Chapter 33 The Beginning of The End

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***Sorry guys, I know this chapter has been a long time coming. I've been trying to figure out where I'm going with the story for a while, and it took some time for me to start narrowing down which direction I wanted it to go in. I think I have a foundation of what I want to do now though, granted with the amount of homework I have I'm basically busy every single day doing assignments. So the updates will be very slow, I'll probably only be able to update during ped days or holidays. But I will still be updating, hopefully you guys can understand. For now though enjoy the chapter, vote and comment if you guys get the time. I always love hearing your thoughts. ^_^***

I see a sliver of light peak though my eyelids as I try to open them. My mouth is dry and I feel as if I haven't eaten anything in days. Little did I know that's because I hadn't. Something felt strange, it was hard to explain. It was a familiar yet unexpected feeling. There was a long while of me not moving and simply trying to identify the feeling. Then I realized what it was, there was no rocking. The ground was completely unmoving. Not only that but I couldn't hear the sound of a single wave crashing against the side of the boat.

When I tried to get up though I found myself being unable to move as a pain shot up from my abdomen. I winced, my hand instinctively going to where the pain was coming from. It took me some time to realize but I had no shirt on, however I was under a blanket. My hand hovered and landed on material that was placed over where the pain was coming from. I realized then, I was stabbed. As if being teleported back in time for just that moment, the event played out in my head. I remembered  being provoked. The blood. The sound of his body hitting the ocean. Falling back. Warmth. Then darkness.

There was a heavy pit in my throat that sat almost like lead in my stomach. I had killed someone. I tried to remember whether my hand let go because of him stabbing me or if I did it on purpose. Was it a mix of the two? My mind began rehaling, replaying it in my head over and over again. Eventually I just started crying. The tears just kept falling and I didn't even try to silence the loud sobs.

I didn't know at the time but Jacque was in the other room and had heard me wake up, immediately going to get the captain. So after twenty minutes of me sobbing without any indication of the tears stopping the door opened and the Captain came in, his expression immediately turning to one of deep concern. My tears only stopped long enough for me to breathe and look at the captain before they continued again. I think he was worried at first that I was in physical pain but realized that that wasn't why I was crying.

My vision was blurred by the tears but I soon found myself enveloped in a warmth. It hurt slightly from the still unhealed wound, but I didn't care. My hands grabbed wads of his shirt as I clung onto the hug. I wasn't just sobbing anymore, the crying was violent and seemed to be only getting owrs.

"I-I c-can't k-eep d-doing th-is." Trying to speak and breath in that moment wasn't easy. I felt the captain hug me a little tighter, as I heard him take in a breath.

"Yea... I know Sebastian..." His words were laced with a saddened understanding that I hadn't heard from him before. This gutrenching pain, I could no longer contain it. It came out in my cries. The tears turn to screams until my voice could no longer produce sound, but my cries still went on. Time moved despite my pain, soon the sun was setting. I was tired, the kind of tired you can only get to after experiencing an amount of emotional pain people almost never live in there lifetime. I would never wish this feeling on even my biggest enemy.

I think in that moment, both I and the captain had realized something. This could not go on happening. I know more of my strengths now, however the life of a pirate, it's not for me. I think that even though I had never brought it to the front of my conscious mind, there was a fantasy in my mind. One where I found my mother and then went off to be with the captain on his ship. I know that I never wanted to be the king, but maybe that's not something I have a choice in. I don't believe in destiny, and I don't think our god really cares about what one random bastard prince dose. But I do believe in choice, and I think that I know now what I need to do.

I pulled my head off of the captain's shoulder, wiping away the half dried streams of tears. I lifted my eyes to meet his own emeralds. I had a kind of conviction in my eyes now that I had never had before.

"I know what I need to do, but I'm going to need your help." This was the beginning, the beginning of the end. However, like all ends, there is something new that will start after it. Something better.

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