Chapter 31 True Fear

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***That's right this mofo is still alive and kicking... sort of. Finally school is over for the semester so I should have more time to create chapters to help you waste your time. Anyway here's a chapter I wrote mostly in the library because my computer is broken and I need a new one... ok so actually I wont be able to post chapters until that gets fixed but I should have a new one in at least two weeks. But hey for now enjoy the chapter! leave a comment and a vote if ya get the chance, my mushy ass always appreciates it probably a little to much XD***

The fight wasn't one of the hardest ones I had been in, I had been in a lot more difficult situations. However this time Sebastian was also involved. As the ship started to get attacked I could see Sebastian had already decided on his opponent. As much as I wanted to rip that piece of shit apart I knew this was Sebastian's fight, I could not interfere. I let my anger and frustrations out on all the men that decided they wanted their last breath to be on my ship. I cut them down one by one, blood splatter covering the deck and my body more and more as the corpses piled up. Hisato was doing his flips and shit with his swords in his hands like a goddamn maniac. It's hard to believe the guy is in his fifties and still moves like a fucking eighteen year old. Again though that is why I hired the crazy mother fucker, he can fucking fight.

There numbers were dwindling now, I could see there only needing to be one more thing to push them over the edge to retreat. That thing would be there boss being taken out. I looked back over to sebastian who had the guy by the colar now. Holding him over the edge of the boat. To say I was surprised was an understatement, he really looked like he was about to kill him. The skittish and shy sebastian looked like he was really going to do it. I knew because I recognize those eyes, the eyes that a person has when they are fully prepared to kill. It’s unmistakable. However the mood was different too, sebastian didn't just abruptly become like that out of the blue, he must have said something to provoke him. Then suddenly I watched as Sebastian plunged his sword into his opponent. Then dropping him into the ocean. Something was wrong though. I watched in horror as Sebastian fell back and hit the ground. I could see blood.

"Sebastian!" I cried out his name, my voice going horas because of it, as I ran over to him. The crew members of the other ship had started retreating with there capitan having just been killed. My heart was pumping erratically as I fell to my knees and put my hands on Sebastian's face to try and keep him conscious. Isum had gotten back to the boat for a while now and ran over when he saw Sebastian on the ground covered in blood. He quickly came over and got on his knees next to me, ripping his shirt off and putting it on sebastian's wound. I yelled for someone to get the doctor and instructed another person to get the boat to go as quickly as possible to the nearest land. The doctor did what they could and cleaned the wound with alcohol before chortorizing it by heating up a blade with a flame and placing it flat onto the huge cut. A least that would help keep him from bleeding out for now. Sebastian was so out of it he didn't even flinch as his skin was sizzled shut. I needed to get him somewhere where he can get more care than just what this ship has to offer. I wasn't going to lose him, no way in hell.

We weren't far from that particular island. We could run into some trouble there but at the very least there are quite a few doctors and there aren't any authorities that would bother us. I held Sebastian's head in my lap, seeing him out of it and losing consciousness quiqly. I'm never scared when I fight, fear of death or injury wasn't even something that crossed my mind anymore. However in that moment, I was fucking terrified. The thought of losing him created a kind of pain in my chest that made me subsequently unable to move or even think straight. However I still had to put up an appearance of at least being somewhat still in control.

I wasn't thinking about everything that had happened or even the fact that he was a prince. I was only thinking about him. I was only thinking about the guy that hugged a complete stranger just because he saw he was having a hard time. I was only thinking about the guy who despite being terrified still held his ground and tried to fight me. I was only thinking about the softness of his pale lips against mine as he started to discover himself. I was only thinking about Sebastian, this beautiful boy that I had fallen in love with.

I was not going let the damn gods have him, they didn't deserve him, not yet. I held his head a little closer to me, I could feel it, that feeling that wells up inside. It got caught in my throat, and I didn't let it get any further, I couldn't let it get any further.

We traveled for another few hours after that, our ship's doctor did the best that she could with the materials we had. However of course Sebastian wasn't the only one injured after that fight. And as much as I loved Sebastian I also cared about my other crew members deeply as well so I couldn't have our doctor focusing only on him, especially since there wasn't much els that she could do other than what she had already done.

The entire rest of the trip I just held him, not wanting to move him just incase it would worsen things. The hours that preceded felt like years. My breath would get hitched every time I thought he had stopped breathing and I would quickly check for a puls. I got Isum to grab my blanket from my quarters to cover him with to keep him from getting cold. It may have been hot but the wind was chilling. After what felt like an eternity I heard the words that I had been so anxiously waiting for.

"Land ho!" was called down form the upper mast, letting everyone know that we had finally arrived at the island. There was a sense of both relief and urgency that washed over me. Sebastian had survived thus far but that didn't mean he was going to be alright, after having seen so many injuries I knew how this kind of wound worked.

I told a few of the crew to go get one of the on island doctors to come to the boat immediately so that they could instruct us on what to do. Another set of excruciatingly long minutes passed once we had docked to wait for the doctor. When the doctor finally arrived they said that we could move him into there clinic but very carefully and instructed us on how to do so. Ower own doctor helped aswell, deciding to work as a second pair of experienced hands in anything the island doctor needed.

When we finally got to the doctor's clinic, we placed sebastian on one of the beds, very carefully and were asked to leave the room and let the two doctors do what they needed to do. So now I was just left sitting outside the door pacing anxiously, all the while threatening the gods under my breath not to take him from me. Isum stayed with me for a little but needed to go instruct the crew on what they needed to do while we were stopped on the island. Such as getting our supplies restocked and such, as well as our other injured crew members getting individual rooms at the in so that they could rest up properly. Before leaving to do all that though he gave my shoulder a squeeze, as a way to try and comfort me.

"He is a strong boy Sir, stronger than I think any of us realized." He left me with those words, words that I knew were true. However even the strongest men can be taken down by the smallest thing.

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