Chapter 19 Made of Glass

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***So hello, it's been a while, I'm sure some of you thought I'd given up on this story, but do not fret, I know there are some of you out there that are very much enjoying the story, so I'm here to continue it for you guys. I also read all of the messages you guys wrote on my last little update, seriously you guys almost made me cry. I couldn't have asked for better fans. You guys are absolutely amazing. Although I may not have answered all of the messages, mostly due to my anxiety, know that I did read them all, and appreciated them all. I'm getting better, but it's going to take some time before I'm really ok. But hey, progress is progress. I'm not gonna keep rambling on and delaying you your long-awaited and well deserved chapter. Pleas enjoy, drop a vote or a comment if you get the chance. (*^_^*)***

Sebastians P.O.V.

To say I was feeling embarrassed was an understatement but more than that I was just a mix of emotions. Even as a kid when I would play with the other kids in the village I was always what my mother would call 'compassionate' which was essentially just another word for emotional. I didn't know that that was a bad thing until I got older. Other men in the village would call me scrawny or pansy and an array of other things that basically meant they thought I was weak and less of a man because of both my body that was incapable of putting on a lot of muscle and my personality that was more compassionate than the other boys. The worst part is they would blame it on me only having a mother that raised me, saying that she ruined me with her womanly ways and other bullshit of that type. I hated that, especially since my mother had to do a lot to be able to raise me the way she did. She is and always will be my hero.

I stopped walking on the deck at that thought. I really missed her, and couldn't help being worried about her. After all the last time I saw her, our carriage got flipped over by bandits. I don't really remember what happened in between the carriage being flipped and me running for my life. It was a strange thing but i'm worried that my mind blocked out that part because possibly something terrible had happened that it did not want to be able to recall. I shook my head and slapped my cheeks a few times, I couldn't think about that, because if I did without actually knowing, my mind would go to the absolute worst places possible and I wouldn't be able to function. Which with where I am right now, being in that kind of vulnerable state is far from an option. I guess I was being pretty noticeable in how deep in thought I was because next thing I knew I could hear Isum's voice.

"Ah, sebastian my boy, what are you doing just standing there in the middle of the deck? Shouldn't you be working hard?" I looked towards him hearing his booming yet somehow always cheerful voice and large smile. As he walked towards me though I think he could tell that I had just been deep in thought about something troubling because his expression turned into one of slight concern. He put one of his large hands on my back in reassurance, still holding that genuinely concerned expression that was uniquely his, always let you know that he really cared. "Are you alright? Did something happen?" He said in a quieter voice, as if not wanting to startle me seeing that I was practically made of glass at that point. I didn't like that he could see through me like that, then again though that was just who Isum was, always very good at reading people.

I opened my mouth, about to say something along the lines of 'nothing' however the moment I opened my mouth my throat got a lump in it and I could feel the sudden flush heat that you feel in your cheeks when you know tears are imminent. So I just closed my mouth again and bit my bottom lip. Isum patted my back a little gently, not saying anything for a moment.

"It's alright Sebastian, don't worry about it my boy, you don't have to tell me." I could tell in his voice that he was both genuine and understanding despite not knowing what was eating at me. I appreciated that from him, more than I think he will ever know. "Well I have to get back to doing my duties but if you want we can talk later, or not, whatever you want my boy." He said, squeezing my shoulder a little before removing his hand.

"Actually, um, the captain suggested that I follow you around and learn what the first mate does... if that's alright?" I ask, a bit dazedly, remembering what the captain had suggested. A soft smile coated his lips and he nodded.

"Of course my boy, who knows, maybe you will take my job one day." He said with a laugh. I laughed a little too at that.

"Yea right, how is anyone, let alone me, supposed to ever replace you?" I said, smiling a bit from the laugh. I then saw something that I don't think many people have ever seen from Isum, despite him being one of the more open and expressive people on the boat. He smiled, but not just any smile, the kind of smile thats choked back a bit when someone is genuinely flattered. I knew in that moment that he probably didn't really know how well liked he really was on this boat. Hopefully if I have the courage, and the opportunity, I can tell him some time.

I could see that Isum was going to say something to retort what I had said but I suddenly saw something from the corner of my eye that made my entire body go stiff and my face turn pale. My expression turned to one of both surprised and fear. The boy with the snake like voice was walking around above deck talking to one of our crewmates, as if he owned the place. No one seemed to even bat an eye to this person that I've never seen in our crew before. However what I soon realized was with the plank attaching our boat to that of our temporary neighbouring boat, the crew members from both were able to move freely between one another. So he must have been one of the other boats crew members then.

I could only see it from the corner of my eye and barely registered it but Isum was frowning, obviously very aware of my sudden change in demeanor. He looked over in the direction that I was looking at, clearly wondering what it was that suddenly made me uneasy. Once he thought that he had spotted who it was that I was looking at he turned back to me,  the questioning expression on his face as he did so. "Do you know Jamal?"  He asked, that name slicing through me as I could finally put it to the snakes face. So that's his name, that's that bastard's name. I realized that Isum was expecting an answer, but honestly I wasn't sure what kind to give him.

"Not um... not really, who is he though?" I asked, trying to act casually despite knowing that Isum clearly got a glimpse of my fear. Hopefully he wouldn't dwell on it though. Isum gave me a look, clearly not believing my answer but answering my question anyway.

"Jamal is the first mate on Captain McClain's boat, so him and I actually have the same job."  he said, glancing over to where Jamal was. I gave him a quick look of confusion hearing his answer. I could not believe that that evil snake held the same job as Isum. Captain McClain must have a screw loose somewhere to have hired that guy to be his right-hand man. Actually, I wonder if I told Captain McClain what his right-hand man was doing I could be rid of this problem and just let him deal with it... then again though, what if Captain McClain is in on it? ...fuck, I need to figure out why he wants me to kill the captain somehow.

"But... you're so different." I ended up saying. Only a moment after saying that though I realized that I had essentially told Isum that I just lied to him. I was scared before, but now the kind of fear that said into me had my heart beating against my rib cage. I didn't have an excuse as to why would lie to him about that comma but telling him the truth sure as hell wasn't going to happen because then I'd have to tell him everything, including the fact that I'm the prince of England. Which of course sure as hell isn't an option the chances of that ending in death are pretty damn High. people on this boat, well some of them anyway, may seem nice but they still kill without hesitation. I just hope that he didn't notice so I don't have to go thought that.

Isum laughed. "My boy, we are not the same person we simply share the same job." Thank God he found that amusing, and didn't seem to noticed my slip up there. He then paused though, as if he'd realized something. The pit of my stomach started to tighten seeing that. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit please no.

"I thought you said you did not know him, how do you know that we are different?"


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