Magazine Cover Reveal

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But anyway it finally came time for Mike to go out to the ring to unveil what was under the black sheet. We went out to the ring during the commercial break and waited until we came back. His music played after the commercial break ended, with Aly and myself standing by his side.

"Good evening, my name is Mike Mizanin and I have no right to be here. At least that's what they told me six years ago when I first started. Afterall I was the lowest form of life on the planet, a reality television star."

That's when they cue the titantron showing him on the Real World.

"So cute even back then." Aly muttered to herself

"So it was no surprise that in order to break out in the WWE, I had to start at the bottom. I had to start in a competition where I was a competitor on tough enough."

They cut to a picture of him on tough enough.

"Still cute." Aly muttered to herself.

"Good looking guy huh? Oh yeah, I know. Now as a competitor on tough enough I started hearing the voices. The voices of superstars, the voices of so called legends, the voices of each and every one of you. Asking 'why are you here', 'Miz you shouldn't be here, you should go back to MTV'. Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? The fact is I refuse to leave, I refuse to cave into the pressure. So, I moved on. I did whatever I had to do to get a job here. So I became the host of Smackdown."

They cut to a picture of him hosting Smackdown.

"I'm going to say it again...still cute." Aly mutters.

"I know I could've done better than that, however the voices still got louder. Instead of asking me to leave, you were telling me to leave. You would sit there and say that I have no talent. There is no respect for you, Miz you don't belong. Each and every one of you would've refused. Each and every one of you...would've left. But I didn't, I stuck around and I formed a tag team with John Morrison. And I thought I made it, but no. Despite becoming tag team champions you all said that John Morrison was the star, I was just a sidekick. You said that I was riding John Morrison's coattails. And that if we split, I would be gone, I would vanish, I would fall into obscurity. But we did split and what happened? Huh? What happened? Anyone? Anyone at all know? I became the United States Champion. But that still wasn't good enough for you! You all called it a fluke! You all said that I would never rise to the next level! Then what happened? Huh? Then what happened? I'll give you a hint. I won Money In The Bank! I punched in my ticket to becoming a WWE Champion. So the man that didn't belong, the man that was shunned, the man that was ostracized, now can be looked at as the biggest star in this entire company! Which leads me to this."

He then walks over to where the black sheet was.

"Drum roll please." he says taking off the sheet revealing his WWE Magazine cover.

Aly and I clap.

"Wow!" she exclaims.

"My cover to the new WWE Magazine. Issues on stands now! You might be wondering why this is such a big deal. Because as a child, I bought every issue. I would put them in my bedroom and I would dream...I would dream of getting the cover of this magazine and now it has happened. So now that has happened, I want to hear it. I want to hear it from each and every one of you. I want to hear it from the kids, the men, the women, I want to hear it from every single person in this arena. I want you to stand up out of your seats. I want you to get up and do what you should've done a long time ago. I want you to admit that you were wrong!"

"That's right people, admit it!" Aly yells.

"All of you, you all were wrong! Each and every single one of you! I made it, I did it! I am the poster child, not Cena, not Orton, nobody besides me! You can't deny it, you can't hide from it. You all watching right now here and on TV have no choice but to admit the fact that you were wrong. Because I'm the Miz....and I have earned...earned the right to say I'm AWESOME!"

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