Chapter 4 Blood and Whisky

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Sebastian's P.O.V.

He's licking my arm, why is he licking my arm? Why the hell is he licking my arm!?

I suddenly realize that I had dropped the belt on the ground, my mouth was open probably looking like an idiot.

"Tastes sweet." He says looking up at me with a smirk on his face.

A knock comes to the door before I get a chance to say anything, not that I know what I would've said. I mean the guy just licked my fucking arm.

"Captain, Alan is waiting for you to discus the division of the loot." A bold voice sais from the other side of the door, an accent coupled it, one I did not recognize. Wait, hold on a second, he's the Captain?!

I think he saw my shock at hearing that because his grin grows a little before he lets go of my arm to get up and walk towards the door. When he does, a large man not quite as tall as the captain but almost the same height and more burly stood in the doorway.

He had curly black stubble on his face matching his dark as the night skin. On his head a scar starting somewhere in the back of his skull reached all the way to the middle of his right eyebrow. It was made easily visible by the complete lack of hair on his shiny head.

Though contrary to his burly stature and intimidating scar, this man seemed to radiate happiness with the gigantic smile he gave the captain. I realize I probably missed some of the conversation as I tune back into what they're saying.

"Ah yes, no problem capitan. I will take good care of the boy." The man sais still with a large smile on his face.

"Thank you Isum, there are some bandages in the nightstand." he sais pointing to the small table next to me. The captain leaves the room, not looking back at me as he does. Isum enters the room, closing the door behind him, and opens the night stand to find the bandages there. He sits down on the ground in front of me with his legs crossed fiddling with the bandages.

"So your the the boy ey, the captain must have felt bad for you, he has a soft spot for the young." I got a little angry at that, i'm not a kid, but come to think of it, he did keep calling me that.

"Is that why he keeps calling me kid? I'm seventeen though." I say, waiting to see if that's what they considered a kid. Isum laughs with a low joly tone as he starts to wrap the bandage around my wrist.

"Don't take offense my boy, he may call you kid but that doesn't mean he thinks you are one." I don't really understand, so I figure i'll mull it over later."Ah, i see you have a cut on your face as well." He sais with a frown, grabbing my face and running his thumb just below the cut I had forgotten about. His hand suddenly on my face surprised me. I have been on edge sins the captain said what he said and tried to do what he did. "I guess we will have to fix that too." He sais, letting go of my face and reaching for the whisky again. He didn't seem to have the same intentions as the captain but I still wanted to ask to be safe.

"Are you..." I trail off a bit, this man could probably kill me with one finger if I got him mad. He looks up at me while grabbing the cloth on the night stan, pouring whisky onto it.

"I'm sorry my boy, I didn't hear you." He sais, waiting for me to answer.

"The Captain... are you like him?" I ask with little to no confidence. Fucking hell, come on Sebastian, pull it together. He looked at me a little confused for a second then seemed to realize what I meant as a gentle smile crossed his face.

"Ah, I see, so he tryed with you after all." He sais, looking down where he was placing the bottle of whisky. I want to ask what he means but befor I do he continues to speak. "Not really, I prefer the women but men can be good sometimes to." Once again I feel confused, I didn't realize people could like so many different things when it came to this, I had never even heard of anyone other than a man and a women being in that kind of relationship.

"You are the same though, are you not?" His words surprise me, I felt like they came out of nowhere.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, completely at a loss. He lets out a small laugh and a sympathetic smile as he starts to dab the whisky soaked rag on my face. I clench my jaw and quickly suck in air between my teeth at the sudden stinging on my cheek.

"My boy, do you not realize that even though you are clearly hearing these things for the first time you are not in the least bit disturbed but rather intrigued." He sais, continuing to dab the rag on my open wound. It was strange, like I was realizing it for the first time but also always knew.

"I don't know." I say, staring blankly at the wall across from me, still trying to understand what I was feeling. I lifted my now bandaged right arm to grabbed a  wad of my shirt above my heart as I felt a tightness inside my chest. Isum, still holding that sympathetic smile, stood up from the ground and put one of his large hands on my shoulder. Making sure my eyes are in his line of sight before speaking.

"And you know what my boy? That's all right. Take your time figuring it out." He sais as he gives my shoulder a small squeeze before letting go. He stands up straight, towering over me looking down at my other wrist that had yet to be bandaged. "Now I see that one is not as bad as the other, but I think I should still-" He's cut off by the sound of intense shouting outside. He frowns deeply as he looks over to the doar. Something was obviously wrong.

***Hey, sorry this one is a little shorter but the last one was a little longer so I guess it evens out. Also let me know what you think of Isum, I really like him as a character and I hope you guys do too.***

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