Chapter 21 Tainted

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***So would you look at that, one week later just like I said. I'm doing pretty good huh? Anyway I just wanted to worn you guys that this chapter is a bit intense, plz don't kill me 😅 I'll be uploading the next chapter around the same time next week. Leave a vote and a comment if you get the chance, I'd love to hear your opinions. Enjoy the chapter. (^_^)***

My breathing was completely erratic. As I thrashed around the arm around me tightened. My own arms being pinned down by the one around my body. I tried to scream but with all the noise and partying going on above deck and me only being able to get, at best, a loud mumble out, there was no one that anyone could hear me.

Suddenly my vision went black as it was covered by a cloth from behind and was tied tightly around my head. Then same thing happend with my mouth and a cloth was shoved into it, filling my mouth with an earthy and salty taste from the rough cloth. This was soon followed by another cloth tied over it, the roughness of it pulling against the sides of my mouth and  pushing the cloth that was already in my mouth, just that much further back. All this done to keep me from spitting out the thing that was now muffling my voice almost completely. I heard more than one pair of heavy footsteps hitting against the creaky wooden floors around me. This wasn't just one person.

I was shaking, I was so terrified.

I managed to get one arm free and I aimed in random directions trying to hit, scratch or do anything to the people that were doing this to me. I felt my nails dig into the person behind me and scratch them, which was expectedly then followed by me getting punched in the gut by someone in front of me. The pain surged through my body from the point of impact just below my ribcage. I started to sweat and I wanted to throw up, but for obvious reasons I couldn't. I could feel my body start to go limp from the impact and although I couldn't see I knew I was starting to lose consciousness. I tried so damn hard to stay conscious, but I couldn't despite desperately wanting to. The darkness that I was already experiencing was then coupled with the sounds of the world fading into nothing along with the rest of my senses.

My senses started to slowly come back to me despite still being in darkness as I came too, I don't think it was that much longer because I could hear the sounds of the party still going on while I was lying down on something solid but covered with some kind of fabric. As my senses started to all come back I soon realized that I had no shirt on and my arms were tied together, attached to something as I tried to pull on them. The same went for my legs, however they were tied while spread. At this and the realization that I only had my undergarments on, my entire body started to shake again uncontrollably. I screamed, but that damn gag was still in my mouth so I barely made any sound at all. I could hear snickering at my clear panic and inaudible whispering.

I then flinched and started to thrash again suddenly feeling a  foreign hand on my stomach and slide up my torso. I felt nauseous and dirty. This was nothing like the way that I felt when the captain touched me. It felt so wrong and I just wanted to slice off the piece of skin that this person had touched. He wouldn't stop. All I heard were snickers and whispers as a second hand was placed on me and moved to my nipples. I could feel how dirty these hands were from the grainy texture against my skin. I wanted to die. I wanted this to stop so bad. This was so disgusting. I've never hated anything more in my life. I started to cry, my tears getting soaked up into the blindfold, the air making it cold against my face.

Kill me. I want to die. Please. I want it to stop. Why won't it stop? Just please make everything stop.

The hands started to wander south and I felt the disgusting slime of a tongue touch my body, leaving a cold wet trail. Everything started to tune out and I started to disappear, going limp at the realization that I could do nothing.

I don't know how much time passed but I started to hear yelling and the sounds of bodies dropping but it sounded so far away. It sounded like it was a million miles away while muffled, and yet, it also sounds like it was right next to me. I felt something splatter onto me, some kind of liquid but I wasn't sure what it was. I still felt so far away from everything, and my body still remained limp. I was tuning in and out of everything as it happened.

At one point I could feel someone's presence as they were trying to talk to me, but I didn't know what they were saying or who they were. The next moment I found myself untied and in someone's arms. Then I found myself lying down on something soft and warm. I felt something like a hot cloth, washing something off of my body. It somehow felt gentle, nothing like what I felt before. The hands doing this definitely belong to someone else.

Time passed, though I don't know how much. I think I may have fallen asleep at one point because when I came too  I could no longer here the party going on above deck and I could see light coming down through the cracks of the ceiling below deck. I didn't say anything, or look around, I just lied there, looking at the small rays of light peeking through those cracks. Weather I lied there staring at those rays of light for five minutes or an hour, I honestly couldn't tell. My sense of reality was so distorted.

Eventually though, I just started to cry, tears streamed down and fell onto the pillow under my head as my chin started to quiver. I bit my bottom lip to keep my crying from getting too loud, just barely letting any sounds escape. Why did this happen? What did I do?

I felt so dirty, I just wanted to skin myself. I felt nauseous, I was going to throw up.  I turned my head and lifted my body just enough so that I threw up onto the floor rather than the bed that I was on. My entire body was shaking, both from fear, sadness, anger, and just feeling sick in general. Even though I had just woken up from having slept I felt exhausted still, as if my body could never and would never feel energized ever again. As if just breathing was difficult.

As my head hung over the bed from having just thrown up, I looked up slightly to realize that I didn't recognize this room. This sense of horror set into my stomach and I found myself throwing up again. I was not on my ship. I was still not safe.

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