Chapter 10 Red Waves

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<<A picture of Capitain McClain>>

The Captains P.O.V.

I clench my fists to hold in my anger as I walk away from Sebastian. Why the hell is he so fucking scared all of the sudden? The only thing I said was that we would defend ourselves if they attacked and he suddenly looked at me as if I were the fucking devil!

"Capitain!" I hear Isum call me from behind, I don't even have to look to know he's about to appear next to me. "Captain," he says, now right next to me. Right on cue. "You just need to let him be for a while, he is not a pirate, you have to remember that." Isum says, understanding exactly why i'm angry. But why the hell does he understand the kid and i have no fucking clue what the hell is going through his mind. Fucking hell this is so goddamn frustrating. Why can't I solve this by killing someone? Or maybe torturing some deserving fuck? At least I would know what to do in those cases.

"How long?" I ask, i can't deal with this without having a clear plane in front of me, that's how i deal with shit. If there's a problem then there's a plan that goes with it to resolve it.

"I'm sorry Captain, I am not the one who decides that, you just have to wait for him to come to you."

"What if he doesn't ever come to me?" Isums face looked troubled and that bothered me.

"Well sir, i'm afraid I don't know, but we are nowhere near that. Give him a few weeks, if there's still nothing then go talk to him, but if you're serious about the boy than you should let him make his own decisions." Isum says and leaves to go let the crew know we are holding off on the ship for now.

Fucking hell, why do I want some brat to like me so damn bad anyway!? I've known the kid for a little less than a day. That's it, i might just be infatuated. He's damn gorgeous and good with a sword so of course i'm interested in him. I already know there are other people in the crew that would jump at the chance to get a piece of him so i'm not the only one. Ahg! But why the hell do I hate the idea of any of them touching him so damn much?

I go around the ship, letting people know what I had decided to do with the other ship. It was still pretty damn far off, you could barely see the skull and crossbones on the huge black flag, flying in the wind.

As soon as the ship comes into firing distance, everyone's on edge. They don't fire as they come closer, I see MacCarthy's fiery red hair come into view as they come next to the boat. He waves at me, I wave back, glad that we're still on good terms, not that it would have been a problem if we weren't, I wouldn't have hesitated to burn his ship down to the depths of the sea.

"Walker! So I see you're still alive! I thought for sure someone would have killed ya by now!" MacCarthy yells from his ship as it slows down next to us. I almost forgot what that Irish accent of his sounded like after four years.

"I could say the same about you, especially since the last time we saw each other someone tried to light your ass on fire!" I yell back, trying to get my voice over the sound of the waves crashing against the boat as we slow down as well. The waves may have been loud but his laugh still made it to my ears.

"So where are ya headed?"

"The Red Sea, I have some business with the merchants there."

"Do you mind if we tag along?" He yells back. The hell does want to do that for? There were just heading the opposite direction. "Our navigator was killed in our last battle, we won and burned down their ship but as ya can see were lost now and are gonna die out here if we don't find our way back someplace." This is a pin in the ass but if he owes me a favour... Well he's definitely a good person to have indebted to you, he may be annoying as fuck sometimes but he has a lot of useful connections.

"How much food you have left?" I ask wondering if they even have enough to make it where we're headed. We still have a month and a half to go and i don't know how much they had to begin with or how long they have been wondering.

"We have about two weeks worth of supplies." Shit.

"What if you rashen?" I ask.

"That is with us rationing, we've been just heading in a straight line towards the north star sins we lost our navigator, hoping we would hitt land soun. It's been two months since then." Shit, this is bad. If his men have been rationing that long then there just waiting for any excuse to attack our ship and steal our provisions.

"Ill talk to our navigator and see if he can find a place close by where you can stalk up." I yell back. The sooner I take care of that threat the better, I can't have another problem on my hands right now.

"Appreciate it Walker." I wave back to him instead of responding before going to find Jacques.

"Ah mon Capitene! Comen sa va? Still you look like shit." Asking me how I am then following up by telling me I look like shit, I'm not even surprised. I laugh a little at his comment.

"I'm doing about as well as someone who looks like shit can." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. "Im sure you noticed the company we have," I say looking out toward the boat next to us.

"Oui ses sure. Everyone has." He says looking towards it then back at me. "Alore? What are we doing?"

"We need to find a place close by so they can stalk up, there running low and I don't want us to have a conflict if we don't have to, they are good allies to have." He nods.

"Pas de probleme mon Capitene. I will see what I can do."

"Thank you Jacques, I know this is inconvenient but are options are limited at this point. I'll be back in less than an hour, I have to talk to the crew about the change of planes." I say patting him on the shoulder as I leave.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

Ok, calm down, just act like it's no big deal.

"I have to go help Hisato with the food, Captain's orders, so could you move over?" I say moving to the side, trying to squeeze past him without falling off the eg of the steps. He grabs me by the arm, the same place the captain had befor.

"Ah! What the hell?!" I say aggravated, looking where he is gripping. Unlike the captain though, he doesn't let go once he realizes he's hurting me.

"You should respect those who are more experience than you boy."He says in a threatening voice, his hand gripping me tighter. Why the hell does everyone want to break that arm in particular?

"You're hurting me, let go." I say with a serious tone trying to pull away, yet again his grip tightens, I let out a whimper and my eyes start to water. So much for being tough. His smile becomes wider, as if he enjoys watching my hurt reaction. He laughs in amusement while looking at me.

"Why don't you keep me company tonight?" Chills go up my spine and I know sheer terror is written on my face. I feel incredibly nauseous at those words. "Come on, i'll treat you right." He says, as he starts to pull me closer to him. His breath, I can smell it now, like rotting flesh. I hold my breath. Oh god, I really am going to vomit. I need him to stop coming closer, I need to get away from him, now. I try to push him away but he grabs my other arm. No, I am not letting this happen. I knee him in the gut. He looks surprised as he lets go of one of my arms to grab where I had just landed a blow. He looked up at me and had fury in his eyes. Shit, this is where I die.

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