Chapter 22 Broken but Safe

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***So firstly I would just like to say thank you for being so patient, I know that the last chapter was a pretty intense cliffhanger. I saw that a lot of you were confused and wanted answers and trust me I wanted to give them to you but I had to stay strong and wait a week before posting the next chapter so you would have your answers... well, some of them anyway. Also next chapter will be told from Captain Walker's point of view and well... he's got some very interesting things in his chapter that I think that you guys will like... hopefully (';ω;'). Anyway without further adieu, enjoy the chapter. Drop a vote and a comment if you get the chance and I will see you guys at the same time next week( ).***

I was so tired and drained of energy that even though I felt this sense of panic I wasn't able to execute anything to even try to get out of this situation. I was definitely on the other boat. But who the hell brought me here? It couldn't have been Jamal could it? After all why the hell would he try to help me when he's literally trying to get me to kill the captain. Not only that but he has clearly shown that he doesn't give a damn about my life. So if it's not him then who the hell could it be, there's no one else on this boat that I really know. Could it be Captain McClain?  I guess that would be possible, he did seem to be fond of me when we first met. But even at that it was barely a conversation, hell I was basically being ignored within it even though they were talking about me right in front of me.

As I thought about these things though, something felt different, as if everything I was thinking were so distant and obsolete and pointless. It was like I almost didn't care, like I was on the verge of giving up. Hell, what was even the point of speculating? What matters anymore? What's the point of everything? What am I even striving for? If I just disappeared... Maybe it would be better for me and everyone else. I have no reason to go on. It's already been so hard to continue with everything that had happened, but with this on top of it, this might be my breaking point and I don't know if I can live with this. I don't even really remember more than just parts of what happened. I do remember certain things though so vividly... the feeling of rough dirt covered hands violating my body... touching me places...

I felt my nausea picking up again, those memories making me physically sick, my stomach contracting ending with me throwing up another time. I spat out some of the bile that was now burning my throat before I just let my body fall back onto the bed, not caring anymore.  As I lie down on my side, looking straight ahead of me at the wall, letting my eyes go out of focus, my mind wandered.

I thought about the captain, and how he had done perfectly fine before I suddenly fell into his life and how he would probably go back to being fine without me. I then thought about Isum, and how I was probably a burden to him since he always had to look out for me. My thoughts then went to my dad, he never really cared about me to begin with, I was always just a thing for him to mold into his ideal successor. Someone else could take the crown and I honestly wouldn't care. Besides, people had tried to kill me over the crown before, I would just finish what they tried but failed to do.

Then though, my mind went to my mom, I didn't know where she was, I didn't know if she was dead or alive and I didn't know if she was injured or suffering. I didn't even know if people new she was missing or just assumed that she had died in the attack. If that were the case, if people just assume she was dead and I was the only one that knew there was a possibility of her being alive,  then that would mean that if I died,  any possibility of her being rescued would die with me. I took in a deep shaky breath at that thought.

For her, for her I had to continue to live even if my existence ended up being a miserable one. It wouldn't be fair of me to just disappear and leave her suffering on her own. After everything she's going through and everything she's done to give me the best life possible,  I would be a disgrace of a son to just leave her like that in this world. I need to find strength, any strength that I could muster from anywhere, for her.

Just as I was thinking that though I could suddenly hear footsteps coming closer from outside the door, the sound of the boots clicking against the wood floors gradually getting louder as they approached. My first thought would have been to hide but there was not a whole lot of places to hide in this room, and leaving to hide wasn't exactly an option ether since the person would see me leave. So I had to just sit there, in fear, with vomit all over the floor. I sighed, not having enough energy to be petrified like before. At this point, I almost felt... numb, I guess would be the word. I just continued to lie there, staring at the wall until I heard the creak of the door being opened. I didn't even look. I didn't want to look, and at that point I just flat out couldn't look. Then though, I hear a voice that I can't help but react to.

"Hey um, how are you feeling Sebastian?" Captain Walker asked, concern in his voice. Probably not having notice the vomit on the floor just yet.

I didn't look up but I just started to cry, my hands covering my face as I do so. I heard the captain come closer and kneel next to the bed, not far from the vomit. He didn't say anything at first but I think that's mostly because he didn't know what to say. "I... I'm really sorry..." His words were full of so much pain, I hated that he was seeing me like this. However, I couldn't help it. I bit my lip to stop crying for a second and reached out my hand to grip onto his shirt, pulling on it a little.

"Lie down with me... please." I choked out, my voice cracking a little as I do so. I knew that I probably smell disgusting and I wouldn't have been surprised if he would have refused. However, this is Captain Walker we're talking about.

"Of course." He spoke in a quiet voice, as if scared to break me by not speaking soft enough. With the state I was in though, his fear was not unjustified.  Without hesitating the captain joined me on the bed, lying on his side as well, facing me, showing me a pained and worried expression that makes me want to cry all over again. Moments like this you really saw the difference in our sizes. Which if it wasn't him, might have scared me, especially in this moment. I shimmied over a bit and grabbed onto his shirt with both my hands. For a second I felt his arms, hovering around me, again him clearly not sure what to do but despite that, after a moment his large, warm arms found themselves around me.

He was hugging me close, and I felt safe, as if his arms themselves created a force field to protect me from all outside things. This seemed to be the only place that I felt safe, in his arms. Which I guess that kind of sounds strange but, when you're alone so far away from home and have gone through so much crap, to carry-on you need two things; a reason to carry-on and a place to feel safe. The place doesn't have to be a physical plane, but can be an object an activity or a person. For me, that seemed to be captain walker.

We lied there for hours, going between me falling asleep, waking up, crying, and repeating that cycle. I'd ask about why we were on another boat but I didn't have the energy. I trust the Captain. Wherever we might be, he is my safe place... he had to be... otherwise no where was safe.

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