Taking A Detour

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The next day we had to fly right out, but we were surprised when we weren't in the right city.

"Uh Mike? Why are we in LA?"

"I've decided that we should spend the rest of the week here in LA in my condo. We can fly right out Sunday night to head to the right city for Raw, NXT Finale and Superstars if you want to appear on it again."

"I never knew that you had a condo in Hollywood Mike. What else have you been keeping from me?" I ask.

"Nothing, that's all."

"Uh huh sure."

We land in Hollywood and get a cab and head to his condo. We pull up and grab our things and head inside.

"Welcome to my Hollywood condo."

"Wow, Mike this is amazing!" I exclaim.

"I've seen this before. WWE did a little cribs thing on this place. Remember that Mike?" Aly asks.

"Oh yeah! Good times."

"That reminds me..." Aly trails off.

She then walks through the room and into the room where all his stuff is. Then she spots it, the Fedora hat that she loves. She grabs it and walks out where we are with it.

"Look what I found." she says walking out wearing it.

"What are you doing with my fedora?" Mike asks.

"I stole it...I like it... Looks better on me anyway." Aly says grinning mischievously.

Mike has the most funniest look on his face. Alex looks at him and just cracks up at the mere sight.

"Look at his face, ahahaha." Alex says while laughing.

"Well Aly, I beg to differ." Mike says walking over to her and taking the fedora, then placing it on his own head.

"It looks way better on me."

Aly raises her eyebrows.

"Nope." then she steals it back.

"I'm sorry, but it's true." Mike takes it back again.

"Ha ha, you wish." She laughs, stealing it again.

"This could go on all night you know." She says joking.

"Good, keeps us occupied." Mike says stealing the hat back.

"I think this will go on all night." I say to Alex.

"I believe that too."

"If I didn't know any better, I swear that they were flirting with each other." I state.

"Maybe, who knows." Alex says back.

"It's obvious, I mean come on we know she likes him. But hey I have an idea."

I go into my bag and grab my ipod, scroll through the songs and finally pick one that seems good. I plug it into the ipod docking station that I have and press play. The song that plays just happens to be my entrance song haha, go figure. Mike and Aly look at me weird.

"What? We gotta start our own party. And I happen to love this song. We can have our own little party before we head onto the plane Sunday."

"Oh would you look at that, I love this song." I say out loud.

"Well obviously since it's your theme music." Aly says to me.

"Shut up Aly and dance to it with me." I say back

We start dancing like we used to do all the time before we went on our separate ways, since I moved and whatnot. Then all of a sudden Alex and Mike jump in. Alex was dancing normally like us, but Mike was doing the most dorkiest dance ever. Oh jeez, I remember that dance, way too well. He is not doing that again is he? I pay close attention and indeed he was doing that dance again, except it was to the beat of the song. Aly keeps dancing and is just like cracking up, I'm assuming she remembers the dorky dancing too. As soon as the song was over, another upbeat song started and we had our own little dance party. At one point it ended up being Mike dancing behind Aly and Alex dancing behind me. After a few hours of like nonstop dancing, I collapsed on the couch.

"That was fun. Tiring, but fun. That dance was hilarious Mike. You still remember when you danced that for Extreme Expose? That was funny, seen it on YouTube a lot." I say, relaxing on the couch.

Aly and sitting in the chair with Mike, looking like she's ready to pass out.

"Trying to steal the fedora away from me again huh Mike?" Aly aks.

"Like you said, it could go on all night."

"That is true, but I don't know how much longer I can last being awake. All that dancing and only a few hours of sleep, really wear you down."

"You can go to sleep you know, it's okay I don't mind. You do need your rest." Mike explained.

Awe, that's sweet.

"Yeah, sleep sounds good right now."

She then leans her head on his shoulder and in minutes she's asleep.

"Awe, would you look at that. That's sweet." I say teasing Mike.

"Hey she's tired." Mike says back.

"Yeah I know, but you two look cute together. I know you like her Mike, it's all in the way you look at her whenever you see her."

"You saw nothing." he says back.

"Uh huh sure. I see everything with my own 2 eyes. Don't deny it Mike."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You do Mike, you do."

At the end of the night, well I should say the middle of the night, we all ended up falling asleep. I wake up from myself sleeping and look over at Mike and Aly. He's sound asleep with her in his arms and his head leaned against hers on his shoulder. I smile to myself and say that's sweet. But the thing is, I always thought that sleeping in chairs was uncomfortable. I guess I'm wrong. I get up and go into the kitchen to get a drink, then walk back out to the living room and lay on Alex. Now I only lay on him, is because that's basically the only way you can fit. With Alex, that's the only way I can sleep because he takes up the couch so I can't sleep next to him. Normally you can squeeze next to someone on the couch, but not in this case. Boy I'm probably going to have a sore neck in the morning, that's what I get for falling asleep on a couch. I was comfortable, so I didn't want to move. Aly and Mike looked comfortable in the chair so I didn't bother waking either one of them up. So I closed my eyes and went back to sleep, hopefully to dream about Alex. But I don't know why, because I have him right there with me.

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