Chapter 47 Bouncing Back

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***Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, feels good to be wrapping up loose ends. Hopefully sometime this year I can finally finish this goddamn book but I guess we'll have to wait and see what I'm able to accomplish. See you guys next time! ☺️***

This bastard, he knew, this was why he was taking so long to answer my damn questions. My body went tense as my eyes stayed glued on the opening up to the deck right above me. There was no guarantee that the footsteps were headed towards this ship though right? I tried to steady my breathing so I could listen more closely. They sounded like they were still on the dock. From behind, I heard Jamal snicker. Irritating guy. I was half holding my breath as I continued to try and listen to the footsteps.

"You know all I have to do is talk loud enough and they'll know I'm here." Jamal spoke louder than he needed to, his voice carried and it made me uneasy. I gritted my teeth as my head spun to glare at him.

"You do that and I'll cut your tongue out." I whispered through a clenched jaw. I was really starting to sound like the captain, granted the captain might have already done it buy now rather than just threatening it. Also he probably wouldn't be scared about the crew coming onto the boat... My eyes went back to the opening above the steps, my hand clutching the cold metal of my swords handle.

I was already sticky from the humidity but my unease right now was making that worse, at least I was shirtless. The footsteps came closer and I felt like my lungs were being rung of all their oxygen. It's ok, you're a good fighter, it sounds like it's just one person anyway, you're gonna be fine. The footsteps were definitely coming from the upper deck now. I readied my sword as the silhouette of a figure appeared at the opening.

"Sebastian?" That voice...

"McCarthy?" He came down the steps, seemingly limping as he did so. I moved aside so he could come down. I still kept myself on guard though, not putting way my sword. He looked over to Jamal who was still bound on the ground, and then back at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Looks like you guys were having fun." Both me and Jamal made a face of disgust at what he was suggesting. I knew he was just teasing but even still. My attention went somewhere else though as I noticed something. It was hard to see with how little light there was here but McCarthy's face looks like it took one hell of a beating. His lip was swollen and so was his cheek and jaw. I could only imagine what his body looked like under those clothes of his right now. The captain really didn't hold back much with him did he? Well he's alive so actually, I guess he did. I put my sword back into its sheath and walked past McCarthy.

"Anyway, he's all yours, I'm done with him." I heard McCarthy chuckle as I reach the steps.

"You really have changed quite a lot haven't you Sebastian?" Like I want to hear that from a guy who was trying to send me to my death.

"And you haven't changed at all." I said with a hint of irritation.

"Aw I'm hurt, my heart." I really have no idea how this guy bounces back so quickly. Even with a face that looks like it does right now he still manages to act like he did before he took that beating.

"Just take care of that guy there, if he causes me trouble again I'll kill him. So keep the leash short or I'll hang him buy it." He chuckled but he didn't protest to what I said. Jamal just sat there seeming displeased. He acted completely differently with McCarthy here. It made me wonder if when they were alone he was really just a normal guy. Either way I don't care enough to try and find out, I've gotten what I needed and our score has been settled.

"Sebastian, don't get kidnapped again yeah?" Yeah I didn't need to hear that from him either of all people. I just turned toward him and stuck up my middle finger.

"Bye." He chuckled at my response again, because of course he did. I walked up the steps and headed down the planck connecting the boat to the dock. The moment my foot hits the dock I felt like I could breathe again. I may have been acting indifferent but having to stay face like that, I don't know if it's something I will ever get used to needing to do.

Our boat was at the other end of the peer, I could see light emitting from the windows in the captain's quarters. It made me wonder if the captain was on bored or if it was just one of the crews brining on more supplies. Before I even finished my thought I found my feet already moving on their own. I wanted to see him right now, my chest was tight from the feeling. Why was it suddenly swelling so much? Was it because I had just seen Jamal and McCarthy and of all people? I don't know, I just wanted to see him.

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