Exciting announcement!

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I'm going to start publishing on Tapas! ((o(^∇^)o))For those of you that don't know it's a website where you can post both comics and novels. I've been obsessively reading the comics on there only to find that they also have novels. I really hope you guys don't mind but I would love it if you could help me out and go follow the story on there as well even if you guys already get to read it here. If I get 100 subscribers on there I can actually start making real money off of this story just by you reading it on there. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡I spent over a year and a half writing it and my dream has always been to write as a profession. This might really be the beginning's of that! My mom has been at me to get a "Real job" which to her is working at a fast food place but with my anxiety sometimes I can barely leave the house. I would sincerely appreciate you guys going there and subscribing. I will also be adding bonus chapters, little things explaining the past of some of the characters on there exclusively. For example I already have a large portion of Isum's backstory chapter written. Anyway thank you in advance for anyone that does decide to go follow me on there! Also I have the same name on there that I do here except without the underscores. Silver Ink. Sorry to take up your time, see you soon! (^ω^)

The Pirate's Prince (ManXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now