Stalker Free Vacation...Or So We Thought

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I take out my phone then and decide to go video searching on YouTube. I go to WWEFanNation, which I've subscribed to on YouTube and go through the videos they have. There were a few from Raw, just highlights and then some old videos from Smackdown. I see 'Grooming Tips With Dashing Cody Rhodes' and I think the videos are hilarious at times so I go to a random one and it plays.

"There's nothing more gross than stinky, yellow, nasty earwax. My name is Dashing Cody Rhodes, and I'm here to show you that you too can be Dashing. In order to remove such an unsightly substance, use a cotton swab. You want to gently place it in your ear, move it around in a nice circular motion. Don't stick it in too far, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself..."

That's when I crack up and pause the video. I'm sitting there on the plane just laughing and cover my face with one of my hands.

"What's so funny?" Alex asks.

"This..." I say rewinding back to what Cody said.

"That's what she said!" I exclaim laughing.

Alex joins in with the laughter.

"Windy was right about that perverted mind of yours CareBear."

"Oh shush, we all have perverted minds."

"Yours is pretty bad though." He laughs.

"Uh huh, sure it is. How is it that bad?"

"If you can outdo Windy, then that says something." He snickers.

"What can I say? The people I grew up with before I met Mike contributed to that, they corrupted me as they would say. Believe me, I'm not that bad as I was in high school. Back then, everything that was said and it would have an alternate meaning, I would point out that alternate and perverted meaning." I explain.

I leave YouTube and go onto my Twitter and update. 'On a plane to Florida with the most awesome boyfriend ever'. That's when I sneak in a picture and post it with the tweet and I'm laughing because it's a dorky picture.

"What's funny now?" He asks.

"Check your twitter." I say still laughing a bit.

"Oookay." He glances at me warily before doing so.

He checks his twitter and sees a tweet directed towards him and he goes to the picture link.


"Got you. Haha."

"No fair." He pouts.

"I'm sneaky like that." I smile all innocently.

"You just wait...I'll get you." He says with a sly grin, digging his fingers into my sides.

I yelp and instantly cover my mouth with both my hands, silently laughing. He returns the laughing.

"No poking without consent." I joke.

"And that's supposed to stop me?" He chuckles.

"Well I can see that it's not going to." I say seeing out of the corner of my eye, reaching for me again.

"You got that right." He grins.

"I'm well aware of what you're going to do, I can grab that hand of yours you know, and prevent you from doing that."

"Think fast!" He lunges over playfully.

"Eep!" I say trying to cover any part of me that he could possible laughing.

He gets me anyway, poking while laughing. But we're stopped by my phone ringing, and I look at it seeing that it's Aly.

"Saved by the ring. Hello?" I say into the phone after answering.

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