Chapter 39 To The Horizon

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***Hello! Yes, I know, you all probably thought I was dead but no, here I am, with another chapter no less! As I'm sure you're aware school has started again and my ass had been thoroughly buried with work and school. As per usual I will continue to write this story, notoriously slow but non the less I will finish this thing if it's the last thing I do. Enjoy the chapter and plz no kill author sensei, he is trying. (°°)***

As he crouched down in front of me, wiping down my legs of stray water beads, my hand went to his damp hair. I played with it and he let me. How I had come to love this man so much I did not know. A tightness weld up inside me as my eyes watered slightly. I bit my bottom lip, thinking about how much I would miss him.

This journey taught me so much that I do not think I could have learned cooped up in that castle for the rest of my life. I'll never be the son my father wants me to be. Because even if I train my whole life, I will never be him. He wants me to be something no human can become, and that's another person. I twirled a piece of his hair around my finger, trying to ingrain the memory of how every strand felt against my hand. I felt a warm droplet fall onto the leg he had just dried. I hadn't realized it, but that water droplet had fallen from my eyes. The captain looked up at the sight of the water droplet and was greeted by a face struggling not to cry. He dropped the towel immediately and cupped my face, a worried expression on his brow.

"Hey what's wrong, does it hurt? Was it too much?" I laughed a bit through the tears as I tried to shove them back down.

"No that's not it, it's just, when I get back... I... I'm never... going to see you again." His frown deepened and he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him in response and clung onto him like my life depended on it. I never wanted to let go, I could have hugged him until the end of time.

"We both have responsibilities. I have my crew, and you have an entire country, and your mother." I clung onto him tighter. I haven't had a chance to think about my mother in a while, I still didn't know what had happened to her. For now though, I could only hope that she was fine and back at the castle. "The chances of us meting, they were small. But we did meat, and weather that was god or something elses doing, I'm grateful for it. We can't predict the future, we can only live where we are, and right now, I'm here with you." I was gripping his back tightly, the salt water of my eyes running down his shoulder. I gave myself a moment, his large hand rubbing my bare back in a comforting way. I took a breath and sat up on the bed. My hands that were once gripping his back slid down his arms to his hands. I looked down, playing with his large palms. My finger traced random designs against his rough callused hands.

"I don't want to marry a princes." I didn't look up as I spoke, my eyes still fixated on the swirls I was tracing into his palms.

"Then don't." His words were blunt, as if saying that it were something with so simple of an answer. I stopped tracing his palm and lift my eyes to look at him.

"But I'm supposed to provide an air to the throne for when I pass." No matter how much I would like to run away from my lineage it's in my blood. I know the core things I need to do, but I really do wish it could have been given to someone that would actually enjoy the throne.

"Then marry a princes." I wanted to hit my head against the wall. Again with the unhelpful answer.

"You're not helping you know that?" He just chuckles and smiles. He really likes to be cheeky at times when I need a serious answer.

"Sebastian, you are nowhere near needing to think about that right now. You're not even back in England and your father is not that old and as far as I know is in good health." I knew that I looked like I was sulking now, mostly because I knew he was right. I can't help but worry about these things now though. He caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead right where a frown I hadn't realized was there lied. I took a breath, just focusing on the warmth he emanated. "For now my prince, let's get dressed and get some food. I know you haven't eaten all day." He said as he handed me a clean shirt and pants. I hummed in response, taking the clothing and starting with the pants.

Just as me and the captain barely manage to get our pants on the door to our room swings open.

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