Chapter 36 Stained Wood

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***I know you guys are probably worried that I'm sick or something since this is the second week in a row that I actually post a chapter. I don't know what to tell you guys, somehow I had a burst of inspiration. Hopefully I can keep up this streak. Anyway hope you guys enjoy the chapter, vote and comment if you guys get the chance, you know I always love hearing from you. 😘***

Sebastian's P.O.V.

Hearing the commotion outside I got up from the pew to go see what was going on. Was that really McCarthy's voice? Or was I just losing my mind? To be honest though me losing my mind wasn't all that unrealistic considering all the shit that has gone down lately. However when I did open the church door I found that I had in fact not lost my mind just yet, though I wonder if it might have been better if that was the cais. I tried to hold in a wince at the sharp pain coming from my wound, my hand going to hold it instinctively. The captain looked furious, like was really ready to kill him.

"Capitaine... and... McCarthy? What's going on? What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but be confused, I mean how the hell did the guy get here? More than that when the hell did he get here? The captain looked over to me, seeming unsure of what he should do. A ping in my chest went off when I realized that I was getting in the way of whatever the hell it was that was going on. It wasn't my business and I didnt know the context. I wanted to say something to let him know that he could just ignore me and do whatever it was that he needed to do. Before I could figure out what words to say to convey that he tossed McCarthy on the ground with all his strength. McCarthy hit the ground hard with his back and skidded for a second, letting out a groan of pain as he hit the ground.

"Don't get up, don't move, don't fucking breath or I will slit your throat." The captain made eye contact with McCarthy as he spoke those words, he meant everything he said, and McCarthy understood that. His attention then turned from McCarthy to me. "Sebastian you should-"

"If you're about to tell me to leave so I don't see whatever it is you're going to do to him I'm going to be the one slitting your throat. I'm a man too you know." I didn't like feeling as if he was always trying to protect me. A while ago I would never have been able to say something like that. I was to nervous and naive to know where I stood. Things are different now though, as I'm here standing on the steps of this church. The captain and I are the same height. However even when I step off these steps, I know that that won't change. The captain seemed to be looking at me in a way that I wasn't used to, like he was... admiring something? His anger that he had towards McCarthy seemed to vanish completely, all his focus on me. Well this wasn't what I wanted ether, I was just annoyed that he felt like he had to stop what he was doing for my sake. Now I seem to have distracted him completely. McCarthy on the other hand had his eyes glued to the captain, giving off an expression I wasn't so sure I liked. Luckily when the captain noticed my gaze having shifted towards McCarthy his attention followed suite.

He bent down and grabbed McCarthy by the shirt and yanked him to his feet.

"No need to be so rough Captain." McCarthy said in an unnecessarily sexual tone, clearly trying to tease the captain. The captain however didn't give him the satisfaction of a reaction other than yanking him even harder down the road as he practically dragged the guy. He was heading down to the direction of the pierre and the taverne. He paused before continuing though and looked over his shoulder, his eyes meting mine.

"You can come if you want, but it might be boring for you..." To be honest I had my reasons for wanting to see this, I wanted to know what they were disputing about. More than anything though... I wanted to know if that snake was here with him. I had some unfinished business with the bastard.

"I have some things I want to ask him too." I didn't say anything more than that, mostly because I didn't want the captain to get involved. It had nothing to do with wanting to keep anything from him. I knew that he would be on my side if I explained things. It was more that I felt I could deal with this on my own. McCarthy turned his head when he heard what I had said, an expression of curiosity on his face. He clearly had no idea why I would have anything that I would want to ask of him. The captain's eyes looked away from me, seeming to accept my reasoning, though he didn't know what I wanted from McCarthy ether.

I followed him at my own pace, there was no way I would have been able to keep at his pace with his long and agitated srieds. He headed towards the tavern and bursted in through the front dores, still half dragging McClain. I followed in behind him unsure of why he just entered here. He didn't even pause when he came in and went straight for the counter, up to the lady working at the bar.

"I need to use your back room." He wasn't asking, that was for sure. But somehow that seemed to be because he knew she wouldn't refuse.

"What for?" She asked, completely unfazed by the fact that he had just dragged a man in here by the collar and continuing to wipe down the counter.

"To break him." She paused, leaning on the arm that she was just cleaning the bar with, looking over at McCarthy then back at the Capitain. Her facial expression may not have changed but the fact that her eyes were smiling was kind of terrifying.

"Don't leave any stains." Was all she said, looking at the capitain while saying the words but then shifting to McCarthy and sending him a smile that chilled to the bone. She then went back to cleaning the bar and the capitain said nothing as he immediately went through the back room. I went to pass the bar and follow him but a slender yet strong hand gripped my arm. My head spun quiqly to see the woman the captain had just spoken to reaching over the bar with her hand on me. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you little boy. The adults are having their play time." She was being condescending. I yanked my arm from her hand.

"The only kind of play that adult is doing, is with me. Now, if you don't mind I need to go supervise. You said no stains right?" I had gotten pretty sick of people treating me like a child that knows nothing. I wasn't going to let myself get pushed around anymore.

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