Chapter 29 Heavy Steel

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***Sorry about not being able to update last week, my classes got a bit crazy but luckily I found a bit of time to be able to write this out for this week. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, leave a comment and vote if you get the chance. I'll see you guys next week, hopefully. (*'∀`)***

This was bad, this was very bad. I could see that the captain was torne too, trying to figure out his next course of action.

"If you don't remove your blade from my neck I will order them to fire." He said calmly. He knew he had the upper hand, there was no doubt about that. The problem was though that the captain had a reputation to uphold, especially with his crew. However he also knew that there was a gun being pointed at his head, which in this this case was multiple cannons pointed at the one plank of wood keeping approximately thirty people above water. Thirty people whose lives he was responsible for.

I could see it in the captains eyes, the conflicting decisions running through his head. I wanted to do something, I hated that this always seemed to be the cause, me being used as leverage, every damn time, and not being able to do shit about it. It's not even just since I got on this boat but my entire life has been like this.

My mom agreeing to go with my dad so that she could give me a good future. My supposed family members wanting to kill me to use my death as a way to get one step closer to the throne. My father using me as a an empty vessel for him to mold the way he wanted to carry his legacy. And now this, with the captain, whatever it is that we are... or were, is being used against him.

My fists tightened at my sides, my nails digging into my skin because of it. What happened next was a bit of a blur but I have a feeling that Isum hadn't really been trying to hold onto me with that much force for a while now, because next thing I knew I heard the crack of bone hitting bone. I had punched him, right in the face, the guy was focusing so much of his attention on the captain that he didn't see my fist flying at him in time.

I think everyone was caught off guard, even myself. However the captain did not waste the opportunity and hit his foot to the ground twice, this obviously being some kind of signal since the next second our own canons below deck were visible to the enemy and ready to fire.

My heart was pounding loud and fast, I could hear my own pulse ringing in my ears. My hand was completely numb. I was out of it, staring at the man that I had just knocked onto his ass. I knew what was going on but it was like everything in the background was moving in slow motion and it was taking my mind a second to catch up from what I had just done. His once white suite was now stained red and had a brown streak across it where he made contact with the ground. My mind was still catching up but I think his was too. I don't think either of us saw the punch I threw coming.

I felt something cold and metallic touch my right hand. I looked to see isum was holding out a sword for me to hold. I took it from him, giving him a little nod as a thank you. He had a serious expression. I knew why, this was clearly going to be a fight, a dangerous one. I was scared but, somehow that didn't bother me. Isum had helped me gain strength and I had been practicing on my own time when I could. I probably could have used more practice but I guess there's no better practice than fighting for your life, and the lives of the crew.

The moment I took the cold steal into my hand the heaviness of the weapon was something I noticed more than anything. It was balanced and just like any of the other weapons on the boat. However it just felt so much heavier, like I was discovering the true weight of it for the very first time. I took a moment, breathed, and tighten my grip on it before pointing it at the man whose face was now contorted in fury as he stood up for where I had knocked him.

"What are you doing? Do you really  think that you're going to do anything?" his words were condescending, he was surprisingly confident that I wouldn't be able to kill him despite having just knocked him on his ass.

"I think we might both be surprised of what I'm capable of." I thought I knew myself, but I wonder if any of us can truly ever know ourselves. I could never have seen my self punching someone like that before, and yet I did it. For the first time I was almost scared of myself, scared of what I could do, and scared of what I might have to live with as a result of it. He had no weapon, so I could have easily cut him down. However I think that Isum and the captain have rubbed off on me, I couldn't bring myself to do anything to him while he was unarmed.

It felt like minutes had passed between the punch and now however in reality it was more like a few seconds.

No one was firing there canons because each boat knew that there would be no winners in that fight, they would just both end up on the bottom of the ocean floor. Instead they were getting on ropes and swinging to the ship to fight on deck. Some of our crew swung over to there boat and vice versa.

Isum was the first to head over there to start cutting their ropes, I had a feeling that what he was doing went beyond just not wanting them to be able to get onto our boat, but more about them not having a way to escape their boate. Things were going to start escalating at an accelerated rate now, I could feel it. This was going to be bloody.

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