Chapter 16 The Voice of a Snake

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***It's finally done, the most painful chapter I've had to write so far. Writers block was a real bitch on this one, so sorry for it being a little later than I had anticipated, then again what else is new? I always post my chapters later than expected. Anyways enjoy, and sorry in advance because as much as I'd like to post the next chapter tomorrow it's probably going to be a few weeks. Drop a vote and a comment if you get the chance, it's always appreciated... Like honestly more than you realize. Ok now for real, enjoy. (^-^)***

I didn't even bother to hesitate and made the first move, flicking my wrist quickly. He blocked it but only just. The slightly surprised look that he had for that brief moment was priceless. I could tell that he wasn't expecting me to be that fast, especially sins he managed to get a sword without me stopping him. Mostly I think that despite me not wanting to kill, I still miss fighting.

Just the sound of two swords clashing got me giddy. I think that the caramel skinned boy on the other hand found this slightly less amusing as he made his next move with force. I felt that he swung the sword harder as it connected with my own blade, of course though that didn't matter sins all it takes is the right angle to send the blade off its course. I was making sure to keep my feet moving with the movement of my sword. The sound of the swords hitting each other resonated with familiarity. This wasn't the same as it was when I fought the captain. I was really enjoying myself this time. There was no panic or fear, just enjoyment. What had changed? What was different this time?

Our blades collided again and the boy didn't back down, charging up closer, his sword doing the same as it slided up my own blade until we found ourselves face to face, our swords making an ex, separating up. He had that devilish ear to ear grin again.

"I guess your not so bad after all," He then leaned in close and whispered into my ear. "Little prince." I felt a pit in my heart instantly form and for a while I forgot to breath. He chuckled as he pulled back to get a look at my face. I was barely even holding onto my sword at this point. My heart was racing or maybe it had stopped, I couldn't tell. I was terrified, this fear was all consuming and I knew that that fear was translated onto my face. The boy snickered as he examined my expression. "Where did all that fire suddenly go? You don't like to be called 'Little Prince'?" I gritted my teeth and griped my sword tight. This guy is messing with me. Does he expect me to beg? I'm not saying I won't it's just that I'd rather not if i don't have to. There's no way i can let him tell everyone on this ship about who I really am though. Not if i want to live to see tomorrow that is.

"What do you want?" I say through my teeth. He laughed again.

"Smart kid. Well it's nothing special really. I just want you to, you know, kill the captain." His tone was casual but the words he said struck through me like blade.

"You want me to what?!" I couldn't believe what I had just heard him say. He gave me a blank stare, seeming slightly annoyed.

"You heard what I said." His snake like voice cut deeper.
"I can't. No, I won't." I was firm with my words despite knowing that it would cause me problems.

"Then I guess you don't mind if i just head up right now and let the captain know exactly who it is that you are. Oh but I guess that's not so bad, it's not like the captain will be angry that you lied to him or that you just got on his boat to collect intel about the all powerful Pirate king, Captain Blood Walker." I knew he was doing this to get me to go along with what he wants but more than anything in that moment I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I was asking both about the fact that that was not what i was doing and also about what he had just called the captain.Though he conveniently ignored answering me about what he had just said about me apparently collecting intell.

"Oh, you didn't know your caring captain was known as the pirate king? Well maybe I should tell you a little story as to why that is. The captain once took out three pirate botes single handedly. Slaughtered all of the crew when he went into a rage, even going as far as to mutilate the bodies of his victims. In the end all three ships were lit a flame and he walked off the ship, his feet bare as he walked through the blanket of blood that covered the decks of the boats and dripped into the water. People say that the sea was never filled with so much blood. Apparently it looked as if the sea itself was the one that had bleed." His face contorted into an evil almost eerie smile as he spoke, as if he were talking about a ghost story.

Listening to this... Was difficult, I didn't know what to make of it or if it was even true. I mean this guy is trying to convince me that killing the captain is ok buy telling me this right? So it could be a lie couldn't it? I think he could tell that I was thinking hard, trying to understand what I had just been told. What did he expect though? This is a lot.

His expression went completely blank before speaking again. "You have until we reach shore. If you don't kill him by then i'll not only tell the captain about who you really are, but I'll make sure those guys that want your head are waiting for your little ass when we get there." His voice hissed. He really was like a snake in more ways than one.

I was scared, don't get me wrong, but something occurred to me. He never mentioned why he wanted the captain dead in the first place. Plus i still had no idea who this guy was so it's not like I could even make an educated guess as to what he could possibly gain from the captain's death.

"Why do you want the Captain dead so bad?" I ended up asking despite the situation I was in. I think I asked the right question though because for a moment I saw him falter. His snake like facade disappearing for a second, but only a second. I couldn't tell what kind of expression he made during that brief moment, but at least I had discovered something.

"That's my business little prince, yours is to kill the captain so I would get to it if I were you, unless of course you want to end up being thrown to the sharks buy the captain himself that is." His snake like demeanor had returned and he threw the sword back into the bucket with the others before turning on his heals and taking his leave.

Just before he exited though he seemed to feel the need to add on to his already heavy threat. "Don't go doing something stupid and going against me alright? I'll be keeping an eye on you." He said with an eerie smile before finally leaving.

As soon as he left I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding, my grip on my sword disappeared and it crashed to the ground. I took a moment to collect myself before trying to figure out what I was supposed to do. I mean I wasn't going to kill him, right?

The Pirate's Prince (ManXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now