My First Real Kiss

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So here I am, relaxing in the lounge room backstage. I keep flashing back to the moment with Alex. I look over to the TV and see that NXT has ended. Oh boy, that means Alex and Mike would be coming in any minute. So I sit up, and try to look as calm as possible. I grab my computer and go back on it. After about 10 minutes, the door opens and in walks Mike and Alex.

"What up Carly?" Mike asks, closing the door behind him.

"Oh just on my computer again, as you can clearly see. Awesome show tonight though."

Then Alex leans down towards my ear and whispers.

"You were great out there tonight."

The whisper sent chills down my spine. I didn't know what to say to tell you the truth. I was stunned. I could feel him lingering there by my face for god knows how long.

"Hey Mike, I got to go make a phone call." Alex tells him.

Then he leans down again to my ear and whispers yet again.

"I'll be right back."

Now that sent even more chills down my spine. I could feel my face heating up like crazy. After he left, Mike came and sat down next to me.

"You blush anymore Carly, you'll look like a tomato." Mike teases.

"What? I'm not blushing."

"Carls, I can see it plain as day. Aren't you glad I hooked you up with that rookie challenge tonight?"

"Well, yeah. But why did you?"

"I know you like Alex."

"What? No I dont."

"I saw your expression when you walked back up the ramp Carly. You can't hide it from me."

"Alright, I've liked him since the first day I met him. But don't tell him, I want him to figure it out on his own, or well ask me himself or whatever."

"I wont Carls, don't worry."

"Good. Now let's go, I'm sure we have to be off to the next city."

"Wait, was that your first kiss out there?"

"Well besides kissing everyone else out there, with Alex it was my first, actual real kiss. My first ever kiss technically."

So we pack our things, and Alex eventually walks back in and packs his things and we're off to the next city for next week's episode of NXT. I got stuck on the plane in between Mike and Alex. I just kept my mind on my music and nothing else. I could sense Alex looking at me from time to time, but I just shook it off. He did actually look nice in regular clothes. Not that I'm saying he doesn't look nice in his wrestling attire, but he still looks nice. I suddenly get a call from one of my friends back home.


"Hey Angie, what's up?"

"Oh nothing much. What's this I hear about you kissing an Alex Riley?"

"Oh that, yeah see it was a NXT rookie contest."

"Yeah I know that, I saw it on TV. That's the guy you basically fell in love with when you first met him right?"

"Uh, yeah kind of."

"He's cute. You two would be so great together."

"Yeah well, we'll see what happens. Get this though, Miz set the whole thing up for me to be the judge of the contest. He knows about me, and the whole situation."


"The expression on my face when I left the ring tonight.."

"Oh, I see. Well good luck dealing with all that. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah sure."

"Alright. Bye!"


"So you know that Mike set you up with the contest tonight huh?" Alex asks out of the blue.

"Oh yeah, he told me. I kind of thanked him for it."

"Any particular reason?"

"No not really."

Alex just looks away with a look on his face that says "yeah right". It was going to be a few more hours till we landed in the next city for NXT next week. So I put my music back on and fell asleep, hoping that sleeping would speed up the flying process.

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