Miz vs Randy Orton: Monday Night Raw

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We're hanging around backstage, when  Mike is approached by Randy Orton. He demands a match against him and well of course he accepts. The match was up next, so Mike got ready for the match against Randy Orton. We walked to the curtain and waited.

"We'll be there cheering you on. You got to beat Randy."

"Oh I plan on it."

His music starts and we walk out onto the stage.

"The following contest is set for onefall. Introducing first from Cleveland Ohio followed by Alex Riley and Carly, weighing 231 pounds, he is the United States Champion the Miz!"

We walk down the ramp, and up to the ring. Alex and I go up the stairs and he holds the ropes for me to get in the ring, then he gets in. Mike runs and jumps onto the ring and holds onto the ropes then gets in. Mike gives the ref his title belt and Money In The Bank briefcase and the ref hands it off to another person. We wait for Randy Orton to come out. Finally we hear the start of his music and he emerges from behind the curtain.

"Introducing 2nd from St. Louis Missouri, weighing 245 pounds Randy Orton!"

He slowly walks down the ramp and into the ring, goes to one of the turnbuckles stands on the ropes and puts his hands in the air and then a spotlight is put on him. He steps down, and the lights go back on, then the music fades. Alex and I get out of the ring to leave them to compete.

They start off in different corners, staring each other down, then moving around eachother. They lock up, and Orton pushes him into the corner. Mike pushes him back, and puts him in one of the corners.

"Yeah!" I yell from outside the ring.

The ref tells him to get away from him. As the ref is trying to push him away, he hits Randy in the head, then he kicks him, then punches him, then kicks him again. Once more he punches then kicks him. The ref tells him to back off. Mike lifts Randy up and throws him to run to the corner Alex and I are by. Randy bounces back and clotheslines him, knocking him down. I turn away, hearing Randy's arm connect with Mike.

Randy grabs his legs while he's down, and stomps his foot on his chest. We hear a sound of pain come out of Mike's mouth. Randy spins him around and does it again, looking right at us. Again we hear a sound of pain coming from Mike. Mike is rolling around on the mat, trying to regain his strength.

"Get up!" I scream.

"Come on man, get up!" Alex yells as well.

Orton walks around in a circle around Mike, then stomps on his forehead. Orton backs up, then heads in to jump up and land on him. Mike rolls out of the way just in time and Orton misses. Mike regains his stamina then goes back on the ropes and knees Orton in the head. He goes for the pin. One, two...and darn a kick out by Randy.

"Oh come on!" I yell in disbelief.

Mike gets up the kicks Randy in the chest. Randy rolls into the corner and Mike keeps kicking him in the chest, then holds his foot to Randy's throat. The ref again tells him to back off. Randy gets up, Mike grabs him and punches him in the head. He grabs him by the head and punches him again. He backs up, going for that move he does where he runs into his opponent through the ropes. But Randy gains the advantage and kicks him in the face, knocking him down.

"Get up!" I yell again, while hitting the mat.

Mike is under the ropes, Randy grabs his legs hoisting him up to drop him so his neck hits the bottom rope. Randy executes it but instead it was his face that hit the bottom rope. He rolls away and Randy follows. Randy gets up and backs away and runs towards him, jumps up and lands on him this time. Randy goes for the pin.

"No!" I yell.

Mike kicks out, thank god. He holds onto the ropes and Randy picks him up. He pulls him towards the ropes, and Mike stays there. Randy comes running and Mike gets knocked out of the ring. Alex and I walk around to make sure he's alright.

"Come on!" I yell.

"Get back in the ring!" Alex yells as well.

All of a sudden people are booing, we look over and we see Sheamus at the top of the ramp watching what's going on. Randy has Mike and he's hitting him and hitting him in the chest. Then he gets him in a headlock and Mike is fighting to get free.

"Come on!" Alex and I both scream.

Mike gets up with Randy still holding him in a headlock. He elbows him in the stomach, trying to have him let go of him. Suddenly he's free, and he stunned Orton for a few seconds. He gets up, and then kicks him in the face. He walks over to Orton and stomps on his chest like Orton did to him, but differently. He backs up as Orton sits up, then kicks him in the face again, knocking him down. He goes for the pin again.

"Come on." I say to myself.

Orton kicks out.

"No! Come on!" I yell.

Mike goes over and wraps his arm around Orton's neck, he tries to get free while standing up. Mike pulls the grip harder, keeping Orton from getting up and regaining strength. Orton gets up with Mike's arm still around his neck. He elbows Mike in the stomach to get free. He gets free and then punches Mike in the head. Mike responds to a kick in the gut. He grabs him and pulls him to send him going into the ropes. Randy counters and puts an arm around his neck and then does the backbreaker, but hurts himself in the process.

Randy goes to pick Mike up, Mike counters and sends Randy into the turnbuckle. There were a few close calls throughout the match. It came down to this, I knew it. Randy and Mike were on the mat, Mike on his knees and Randy was trying to get up. He goes to knock him out of the ring, but it backfires on him and Randy hits the RKO.

"No! No! No!" I yell.

It was too late, it was a 3 count. Randy won the match. Sheamus goes to run into the ring, but Randy gets into his viper position and Sheamus back off. Sheamus then leaves, and Randy leaves shortly after. Alex and I get into the ring and help Mike up. Alex gets the briefcase and belt from the ref and we help Mike walk out of the ring and up the ramp. We get backstage and I get ice for him.


"No problem, you should've won. But hey can't win them all."

"That's the truth. Thanks for being there tonight."

"What are friends for?"

"Yeah, well hey we gotta change so you should get out."

"Ha ha okay. See you outside the room."

I walk out and wait outside the room, while they change so we can go back to the hotel to rest for the night until NXT tomorrow night. After they were all set, they came out and we walked out of the arena to the car. I wanted to be in the front seat of the car, but Mike insisted that I sit in the back, because it looked like I was going to pass out sleeping any minute. I know why he said to sit in the back, so I would warm up to Alex more. I guess he was right because before I knew it I was sleeping, and when we got back to the hotel I woke up and my head was on Alex's shoulder. Well that's embarrassing ha ha. We walk in and go upstairs to our rooms. We say our goodnights and we walk into our rooms. After changing for bed, I instantly collapse on the bed and I was out like a light.

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