Chapter 46 Jelousea

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***So here's another chapter like I promised, also um, there's going to be another one next Friday too. I don't have an explanation for my sudden productivity but let's just not question it and enjoy it for however long it lasts. So yeah I hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll see you guys next week 😌***

For the first time I saw his expression go serious. "Ask your question's then Princy." I think at least to some degree he was understanding his situation, finally. There was still that underlying tone of superiority but I don't think that's something that ever goes away with him. I lightly brush the back of the blade against his ankle before speaking.

"The contract, I saw it, who gave it to you and why?" He cocked an eyebrow at me, for reasons I could not decipher at the time.

"So little princy could tell it was a contract but nothing else? Interesting." I turned the blade to the sharp side and pressed it lightly against his ankle.

"That didn't sound like an answer to my question." My voice was dark, but this was my mothers life we were talking about. I didn't want this to drag on, I just wanted to know what the hell it was he knew.

"Alright alright, I was hired, well, lots of people were hired I'm sure but I guess I just got lucky." He answered my question but that sickening grin of his made me think I should hurt him anyway, I held back though. I needed more information.

"What else? Who hired you, and what do you know about my mother?" He turned his head a bit, pausing and taking his sweet time to answer. He was testing my patience. Right before my frustration could boil over though he opened his mouth to answer. This pain in the ass, he really liked walking that tightrope.

"She's not dead don't worry..." There was a brief moment of relief and then...
"at least last I heard anyway." It all came rushing back, the weight on my chest and the pit in my stomach. Was he even going to be able to give me any useful information? This was starting to feel pointless. "If she's still alive I know where she is though, or rather, who she's with." I looked up at him, probably not hiding my anticipation very well. He smirked, clearly getting a kick out of jerking me around. "A cousin of yours, Joffrey or something, wants a more direct line to the throne blah-di-blah, royal bulshit, I'm sure you're familiar." He seemed bored while talking, but at least I had a name now.

This was the closest I'd gotten to knowing anything about what happened to my mother since I first fled from our attackers all those months ago. I felt something, it wasn't quite relief but, I felt like I finally had something to go off of. I could make progress with this. Joffry though, have I ever even met him? Figures the person that turned my life inside out is someone I don't even know. It's like when that assassin tried to kill me in my sleep when I was a kid, I didn't know him, I didn't know who sent him, but they knew me and wanted me dead.

"Did they give you a meeting place, or some way to contact them?" If I can figure out a way to get to them, then maybe I can get to my mom. Jamal smirked again.

"Asking the right questions now princy." He really seemed to like dragging things on.

"Great, then answer them."

"There's an address, it's in that contract you stole, that's where we were supposed to meet once we had sliced you into little bite sized pieces." I ignored the last bit of what he said, I knew he was saying that to provoke me. I pulled out the paper from the pocket I had shoved it into. I looked for numbers and sure enough found some. I then took a bit of time to translate the words around the numbers. Jamal yawned obnoxiously loud as I read, clearly trying to tell me I was taking a while. I ignored him.

Sure enough, I felt confident in confirming that it was what he said it was. I stashed away the contract back into my pocket. "Great well if you're finally done then perhaps you can untie me hm?" I sheathed my blade and turned towards the steps, I hear him make an exasperated sigh. I stop with one boot on the first step, not moving but looking towards him for a moment. I realized that there was something I still had no answers to.

"One last thing, why did you try to get me to kill the captain? I know that wasn't in the contract." After all if it was, the captain's name would have been there. I watched him turn his head to the side, a serious expression on his face again before scoffing.

"Doesn't matter now does it princy, you didn't do it in the end." My expression didn't change, I just brought the blade back up to his neck wordlessly. He tisked. "Your capitan stole something from me." I wasn't understanding so far but continued to listen. "My captain, he's the eccentric type, and an idiot. He gets fixed on things he can't have and ignores the things he can. Your captain, was an irritating fixation of his. Non stop 'Capitan Bloodwalker' this and 'Captain Bloodwalker' that. Like he was some sort of god. But hey, if he died, then he clearly wasn't as great as he thought. Just a man, a dead one." It was hard for me to listen to all that, especially how he spat the captain's title like it was something vile. I tried to pay attention though, and finally realized something.

"Were you... jealous?" His eyes snapped to me before he tried to brush it off by rolling his eyes.

"Princy has quite the imagination doesn't he?" Despite his words, I knew I was onto something.

"You wanted me to kill the captain so that McCarthy would stop talking about him because... you wanted him to be talking about you... you love him, hah, wow, of all things, that was the reason. It had nothing to do with me at all my god." I couldn't believe it, I thought he had some vendetta towards me or maybe he was just a bloodthirsty bastard that got off on manipulating people. In the end it was just jealous of all things, and not even jealousy towards me. I looked at Jamal now and for the first time, he seemed so small. He was just a guy, not a serpent creature from the depths of hell.

He tisked, clearly irritated that I figured out he had human feelings of all things. "Well hey, don't worry, if your captain is still alive you'll still have the opportunity to confess." His face turned to me with and expression of shock. "Don't worry, I'm sure the captain didn't kill him... yet." I was lying though my teeth but this was pay back. I may have spent a bit too much time enjoying it though because soon I heard footsteps, my stomach flipped and jamal was smirking once again.

"Looks like you ran out of time, Princy."

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