Chapter 35 Another Captain

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***Sorry about this being a day late guys, I was babysitting my step siblings and didn't have time to post this (also I may or may not have just flat out forgotten) but anyway here it is and it's also pretty long too. Leave a comment and vote if you get the chance. See you next Friday~ (yes I do have another chapter ready for next week 😘)***

Captain Walker's P.O.V.

I got to thinking the first few days of sebastian finally being awake, he's seeming to make some progress in his healing. At least healing physically. Where he's at mentally, despite trying to hide it, was not doing so well. He couldn't sleep alone and was having recurring nightmares. I know that what he needs is something more than what I can offer. That used to piss me off, the fact that I couldn't be his answer to everything. But this isn't about me, it's about him. Which is why when Father Christopher offered to talk to sebastian I figured it was probably the best option.

Even if he said he didn't need any kind of spiritual forgiveness, I think that even just having someone with as much experience as Father Christopher does with talking to people who have done their fair share of illegal deeds would help. He himself even has a long list of illegal things he has done, of course that comes with the territory of having been a pirate. So I left Sebatian with father Christopher for the day, I had some shit I needed to take care of on my own anyway.

Isum was out buying food supplies with Hisato furthur in town. He was mostly just being used for muscle to carry the stuff but also to make sure Hisato didn't buy too much crap. The guy is a great cook but fuck does he ever like to go overboard when it comes to budget. I needed to talk to the woman that runs the bar here, Elaine, she has her hand on the pulse of the sea with all the people that come through here. People's lips generally get pretty loose after drinking so she usually end's up with a lot of high level information after asking a few strategic questions.

Me and her had made an agreement a long time ago, she had morals but she also wasn't against killing someone that threatened her. I essentially made it so that if I radead a cargo ship and any of the things that she had listed were on it (wich was mostly alcohol) I would keep it and bring it to her when I drop by the island. In exchange she gives me information when I need it.

I reached the old wooden door to the tavern and pushed it open. I entered the mildly empty place and headed over to the counter. Elaine gave me a smirk as she dried off a glass with a rag.

"You back for more?" I knew she was talking about the fact that I got wasted last time I was here, which was a few days ago now.

"No, besides I kind of need to save my money." She laughed at that, though I didn't really understand why.

"What are you talking about? You didn't even pay last time, get that friend of yours to come by and pay again if you really don't want to spend your own shit." That confused the hell out of me. Who was I drinking with? I don't really remember most of that night except for a few snippets.

"Who was I with?" I really couldn't remember and since Isum doesn't usually drink I didn't think it was him. As for the rest of the crew, usually I'm the one treating them and it's usually as a group, not just one on one.

"I don't know, some redhead with to much confidence for his own good. I was about to smack the guy for hitting on my girls and boys so damn much. They work here to serve drinks, not to be his personal fuck toy." My eyes widened and a confused expression showed on my face. There was no way... It couldn't have been McCarthy could it? I mean he didn't have a navigator, even if by some miracle he found the island there is no way that he could have gotten here at the same time as us without knowing exactly where he was going. Something was weird. If it really was McCarthy we were going to have to have a talk. I'll have to deal with that later for now though. I came to see Elain for a reason, there's some information I need.

"I don't really remember much of that night, but that's not why I'm here anyway. I need some information." She stopped cleaning the mug in her hand and set it down along with the rag. She looked directly into my eyes as if waiting for me to give her her payment already.

"I'll tell you what I need to know, and if you have information on it i'll get you your cargo and then you can tell me." She took out a cigar from underneath the counter and lit it before taking a drag and letting it out in my direction. Making cigars was something she did as a pass time, she could also sell the things for fucking crazy prices. The world of pirates really was made for her. She has a temper that everyone knows not to mess with and a mouth only an idiot would fight with.

"Alright, since we've done business together many times before, I trust you. But for the record, you better not get me or this island into shit with the british navy." My eyes widened and I got closer to the counter.

"What the fuck do you know and how the fuck do you know it." She suddenly had a knife in her had that had been hidden under her skirt and was pointing to my neck with it.

"Now now blood walker, don't be stupid. I'd rather not kill someone that brings me such good business." My eyes were like daggers and I didn't flinch at the blade hovering near my neck. Her eyes narrowed in an almost board way. "For fuck's sake you're so dramatic. Are you worried about being targeted by an entire country... or do you really care about that boy?" Shit, I knew was she was doing. She was trying to get information from me. I still don't know how she got her information but she clearly know a lot. This is a problem, ether we have a mole who told her or our problems are much bigger than that.

"No, I would just rather not get my ass full of all of england's bullets." I couldn't let her know about how I felt when it came to Sebastian, if I did she would know my weakness.

"Oh really now? So I guess it's fine if I steal him from you?" In an instant my attention was completely switched from Elaine to that fucking voice that I heard from behind me. There he was, that fucking bastard, standing in the doorway to the tavern so damn casually.

I think he could see the fury in my eyes because he started to back away. I was about ready to run him down right then and there. Thought I couldn't tell if I was more angry about his comment or he fact that there was clearly something shady going on with him. "Why don't I go find or little prince and see what he thinks of being under my protection. I mean you got him almost killed so I'm sure it wouldn't be a hard choice for him." With those smug words the little fuck walked out of the tavern and headed down the road. I went stomping after him.

"Oh no you fucking don't you little shit." I caught up to him near the church and grabbed his shoulder, yanking him to a halt. "You have some fucking explaining to do you bastard. I already know you have your co-capitan to fuck so don't make this about sebastian. How the fuck did you get here without a navigator? And don't you dare even think about lying to me because I dont give a fuck if your blood or not I'll slit you goddamn throat if I have to." My hand was gripping the front of his shirt now, and it took everything in me to not do more than that in that moment.

"Ouu, Captain Blood Walker, so scary." He was still being the little fuck that he always was, but right now I didn't have the time or patience for it.

"Fucking answer me McCarthy!" I think he could see I was serious from the fire in my eyes. His expression changed in response.

"Listen... everything's fine now right? What does it matter?" He was still trying to talk casually but he knew that he was cornered. I was about ready to break his jaw. He had a guilty look in his face that he was shit at hiding.

"McCarthy what the fuck did you do?" My grip on his shirt tightened to the point where I could feel the fibers starting to tear under my grip.

"Capitaine... and... McCarthy...? What's going on? What are you doing here?" I turned to see Sebastian standing holding his wound with one hand and the door to the church open with the other. I didn't want to worry him, he had enough to deal with. On the other hand though I also really wanted to punch McCarthys teeth out for betting around the bush. I don't know if I have enough self control to not kill him though.

One way or another, I was going to find out what this bastard had done to get that guilty look on his face.

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