouth, exploring every inch. I completely lose myself in it, not sure what to do.

It feels good. Why does it feel so good? I can feel myself falling into him, letting the waves of pleasure flow from his touch. It almost tingles on the surface of my skin, seeping into my body and making my heart race. I'm trying to think. Why can't I think?

I start to feel as if I can't breath. I start to shiver, not from cold, or fear, I don't know from what, actually maybe this is fear but not the kind where I am worried for my life, though maybe it should be. It's a different kind of fear, one that this is the first time I'm experience it. It's like I'm afraid of myself, no, maybe only a part of myself, a part that I'm only just now meeting for the first time but somehow I always knew it was there. I just don't understand, why is it this man? Why is it him that's introducing this part of me to myself? And why, why is part of me enjoying it all?

I feel his hand on my ass start to slide up, his thumb dipping into the lip of my pants, guiding the rest of his hand down my tailbone, his index finger starting to slowly trail down between my cheeks. I don't know what he's doing but for some reason I don't protest as he continues to kiss me. His free hand finding itself playing with my blond locks as it continues to hold our lips together as he continues to engulf me in a kind of pleasure I didn't know two men could have.

My body suddenly jerks in surprise as I feel his finger rubbing my entrance. What the hell is he doing?! I tried pushing on his chest with my hands to get him to stop kissing me so I could speak. But then my entire body tensed and I froze. He slipped his finger inside me. HE JUST SLIPPED HIS FUCKING FINGER INSIDE ME. I don't know what to do, i couldn't move. Why would he do something like that? Isn't that disgusting for him? It was a slightly painful and stung a little, witch i guess is to be expected since NOTHING IS SUPPOSED TO ENTER THERE.

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